Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 56

I never thought I would grow tired of sitting at home. A week later after the notice was released people were still talking about it. The noise didn't quiet down like we expected. It was way worse. Suddenly my life was being discussed in YouTube shows and entertainment shows. Our relationship was dissected bit by bit for the slow ones to understand.

Since I had nothing to do at home, I spent my time watching everything that mentioned my name. I wrote down a list of people who I would sue for defamation of character. They thought I was joking, right? They were wrong. I warned them but they didn't listen. Using my relationship for click baits, how annoying.

When I put the note on my socials, Namjoon saw it. Moreover, due to his job, he never followed me on Instagram to avoid suspicion. But after our relationship was announced he followed me on every platform. The rest of the members followed me the next day.

People talked for days about that particular move. Some claimed I had forced them to follow me while others marveled in wonder as to how I met them. Another group of people, who I liked, were the ones who wished us the best. They posted positive comments under each of my posts. Even some from years ago.

They insisted they would love to listen to our story. How Namjoon and Avah came to be. I wish I could share it but I didn't want to aggrievate certain people further. People who thought of Namjoon as their boyfriend and labeled me as their enemy. Even after a week, we were still trending number one worldwide.

People had too many questions which none of us were going to answer. Someone leaked a picture of me getting out of the car with Namjoon's hand around my waist while walking into our building. Seconds later, paparazzi, Korean boos and other people were camping outside our home.

They were repeatedly asked to leave the premises but they refused to leave. The police were later involved but since they were standing at a public place, they had a right to be there. Since then I have been stuck at home. I couldn't leave to take a walk since those vultures were waiting outside.

I didn't realize how good freedom was until now. I took for granted the ability to go outside and take a walk with no one disturbing me. I was not born to be a celebrity. Somehow I became a celebrity through association. I didn't know what to do, what to post, and what not to say.

Suddenly the whole world's eyes were on me. I stayed home to prevent any further incidents and most importantly for my safety. Namjoon came home every day after practice and used the underground parking lot which could only be accessed by residents. His life had to go on. Mine not so much.

I still had another week off before I had to go back to work. I thought by then people would have forgotten about me and I would get my life back but I was wrong. We were in a worse situation than a week ago. Previously it was merely speculation no one could prove a thing but now all the information was corroborated when the company released a statement confirming our relationship.

How do celebrities do it?

I turned to another channel, watching TV was getting dull. I almost turned it again until I spotted Namjoon and BTS. It was a live conference. Why didn't he tell me about this?

It hadn't commenced yet so I went to the kitchen to fetch a drink. By the time I was back the deafening sound of cameras clicking took over the screen. So many cameras were put on their faces and all were clicking at the same time. They didn't even flinch, they simply smiled like it was a normal Tuesday.

I read the description at the bottom and turns out it was a press conference to discuss their upcoming concert and an album release that was scheduled to transpire after the concert.

The media asked a couple of questions and I couldn't help but admire my man. His speech was eloquent, simple, and straight to the point. I have never been prouder. He sat like a king ruling over everyone else. The hottest thing was how he wrote without looking at the paper. His gaze was completely fixated on the person asking the question.

The reporter, a woman, ended up blushing. Girl you are not alone. My face would have turned red if he looked at me like that. Sometimes I wonder how I snagged a man who was not at my level. I'll tell you how; my big booty did all the work.

The rest of the members were asked questions which they answered perfectly. One reporter, who looked younger than the rest raised her hand. She stood up and fixed her hair.

" My question is for Kim Namjoon"

" Go ahead " Namjoon replied.

" Why did you announce your relationship to the public? You must have known it would be an object of criticism and insults. Do you think this relationship will affect your work and influence?" She asked.


Everyone's eyes landed on him. Kim Namjoon is the man of the hour. Everyone wanted to know but most didn't have the guts to ask. A tiny smirk formed on his face before he was handed the microphone.

" First of all my work and my personal life are separate" he stated.

The seemingly quiet conference hall broke out into a murmur as everyone tried to speak at the same time. He raised his hand and slowly it quieted down.

"The announcement of my relationship with Avah was necessary. She was getting death threats at her workplace. I do not condone this kind of behavior from anyone, especially my fans" he paused looking at the silent room.

The room was so silent that you could hear a pin drop. Everyone anticipated what would happen next.

" Avah is the woman I love and I hope to spend the rest of my life with her if she allows it. So kindly refrain from insulting, threatening, or inflicting harm on my woman. I will not forgive it" he threatened.

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