Chapter 7
I sighed again, moving back towards the bed as I wondered how long I would be in here before someone came to retrieve me. Where was I? Why doesn’t the room have even a single window? At least if it had a window, I could work out whether it was day or night. I had so many questions about the undead, but I had no one there to ask, I was alone with nothing other than my thoughts to occupy me; and that was a dangerous thing.
I jumped to my feet when I heard voices approaching, apparently, I wouldn’t be left here to rot after all, I tapped my foot impatiently; wanting nothing more than to leave this room and find a toilet. My bladder ready to burst.
“Thank you for your assistance, though that is all I need for today.” Came a voice I recognised, Yornie pushing open the hefty metal door as he spoke to someone I couldn’t see, his tone bland and uncaring.
I stood unmoving as he closed the door, turning around to face me in silence. Was something wrong? What had happened whilst I was asleep? A million questions littered my mind as we stared at one another, my pulse beginning to rise in panic as the moments passed. Had he come here to kill me, is that why he was so silent? Did Yornie work for The Chosen? I took a step back as my mind swirled, unable to understand why he wasn’t talking, why he wouldn’t sp staring.
“Why are you panicking?” He asked me, his tone filled with humour, as though as all some kind of joke.
“Are you here to kill me?” I whispered, unsure of myself.
“What?” He laughed. “Of course not, that would get me into a lot of trouble.”
“So, you don’t work for The Chosen?” I asked, taking another step back, yet the bed preventing me from going any further.
“What?!” He growled deeply, “I save your life and then you insult my loyalty?!”
I jumped at his tone of voice, “I didn’t mean to offend you... I'm just confused. Why was I locked in?”
“Oh right. That. We locked you in for your own protection. Some of the vampires down here won’t understand why you are here. They may wish to harm you, and at the moment there is no rule to say they can’t.” Yornie explained slowly, ensuring that I would understand.
“What do you mean there is no rule to say they can’t? They can’t just attack me!” I paused. “Can they?”
“They can until our king says otherwise. But at the moment he is in a very important meeting with the elders and I do not know when he will be finished. But when he is, he wishes to speak with you personally.” Yornie smiled, as though I had achieved something few have; which I suppose in their world, I might have.
I thought for a moment, choosing my words with care. “Why does he want to speak to me?”
“You may want to sit down for this.” He sighed, pointing towards the bed.
My heart thumped in reckless motions against my ribcage, this can’t be good. It’s never good when someone says ‘You may want to sit down for this.’ Does the king want me dead as well as The Chosen? Would I be able to escape if he did? Where would I go? I had no one left, and I doubt Shelley and Tom would want to take me back one they found out I skipped town after my sister’s death. They would blame me, just like the bad cop. Why did we have to be placed with such a crappy family like that anyway, we could have taken care of ourselves. Well, maybe if The Chosen weren’t chasing us.
Despite my panic, I did as the vampire suggested, I sat down. My voice low and worried. “What’s going to happen to me?”
Yornie sighed again, “If I’m completely honest, I don’t know, it depends of the king. He decides whether you are worth protecting.”
I rubbed my hands against my knees, attempting to calm my nerves. “And if he decides I’m not worth protecting?”
“Then, I’m afraid you’ll be as good as dead. If the king doesn’t kill you, he will certainly hand you over to The Chosen. God only knows what they’ll do.” He uttered sadly.
I stood suddenly, causing the vampire to take a step back, “How long do I have before a decision is made?”
“An hour or two, maybe a day. I don’t think he will prolong this.”
I nodded, “Then we don’t have much time.”
“Yes. You have to help me get out of this building. I have to go now while he is distracted.”
“You mean you are going to run?”
“Yes and I need your help.”
“Ariel, I’m sorry but I cannot help you. My orders are to keep you here.”
“What do you mean?’
“I have been authorised to use force if necessary, to keep you from leaving here.”
“I see.” I murmured, dropping to my knees.
That was it then, the king (Or whoever he was) would decide I am unworthy and kill me, or worse; hand me over to the people that killed my parents, my sister. I had no one left, no one I could turn to for help. I was all alone in a place I knew nothing about, with creatures I know to be heartless. What could i possibly do other than wait for my demise?