Chapter 50
"I told you Kenyan dishes are amazing" Jungkook boasted to the rest.
So he was the one who instigated all this. Now I get where the idea came from. Jungkook was a stubborn person who always got what he wanted. I would have said no, but then I remembered, I was yet to tell him everything. So I preferred to do this one thing that would make him happy for now. I started sorting the ingredients while Yoongi and Jin watched my every move. They wanted to learn and try it themselves. I can't believe I'm about to cook for them. I felt like I was in an episode of Run BTS.
"What are you cooking today?" Jungkook asked his large eyes trying to figure out what the ingredients would make.
"I'll make some traditional dishes as usual," I said
"Hyung, you must be delighted she can cook for you delicious food any time," Jungkook told Namjoon.
He didn't mean any detriment by the statement. He was jealous he didn't get to eat my cooking every day.
" How about, rice, beef curry, Mukimo, and chips masala?" I asked
They all nodded their heads in excitement. Occasionally, I forget they are grown men.
" Since everyone agrees, let's begin"
Since I moved to Korea, my parents knew I would be homesick. So they did what any parent would do, send me ingredients to cook local food from my hometown. At least when I ate I felt so much better. I had everything I needed to make any type of food. All the ingredients were in Namjoon's fridge as I practically lived here.
I started with the Mukimo which would take longer to make. The maize and beans were already in different bags. I measured, mixed, and washed before I added water and left it to boil.
" Jin, please help me with the rice"
Jin who sat next to Yoongi on the kitchen island watching, moved next to me to help with the rice.
" Avah, why don't you make some samosas the guys haven't tried" Namjoon requested " Besides Jungkook has been teasing them throughout on how delicious they taste"
" You guys don't mind staying here longer?" I asked as I cut the beef into pieces.
" No, we have nowhere to go," said an excited Taeyhung.
We burst out laughing because we knew they were not leaving until they ate. This was more like a Suchwita episode or a run BTS challenge. As I continued cooking, they all stood around me. The rice was done, together with the beef curry. Next was the Mukimo. I assembled everything and started mushing.
" So what is this Mukimo?" Asked Yoongi.
Yoongi was the most curious about the food assembly and its history. The rest didn't care as long as it was delicious.
" The Kikuyu tribe in my country cook this. It's a traditional dish that dates back to ancient times. It's easy to cook. This was given mostly to the men. Because it's filled with carbohydrates, it was good for people who work hard jobs that require a lot of energy" I explained as I continued mushing.
" I have researched more about the food in your country and I noticed most of them are high in carbohydrates," said Yoongi
" It's nice you wanted to learn more. Yes most of them are, because when they were invented, people needed the energy. My ancestors were hunters, gatherers, farmers, soldiers, and traders and all these jobs required a lot of energy. Hence the food "
" Makes a lot of sense" interjected Namjoon.
Once the Mukimo was ready I jumped into the next thing, samosas, the highlight of the night. I didn't understand why they liked it so much. It's just a snack. I delegated Yoongi to peel the potatoes with the help of Jin. They were reliable from what I could see.
I didn't mean the rest were useless. I just needed someone to do it quickly since it was late at night. I quickly made the dough, cooked some minced meat, and started the process of making samosas.
" Are you done?" I asked Jin and Yoongi.
" Yes, what else can we do?" Asked Jin
" Please fry this in the hot oil right there"
As they fried the potatoes, I finished making samosa pockets and putting the necessary ingredients inside. By the time they were done making fries, I was done with the samosas, all that was left was frying them and we would be done. Since samosas are snacks I put them aside and dealt with fries done by Jin and Yoongi.
I added the necessary spices and I was done. The last item on my to-do list was frying the samosas. This was the easiest part and I was done in minutes.
" Prepare the table babe"
Namjoon, Jimin, and Taeyhung started setting the table. I transferred all the food into serving bowls, which I gave Yoongi and Jin to carry to the dining table. Our dining table had ten seats, I was guessing because of the members. We all sat at the table and I served the food.
Everyone took the first bite of Mukimo with beef stew and I could hear the moans. I chuckled at their reaction before I took my bite. It was an above average for me. My mom made it better than I do. What wouldn't I give for my parents to be here? I wished they could experience some of the things with me.
I didn't know it, but I was frowning.
" Avah, what's wrong?" Asked a concerned Namjoon who was sitting on my left.
" Nothing, I just missed my parents. My mum would make this every time I went home to see her"
As an effect, they all started to miss their parents as well. I didn't mean to bum everyone out.
" I wish we could see them," said Namjoon
" Yea"
" We can go see them when we are on a break" suggested Jungkook
" Hey you, don't get any ideas" snapped Yoongi.
They started arguing and for some reason, they were just like my family. My second family. I didn't feel homesick when they were around. We ate, and they couldn't stop praising my food. I wondered if they had my mother's food, what would they think of my basic cooking?
After eating they left, each carrying leftovers because and I quote " the food was too good to be eaten once". They were adorable. We fell asleep later in each other's arms ready to face whatever the next day entailed.
Authors Note:
Good morning, how are you guys? I hope you enjoyed a little lesson on my country. You can try cooking all the food mentioned on YouTube. There are some awesome content there. Have a great week. Love you 💙😂