I’ll Drag You
The fault in Henrys plan had been that he hadn’t known that shortly after the tense conversation in the staff lounge, which was apparently now the family break area, I was set to end my shift for the evening. After what felt like the longest shift of my life, I couldn't help but sigh in relief when my relief walked through the door. I quickly began briefing them, not realizing that Theodore and Henry had walked up behind me as I was speaking. An infuriated Theodore grabbed my arm and jerked me around to face him, causing the relief nurses to squeal in terror. I hadn’t yet told them who was in room 3.
“What are you on about leaving? You’re not leaving.” Theodore growled in my face, the smell of his last cigarette and the slight hint of whiskey wafting into my nostrils. I inhaled deeply to catch the scent of him, trying to memorize it. It took several seconds for the fog around my brain to clear enough to realize that he was too close, close enough that I was able to catch the lighter flecks of blue in his eyes. I was aware that he was speaking but I wasn’t hearing a thing he said. I glanced away to help you gain my composure before politely asking him to repeat himself. I felt like a daft bimbo. I had never once been smitten with a man, especially not a man that had done nothing but say cruel things to me.
“I apologize but I seem to be misunderstanding what it is that you want from me.”
“You are the only one allowed to take care of Augustus. The family doesn’t want anyone but you seeing to his care.” Theodore replied cooly. I barely caught the whispered response from Henry.
“The family didn’t say that.” I glanced back at Henry after hearing his response and he winked. It made my face stiffen and a hint of a blush flushed my cheeks. I sighed once again before turning back to Theodore.
“Mr. Bennett don’t think you understand, I am not permitted to stay after 10 o’clock. The night nurses can handle him until morning and if anything happens they will be instructed to find me.”
“Don't call me Mr. Bennett. I don't use that bastard's name. ”
“He's a James through and through.” Henry laughed out, interrupting him. The cherry on his cigarette glowed bright red for a long time because of his long inhale.
“You’re not permitted to leave. If you try, I’ll drag you back.” Theodore said the smirk was evident on his lips.
“Theodore I really can't st-“
“You’ll be well taken care of don't worry. Go ahead and sleep in the staff lounge or preferably one of the empty beds.” Henry winked. The double meaning of his words flying right over your head.
“This is absurd, what of my clothes, I can’t continue to wear this uniform day after day… coming into contact with a dirty uniform could cause Mr. James to contract an infection of some sort.” I tacked on at the end for good measure. All I wanted was to go home to MY bed and sleep this exhausting day away.
“Someone will get you anything and everything you need. Until the time comes that Gus can be moved home, then we’ll have a plan for then.” Theodore spoke confidently, his chest puffing out. As if he’d thought of everything.
“What physician will you be using? We’ll have him brought tomorrow morning so he knows the entire situation.”
The two of you stared at each other for a few moments, his flat cap was gone I noticed, his curly brown hair was on display, “ME?! What’d’ya mean ME?!” I bellowed after realizing what he'd said.
“You heard me," he replied coolly.
“I don’t know who you think you are, but I am not going anywhere! This is my place of work, my whole career. What happens after a patient leaves here is none of my concern.”
“You’ll go where you’re told, and do as you’re told. Understand?”
“Absolutely not! You can’t just come in here, insult me, demand I take care of a patient whose family previously refused me, and THEN expect me to prance my happy arse down to wherever you blokes come from and continue care!”
“Evylynn, hold your tongue before they’re holding it for you!” Charlotte spoke quietly from the corner.
The anger and frustration in the room was tangible. The heat of the argument was making Theodore's eyes glow. I had never before seen something so beautiful, so fierce.
“If you don’t come willingly, I’ll drag you. There's not a man, woman or child in this city dumb enough to try and stop me except maybe you.” Theodore replied coldly. There was no lie in his eyes, causing me to glare. Frustrated, hurt and tired to the point of no return. Tears began welling up in my eyes. But I firmly held my ground. I did not doubt that the sight of them wouldn’t affect him in the least, but I wanted to see this cruel man's heartlessness. I wanted to hate this beautiful man and memorize the hatred lining his face. A single tear slipped down my cheek.
“As you wish.” I replied softly then turned on my heel to go examine Agustus and get away from the prying eyes.
“You sure have a way with women,” Henry spoke quietly behind Theodore.
“I want nothing to do with a woman like that,” Theodore replied coolly.
“That’s why you’ve paid her more attention than any woman you’ve laid eyes on in the last four years?” Henry spoke smugly then made his way into the staff lounge to lounge on the couch. Theodore’s confused stare followed him the whole way. He stood there, and as the nurses made their way around him to check on their other charges, he turned and went outside. Staring up at the sky for a long, long while.