Chapter 5
Yornie placed his hand on my shoulder, his voice soft and soothing. “Breathe child, I am not going to harm you.”
“How did you do that?” I asked, placing a hand over my chest as I attempted to calm my erratic breath. Mt stomach churning at the sight of all the blood.
“I did nothing.” The vampire admitted after a moment of silence, quickly retracting his hand. “I believe that it was all you.”
I laughed, “A bullet can’t tear a man to pieces.”
At least, no bullet I have ever heard of could do such a thing. Let alone one from a mere pistol. What had really happened? Why wasn’t he telling me?
“Yornie is speaking the truth, he did nothing.” Edward claimed, stepping forward from behind the crowd of officers that had formed around us.
“Then who killed the chosen vampire?” I asked, my confusion only increasing.
Wallen smiled, also stepping out of the crowd. “You. You killed him.”
I scowled, knowing that I was missing something, something important. What the hell were they talking about? Everyone knows that a bullet can’t do that, its impossible. So what could they mean? I wasn’t strong enough to tear a vampire apart, let alone one as strong as the chosen were. Surely they had all gone mad.
“Don’t scowl at us. Just listen for a moment and we shall explain.” Edward growled, causing me to recoil back in fear. Great, now he was mad.
“Then your explanation better be good, I’m not a vampire. I couldn’t have killed him like that.” I argued, shaking my head in frustration.
“Ariel, just listen for one second.” Yornie snarled, baring his teeth at me for a split second.
I nodded mutely, choosing to say nothing else as I glanced between them, awaiting their excuse. I knew that they were trying to trick me, make me believe that I had some sort of power when I was just a normal human. Just a plain person with no special gifts. Surely they could see that?
Edward cleared his throat, “You did kill the chosen, we all saw it. Heard it within our minds.”
“What?” I laughed nervously, what did he mean he heard it within his mind?
He sighed, taking a steady step towards me. “Your voice echoed within my mind, wishing that the vampire would be torn limb from limb.”
“I don’t understand. How could you know that I thought that?” I whispered, suddenly terrified that I had somehow killed the monster.
“Because we all heard it Ariel. As clear as we hear you now. You did kill him, but not with the gun, or your hands. You killed him with your mind.” Wallen smiled triumphantly, patting me on the shoulder.
I gasped, “I did what?”
Surely they had all gone insane, I didn’t have the power to kill someone with a thought. Couldn’t they see that? I was just a human child, I couldn’t do such things...
“we are not going to get anywhere like this.” Yornie growled, viciously grabbing me by the shoulders and spinning me around to face him. “Look kid. We have no reason to lie. You did kill the chosen vampire. It was brutal. It was fast. And it appeared as though you did it with your mind. Now, perhaps it is your power coming into being early. We don’t know for sure. All we know is that you need to be careful what you wish for. It seems as though your mind is very powerful.”
“But I can’t have done it... I mean I’m not seventeen yet ... have you ever heard of a witch getting her power early?” I questioned them, my mind racing over the possibilities.
Was this all even real? Or was it simply a dream? I pinched my wrist, sighing when I didn’t wake up, this couldn’t be right. I was at home asleep in my bed, and my sister was in the other room, Alive and well. Please let it be so, I just want to go home. Tears slipped from my eyes as I stared up at Yornie, awaiting his answer.
But it wasn’t him that responded, my head turning towards Wallen.
“It isn’t unheard of for a witch to receive one power early, though normally it isn’t one as strong as what you have shown us.” Wallen smiled softly, “Though I wouldn’t worry, the rest will arrive shortly.”
I thought for a moment, finally believing what they were saying. After all what other choice did I have? The vampire was dead, and I wished for it. That was all. My tone was soft and unsure as I spoke, nervously glancing between them. “Does this mean that I am going to be as strong as Beatrice?”
“It is too early to know for sure, but yes, perhaps even more powerful than she could have imagined.” Edward smiled softly, though their was something behind his eyes, something that I didn’t like.
A strange sense overwhelmed me, as though I was being watched; yet it wasn’t by anyone in the police station. It was something else, a presence I couldn’t quite understand, though it terrified me; my heart lurching forward within my chest.
“Somethings wrong.” I said, staring out the window into the dull street.
Yornie’s eyes widened for a split second before he pushed me into the ground, shielding my body with his as the window shattered; a thundering crash filling the air. I clenched my eyes shut in horror, the room suddenly hot, too hot...
“We need to get her out of here.” Came Wallen's voice from somewhere far away.
I couldn’t feel my legs... What was wrong with legs?
“Agreed.” Came the concerned voice of Edward, as though something greatly troubled him.
I could feel Yornie move, his bulky form no longer pressing me into the rough stone ground as he lifted me into his arms. But something was wrong.. I couldn’t move, I couldn't open my eyes. Why was it so hot? It felt like I had been placed into an oven. The world around me was strange, I couldn’t quite grasp what was going on, but I knew that we were moving, that we were moving away from the heat... Yet, I was trapped within my mind, my body unable to cooperate with my brain, my heart pumping in reckless motions against my ribcage.