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BAB 19

Livi felt anxious seeing the two of them.

"Sir, forgive my friend," said Livi.

"Don't talk to me, dammit!" shouted Agri

Livi immediately lowered her head, she doesn't like being yelled at, but she also realized that this was all her fault.

Agri's bodyguard who saw it pretended not to hear or see anything. Jiah became very angry, she did not accept that Agri scolded her friend, the only person who could scold her friend was herself.

"Damn, you say? your whole damn family!" The bodyguard felt sorry for her, he wanted to help her but considering his position as Agri's bodyguard, it was impossible to go against the leader's orders.

The bodyguard only prayed for Jiah's safety in his heart.

"Say what you said again!"

"You're so stupid you can't even remember what I said!"

Agri tightened his grip on Jiah.

"Your whole stupid family Damn it!"

Jiah is in pain. "You are stupid, you are the stupidest in the world to kill your own family and your stepmother and your siblings. You even marry women by force. You destroy the country with your damn stupidity!"

Jiah immediately covered her mouth when she realized what she had said. Livi, Agri, and the guard froze when they heard Jiah's words.

Jiah glanced at Agri who looked even more sinister.

"I… I didn't mean—"

again Jiah misspoke, she didn't mean to tell other people the secret of the future.

"Ah… let me go." Agri immediately took Jiah out of the room.

Livi who saw her immediately chased after her but was blocked by the bodyguard.

"Seron, where is Livi?" Asked the handsome man who had won all the gold coins with Livi earlier.

"She with her friend upstairs, do you fall in love with her Verlan?"

Verlan rubbed his nose which was not itchy.

"Of course not, I forgot to introduce myself."

"I also haven't introduced myself," Seron replied.

'Let go of me, damn prince!'

Verlan sat down immediately. "I didn't hear anything."

The four of them nodded together.

'Damn it...'


Seron hit the table. "Sorry about the sound of mosquitoes."

They nodded again together.

'Don't rip my shirt damn it.'

They were naturally blushing and silent.

"Would you like to play cards?" said Seron enthusiastically.

They nodded and started playing cards.

Jiah looked at Agri annoyed after what the man did to her clothes.

"Is what you said true?" Jiah frowned.

"Which one?" Holding the torn hem of the skirt.

"I will be a bad king?" asked Agri.

Jiah looked at Agri to see if he was angry, seeing Agri's face that looked angry Jiah immediately looked away.

"Answer my question?"

"I…" Agri was still watching Jiah intensely making Jiah uncomfortable.

"Yes, you killed them to become king," Jiah said quickly and very slowly.

"What?" Agri screamed making her courage disappear even more.

Jiah shifted on the edge of the bed so she could run over to the side if Agri lost his temper.

"Bastard, I can't hear you at all!" Jiah got goosebumps hearing Agri's screams.

Agri immediately walked up to Jiah and held both of Jiah's shoulders.

"Say the obvious!"

Hearing Agri's growl, Jiah reluctantly lowered her head so as not to meet the man's eyes.

"Say the obvious!"

"You will kill your family just for being king." Agri fell silent.

Releasing his grip on Jiah's shoulder and then laughing loudly made the guard below feel goosebumps hearing Agri's laughter.

Jiah was getting scared seeing Agri who was laughing while closing his eyes. Jiah immediately stood up slowly, trying to escape by walking silently behind Agri and opening the door.

Agri opened his eyes after stopping his laughter, he looked at Jiah sharply and smiled making Jiah feel cold.


The door was locked, and Jiah panicked when Agri got closer to her. Agri took the key out of his pocket and waved it right in front of Jiah.

"This is what you need." Agri already looks like a very scary monster where Jiah.

"If it was me who killed my family to become king why don't I do it now?" Jiah was silent with her heart beating faster than usual when she heard Agri's unexpected words.

"No!" Jiah exclaimed.

Agri rubbed his head back to reveal a more handsome face.

"No?" Jiah nodded.

"Why?" Agri lowered his hands and folded his arms across his chest, straight strands of hair swaying down to cover Agri's eyes.

"Because…" Jiah was confused, she forced her brain to think about finding an answer to Agri's question.

"You think that hard?" sneered Agri.

Jiah frowned, don't let it be because she misspoke that Agri will be like what she predicted.

Agri turned towards the bed and sat up with one leg lifted on the bed.

"Should I start by killing you?" Jiah reflexively shook her head.

"Then who should I kill huh?" Jiah immediately cried out of despair.


Agri frowned in disgust as Jiah hugged him.

"Let go," said Agri.

Jiah shook her head. "No don't kill me."

Agri was annoyed, he pushed Jiah away from him but Jiah tightened her hug making Agri feel very annoyed.

Jiah opened her eyes and ran away from Agri when she felt something hit her lower abdomen.

Jiah's face was as red as a boiled crab she was afraid that if she woke the sleeping dragon it would be fatal.

"Shit," said Agri.

"I'm sorry," said Jiah.

"Looks like I do have to kill you."

Jiah immediately cried seeing Agri who was standing with a sharp look.

"I didn't do it on purpose."

"You think I believe?" Jiah shook her head involuntarily.

"Hey!" Agri screamed angrily.

"If you become king by force you will die miserably by being burned by your people alive!" Jiah exclaimed.

Jiah's words stopped Agri who was about to draw a sword.

"I don't believe in your stupid predictions."

"I'm not lying, I can see the future, I know you have a hidden identity in the black market and even you have power in the criminal division." Agri was silent, what Jiah said was all true.

Jiah couldn't lie, let alone Prince Shen to seek information to bring her down. All Agri's secrets are very safe because all Agri's subordinates sign confidentiality documents, if they lie they will still die and it will not be profitable for them to betray.

"One time I will believe you." Agri walked towards Jiah.

"What would you do?" Jiah asked scared.

Agri immediately pushed Jiah aside for blocking his net.

"Don't kill me," Jiah said.

Glanced at Jiah with disdain. "I just want to open the door."

He took the key and opened the door.

"Where are you going?" Agri stopped in his tracks.

"Wait here don't go anywhere."

Agri continued walking, Jiah heaved a sigh of relief that his life was still there.

"This." Agri immediately threw a document and a pen

Jiah was surprised to find the document that had fallen, she didn't expect Agri who had just left arrived so fast.

"Why are you so fast?" Retrieving documents.

Agri leaned against the door. "None of your business."

Jiah sneered silently.

Read the document and get shocked when you see the contents.

"Why are all the deals in your favor?"

Agri looked down on Jiah. "Are two houses located near the eastern empire, five years' allowance, one box of jewelry sets, and five boxes filled with money still not enough for you?"

Jiah swallowed her saliva, she was very tempted by the offer made by Agri.

"But you told me to do whatever you ordered." Jiah did not accept that condition.

"Then why, isn't it natural for a maid to obey his master."

Jiah did not accept Agri's words.

"I don't want to give my body to you," Jiah sneered.

Agri was immediately shocked and looked at Jiah.

"Are you kidding?"

Looking at him, Agri guessed the problem.

"I just asked you not to go against my words or betray me, telling you to give up your body is impossible."

"What do you mean?"

Agri laughed lightly. "You are not to my taste."

Jiah doesn't accept that Agri underestimated her.

"I'm not that bad."

"But you are not beautiful in my eyes." Jiah looked at Agri with teary eyes.

Agri doesn't care about Jiah's feelings, for him love is just an illusion.

"You hurt my feelings."

"Quickly sign the agreement!" cried Agri.

Jiah signed the agreement with a sad face.

"The five-year agreement period if your task makes me the most powerful king has not been completed within five years, we can extend it again."

"I understand," Jiah replied.

Agri took the document from Jiah's hand.

"Next time, don't make too much drama, and don't cry in front of me." Jiah wiped her tears.

"You ruthless!"

"I know," replied Agri.


How dare you insult me without knowing anything about my life.


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