Chapter 10
I followed Edward down the long corridors of the underground city, not having the slightest inkling of where he was taking me, and what awaited me once we reached the king. My heart racing within my chest. The city all looked the same, the dark corridors seemingly endless as we turned another corner; the only light radiating from small bulbs imbedded into the walls., each one exactly a metre apart. No portraits and paintings were placed onto the stone, making the whole place seem barren, though I knew that it wasn’t as we passed many vampires and slaves alike. Some of the mortals wore chains or a collar, showing me that none of them were here by choice. Yet, I supposed that the undead live for centuries, maybe longer. They would need a steady supply of blood to keep them strong and healthy, and even though I did not agree with it; the only mortal I had seen harmed was the young girl Yornie had killed.
But that could have been avoided if I had only kept my mouth shut, I shouldn’t interfere, it wasn’t my place. It could have been this way for thousands of years, with no one dying at the hands of their master. That was, until I told the girl she may have had a different life above the surface. I could see that it was my fault, when I could have been wrong, I could have started a rebellion in which hundreds of humans died, I could have destroyed everything, when it has nothing to so with me.
People may call me a coward, but I just hate conflict. No matter who it is with, or for what cause; if I could avoid it all together. I would.
We turned right and then left several more times before Edward stropped me just outside a pair of black marble doors that reached the ceiling, his blue eyes coated in worry. But if this wasn’t to decide whether I lived or died, why was he so nervous? What awaited me beyond these doors?
“I cannot go in with you, it is forbidden.” He sighed, nodding towards the four vampires that stood at either side of the door in armour. Their faces covered with a heavy metal helmet.
The third one who held a wooden spear walked towards me as I shook in horror, quickly taking me by the arm. I looked back at Edward in panic, had he lied to me?
Was the king going to kill me as soon as I entered the room?
Why couldn’t he go with me?
Tears swelled in my eyes as the remaining three guards opened the stupidly heavy doors, the vampire that held my arm forcing me to walk forward; causing me to stumble over my own feet. The doors shut behind me as I was shoved forward, the guard ensuring that I had nowhere to run. The room was smaller than I thought it would be, a large table with fifteen chairs taking up a majority of the room. Though there, right at the back of the hall was the king, sat upon a white marble throne, a crown made entirely from pearls placed neatly on a small cushion beside him. He had raven black hair and violet eyes, his cheek bones barley visible behind his scruffy beard, though their was an elegance about him; something that screamed silently at me to make sure I chose my words carefully, as unlike Yornie; this vampire would kill me.
I looked back at the guard nervously, unsure what I was supposed to do, what did a mortal do when they were summoned by the vampire king? Should I announce myself, kneel?
Before I had the chance to open my mouth, the king spoke, his tone soft and seemingly inviting; though I couldn’t allow myself to trust it. “You are certainly beautiful for a mortal.”
“You are certainly handsome, for a bloodthirsty vampire.” I blurted, unable to stop the words as they slipped from my lips.
He laughed. The vampire king chuckled at my joke, though I couldn’t exactly say I was kidding as I started up at him. His every feature enticing, drawing me in somehow. I took a step forward, bowing slightly in a show of respect, I did not want to make the king displeased with me; even if that meant playing the innocent mortal. I would do anything to prevent him sending me to The Chosen, to ensure my survival. I had lost everything I had ever cared about to the undead, I wasn’t about to lose myself also.
But then again, would he have called me beautiful if he was about to kill me? Did he intend on entrapping me with his words first, luring me into a sense of security before he ripped out my throat? I wouldn’t exactly call myself beautiful, I had my mother’s copper coloured hair and my father’s emerald eyes; my cheeks coated in freckles. I was a little on the chubby side, short at only five foot three.
“Funny, no one has ever complimented my looks in the thousands of years I have walked these halls.” He smiled, his elongated fangs almost piercing his lips.
I took a sharp breath, forcing myself not to stare at his mouth. “Then you are clearly surrounding yourself with the wrong people.”
“Do you doubt the loyalty of my men?” He asked, tilting his head to the side.
I forced myself not to react as a growl sounded from behind me, the guard more than likely displeased with me for my choice of words. I took another step forward, only to be stopped by the guard as he placed a threatening hand upon my shoulder. Great, that’s two on the list of undead I have scorned.
“Not at all, and yet; surely they are all blind not to see that you are a gem. Much like the pearls on your crown.” I said smoothly, knowing that I had to finish what I had started. Though, something within me screamed that it was true, that a part of me found the undead creature unlike any other.
He laughed again, a deep and throaty sound. “What is it about me that you find to be adequate?”
I didn’t have to think about my answer, the words simply stumbled from my lips before I could prevent it. “Your eyes, I have never seen anything like them. They shine like an amethyst stone.”
“whilst your words are flattering, they are nothing coming from a mortal.” He said softly, once again tilting his head to the side. Though I could tell their was something behind his words, something sinister.