Don’t Hide
“Enough!” A voice bellowed from the door. They all froze immediately, heads turning slowly to the figure in the door. The James clan gasped as they took in Gus. Panting heavily and hunched over.
“Where’s C
Georgie?” He gasped out just before losing consciousness again.
I had never seen people move as quickly as they had to Gus. His body was face down in the door when we got to him. Theo helped me roll him. I began my examination and upon first look, there was a red stain forming on his shirt where he had torn the stitches on his chest. Upon further examination, he wasn’t breathing. I began CPR, a relatively new practice at the time and told Theo while compressing Gus’s chest to find another nurse. He commanded Henry to do the same. Live Gus, live. The other nurse flew to my side and began assisting. What seemed like an eon later, while it was only 30-45 seconds Gus finally gasped a long low shallow gasp, then began breathing slowly and steadily. When I checked his temp he had a slight fever.
“Get some antibiotics into him and some water.” I charged Margaret the other nurse before looking at the James family, their pale faces were slicked with sweat, “Can you help us get him back into bed?” I asked quietly. An ominous nod moved all of their heads slowly. As Henry and Andrew lifted Gus as slowly as possible I stood beside Theo.
“I’d like to have a conversation at your earliest convenience,” Theo said quietly, not giving me a chance to respond.
I attended Gus for several hours, keeping a close watch on his breathing and temperature. The bodies of the James clan leaning against the walls of the dark room. Inhaling cigarette after cigarette. They had to leave twice to get more. The smoke a thick blanket in the room, suffocating me. Engulfing me. I needed fresh air. Gus needed fresh air. I examined the light bruising on Augustus James' chest. Unable to concentrate on what was going on around me. Finally, I snapped up and shot to the window and opened it as far and wide as it would go. Moving to the other window and doing the same. Snickers filled the room.
“He needs fresh air to help his body heal,” I said quietly, knowing they could all hear me. Each took one last sharp inhale before snuffing them out on the floor. Which at this point was littered with them.
“Henry, you best be getting home to Renee. Andrew, you go with him, I don’t want you boys walking the streets alone anymore.” Margie said loudly. her voice a painful pang in their heads.
“Same goes for you, Aunt Marg. Come on, we'll walk ya home. Theo’s staying to guard Gus tonight. He’ll be fine.” Andrew spoke much more quietly.
“Theodore, a moment?” Marg asked, glaring at the back of your head.
“I’m not leaving Tom’s side. What you have to say can be said here.” Theo spoke from his perch on the window sill.
“Stay away from that woman, she’s nothing but trouble,” Margie said glaring at your face now that you had spun around. Anger flushing your skin.
“I beg your pardon?” You asked, trying to keep your composure.
“You may not have it,” Marg said cruelly.
“That woman has no bounds.” Henry laughed before coming over and pulling you close. Hugging you tightly before lifting your chin just enough to kiss your forehead. “Night darlin’, I’ll be seeing you tomorrow.” All the while smirking at Theo while you looked about the room confused. What the hell was it with these people? Andrew moved towards the door. “Leave him be Henry Boy. Let's go home.” A drew spoke in his deep baritone voice. “Ma’am.” He nodded at you before turning out of the room followed by Henry with a smirk.
A few minutes went by of nothing but watching Gus breathe. Which had become so hypnotizing, the rising and falling of his chest and held you, fixed for so long that you didn’t know how long you sat there. You glanced up at Theo. His face stared out the window up to the sky. His mind was far, far away.
“Theo?” You spoke quietly, trying not to startle him.
“I’m heading to my room for a while. If you need anything the other nurses are around here somewhere.” His only response was a nod. “Good night Theo.” To which you received no response.
They’re a weird group of people. So full of anger, so violent. Henry was kind but flirty, and Andrew was always polite but was gruff and not one for conversation. Margie had an obvious dislike for her which made no sense, you never done anything to the woman. Theo… Theo was nothing like she’d ever seen, so closed off to the world. He was ridiculously handsome, despite the hardness of his face. You thought sliding your uniform up over your head, leaning down to unfasten your stockings. When you’d heard a light tap on the door before it opened an inch quietly.
“Evylynn?” That velvet voice said, “Have a minute?”
“Just one moment.” Your voice was three octaves higher than normal. It was more of a squeak than anything.
“What’s wrong? Are you ok?” Concern flooded his voice.
“Everything’s fine just give me a moment!”
“Somethings wrong, I’m coming in.” Before the door swung all the way open, causing you to freeze half stooped over. “Wait!”
Theo's POV:
The room was a great deal brighter than the hall, and it took my eyes a moment to adjust before fully focusing on her. Her body was bent over as she was reaching down to unfasten her stockings. The perfect arch to her back was like heaven. The shocked look plastered to her face and the flush in her skin was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. Her white underclothes revealed her navel and the hollow area between her perfect tits. The bottom of her round ass sticking out from under the white garment. She was perfect.
“Shit! Theo!” She said, smacking her arms across her, trying to hide her skin from me. It was too late. I had already seen what I needed to see. I needed her. I needed her now. I stepped further into the room and closed the door behind me.
“Theo, I’m not dressed.”
“I don’t mind.”
“I… much… I… what..why..” She stuttered as I walked slowly over to her. I stopped a foot away. She swallowed heavily looking up at me.
“Don’t hide yourself from me,” I said quietly as reached up to push back a strand of hair from her face.