Chapter 9

I bit my tongue to prevent me from saying anything further, my mind swirling over the possibility that I could meet the same fate should the king decide I wasn’t needed. I slowly stumbled to my feet, deciding that the best thing for me to do at this moment in time was cooperate. I didn’t want to end up like that young girl. I didn’t mean for her to die, but I couldn't exactly change it.

So instead, I said; “How long was I asleep?”

“If I member correctly, we brought you here three weeks ago.” Yornie smiled, something sinister littering his expression. “I had to give you my blood. Without it, you wouldn’t have survived.”

“I wouldn't have survived?”

“No.” Was all he said.

I thought for a moment, if I had been asleep for three weeks as he said; My birthday would have passed two days ago, I was now seventeen. Did that mean I would know the full extent of my power soon? Would I know if I was truly a witch as they said I was?

“I missed my birthday...” I murmured to myself, slowly pushing myself to my feet. What would happen now?”

Yornie smiled, “interesting.”

I turned to stare up at him, not knowing what I could say to aid myself, if I said the wrong thing, he could snap again; and that, I didn’t want. I hated conflict, ever since I lost my parents, I couldn’t handle it. I opened my mouth to speak, only as I began to speak Edward appeared in the doorway, though I had never heard him walking, nor had I noticed he was there at all until he spoke; his shiny bloody hair ruffled and knotted.

“What happened here?” He asked, stepping over the corpse of the girl.

“Ariel decided it was a good idea to tell MY slave that she had a life before we brought her here, that I had wiped her memory.” Yornie snarled, clearly still furious at me.

“I see.” Edward chuckled, “Well you should have expected that, she is not accustomed to our way of life. Of course, she would question it, even fight against it.”

“I’m sorry, I didn't know he'd kill her.” I murmured, “if I would have known I wouldn’t have said anything.”

Yornie snarled again, “Don’t act so innocent. You tried to sabotage my hold over her. It is entirely your fault she is dead!”

Edward growled furiously, slapping the other vampire across the face as he spoke; “How dare you, without her we could very well be dead. She is the one that killed The Chosen and warned us about the attack on the police station. Or have you forgotten that?!”

“I haven’t forgotten, but what use is she?! She doesn’t even know that she did it!”

“She can be trained!”

“She is a useless mortal. I hope the king decides to rid us of her. Or better yet, give her to The Chosen.” Yornie shouted, clearly annoyed that he was made to look weak in front of me as he stormed from the room.

“He really doesn’t like me.” I whispered, collapsing back onto then bed as I sighed.

“No, he doesn’t. But I wouldn’t take it personally, he had a bad experience with witches that he cannot easily forget.”

“What do you mean?”

“That is a story for another time.” Edward smiled, moving to sit beside me on the bed. “I came here to tell you that the king has requested an audience with you.”

“Then he has made his decision?” I asked, my crippling fear making it hard to breathe.

“I believe so, yes.”

“Then I’m dead for sure.” I whispered slightly, tears forming in my eyes. Would he do it himself or would he make someone else kill me? I didn’t know for sure; he could even pass me along to The Chosen, and I know that they would have no remorse as they ripped out my throat.

“Dead? Who told you such a thing?” Edward asked, clearly puzzled.

“Yornie, he told me that the king was deciding whether I lived, died; or got handed over to The Chosen.“ I explained, unsure why Edward did not know the kings plans for me.

“I see.” Edward smiled, something warm like humour appearing in his glossy blue eyes. “Then Yornie was wrongly informed. The decision the king is making into decide whether or not we bring you into our fight against The Chosen, there is no question about your life. You are under our protection.”

“I don’t understand, Yornie seemed so nice back in the police station, why would he tell me such a thing if it weren’t true?” I asked, rubbing my eyes as I forced back tears, would I ever understand how the world works? Why did people, vampires; have to be so cruel?

“Yornie is a complicated being, I wouldn’t worry too much about what he said, he tends to do this kind of stuff. He likes the thrill of a mortals heart rate increasing.” Edward explained, making it all too clear that I shouldn’t trust a word that his comrade said. No matter how convincing.

I thought for a moment, knowing that I couldn’t just explode in anger. Not around vampires who were much stronger than myself. “So you are saying that he lied?”

“In a simple man’s terms. Yes. He lied.” Edward laughed, running a hand through his strikingly brilliant blonde hair.

I huffed in anger, though my tone was level headed. “Has anything he has said been true?”

“It is unlikely.” The vampire muttered, glancing towards the door. “Yet, we do Not have time for such questions. The king does not like to be left waiting.”

“Then we better move.” I agreed.

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