Chapter 7
"We are working on it, Miss. Please drive safely, Mister." He said to Edmond. Edmond nodded and scrolled
up the windshield. He drove off carefully and glanced at her in the rear mirror. She seemed frustrated and anxious at the moment she heard about the endangered wolves that were being shipped.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
She nodded as a response. Still, her chin is resting on her knuckles while her elbow is resting on her lower arm. Thinking deep from a while ago. He wondered what she's thinking. He also wanted to be drowned in her thoughts not just in her beautiful unpaired eyes. When they arrived at the Resort the staff met them getting their bags with the robots and the man in suit and tie greeted them.
"Miss Gia," he bowed at her.
"Rey, is our dinner settled?" She asked while she was walking with Prince and Edmond and the man named Rey is following her.
"Yes, Miss. We had also prepared your request." He said.
"Good, I'll check my cars by tomorrow."
"Yes, Miss. Is there anything you like to wish for?"
"Prince's dinner?" She stopped and faced him. He looked at Prince's who's looking up at him.
"Already Miss."
She turns back from him and Rey leads them to the dining hall. Edmond pulled the chair for her in a very gentleman way and she sat gracefully. He walked around the table in front of her and the waitresses had served their soup, also a soup for Prince who was down beside her.
"Bon appetit." He said.
She nodded. They started their appetizer. "You seemed quite after what you had heard lately."
"It's very disturbing in my mind, Wilford." She said.
He prefers not to ask anything for her to concentrate on their dinner and to relax her mind. But calling him by his fake family name is odd. Everyone in their kingdom called her Prince Edmond.
After their dinner, Gia wanted to walk around the beautiful garden and he followed her around. Then, he escorted her back to her room. He even checked everything inside first before he retired to his room.
"Just beep me if you need anything."
"Sure..." she said and she looked around the room.
He closed the door and he went to his room. He was just about to go to shower and he had already removed his shirt when someone knocked on the door. He opened it and she appeared in front of him. To his confusion, he stared at her for a while. "My heater is not working, I need to use yours," she said directly to his eyes not even bothering that he's half-naked. He opened the door for her and gestured to her to get in.
"Thank you," she said politely.
"You're welcome, Milady."
She went directly to the bathroom and Prince ran to Edmond's bed and jumped in there, lying there comfortably. Edmond sighed and sat beside the dog. They looked at each other.
"She's not attracted to me, isn't she?" he asked the dog in a low voice. The dog barks two times which means NO. At that moment, Edmond didn’t know if he’s saying that ‘no, she’s not attracted to you’ or ‘no, she’s attracted to you.’ He gets so confused, maybe his brain isn’t working well.
His phone rang and he reached it from the side table. His father’s name came up and he answered it immediately. "Hello, Father?"
"How are you there, son?" His father asked cheerily.
He walked towards the balcony and leaned on the rail.
"I am perfectly great, dad," he said grinning.
"Good because my time is running and we need you here."
"Dad, I still need time and I want you to stay healthy. Please tell me that you are drinking your medicine and you are not complaining about anything from your doctor."
"Don't worry I am in a good condition but I really need you to go back here ASAP with or without her."
‘I want her and I need her, father.’ He wanted to tell him. ‘If I can only turn back from my future and be with her in her every adventure. But my father is important to me as well as my countrymen. She is also important to me and I wanted her to be with me.’ Edmond is in deep thought as he said it right in his head, not to his father.
"Edmond?" His father interrupted him from his thoughts. "I know it's hard for you to choose but I need you to be practical and think about your duties. Your people are relying on you."
"Yes, father. How's my sister?" He immediately changed the topic.
"She's taking her piano lessons, and about that, she had a little concert on our Independence Day."
"That was next month, on the 4th week."
"Yes, and we are expecting you here."
"Okay, I'll be there." He promised.
"You should bring her here."
"I'll try."
"Why try? Don't tell me you haven't told her yet?"
"She's not eighteen yet, father," Edmond mumbled. He will wait for her to turn eighteen so he’ll woo her formally.
"Why waiting? Now, she's right beside you." And his father is right.
"Father, she's still a minor. And I'm older than her. I'm an adult. She's so young, and I don't want to take advantage of it. I respect her. I also respect her future decisions. I'll understand if she won't be my Crown Princess." He said softly as he turned around to the beautiful view of the lake. The big moon reflected on the lake beautifully.
"Alright, I understand what you mean, truly, Edmond. Your sister wanted to speak with you too. Try calling her."
"I will, father."
"Goodbye." His father hung up. Over the years, his father loves again. He had a half-sister, and they are close to each other. His step-mother also treated him so well. Like her very own son. It's been a while for him to feel motherly love.