Chapter 9
"I apologize for my suggestion." he said sincerely acting a royal prince. She sighed and looked up, closing her eyes. The dog whined again and she looked down at him. She kneel one knee and pat Prince's head.
"You know that I love you, right?" she said. Edmond stopped on the way she said those words to Prince. Too much love for a dog. She's a pet lover and very sincere to her pet. The dog barks once as a response. "Gia doesn't want to put you in any distress, that's why I'm leaving you for a while, it doesn't mean Goodbye." she smiled. The dog kissed her cheek licking it. "That's my boy." She hugged her dog. "Now, don't be stubborn around, I'll be gone for a while." she patted him and she stood. She nods to the nanny that is hired to nurse her dog. The dog sat on the ground watching his Gia enter the car.
She drove her car into the formula field in Tagaytay. It is designed by one of the millionaires in the Philippines and Florente had invested millions of money for building it. She will face those foreign who kidnapped her friend from Ireland. She had made a contract with them for her to see her friend and to save her.
They are Extinctionist in this high-tech world. People know that there are lots of things that come up and persist that things that are just a legend really do exist. For example, a werewolf, a mermaid and so on and so forth. And these Extinctionist are very obsessed to hunt these extraordinary species, to sell or to make them as one of their collections.
He watches her driving the car. She looked cool but he can feel that she's worried and feel mad at someone or something. He remembered how Gia acted in front of her dog. It's very touching and very blissful. He knew that the care she felt for her Prince is the same thing she felt for this friend.
"Stop staring at me. I am still ‘cheesed off’ on you, for spoiling my dog. If you only knew that he is hard headed and sometimes I punish him by facing the wall all day not letting him face me."
"You do that to him?" he asked furrowingly and can't believe what he's hearing.
"Yeah. First rule for me is discipline."
"You treat him like a child."
"Yup, and I'm his mother." she said, glancing at him. "I care more about dogs than other people. Some people treat them like a lower element in the world, killing them, and torturing them for fun. Dogs cannot betray you, but you betray them." she told him, quoting the last sentence.
"I agree on you. But don't you like cats?" he asked.
"I like cats. They are just fine, but sometimes Prince gets in a fight with them."
"Sure, dogs are enemies of cats."
"No." she shook her head. "Actually, Prince is a cat lover but cats are the first one who is starting a fight."
His brow arcs not believing in what she is saying.
"How do you know he loves cats?" he asked, not convinced. She giggles that makes her cheer up.
"Weird, right? But believe me or not he likes cats. When we were in France to visit our family friend, I had proved that he likes cats. You know Logan Blake or Lawrence Blake?" she asked.
"Yes." he nods. "They are Billionaires, also the reasons why we got advanced high-tech things around us."
"Precisely. Logan's daughter got a female cat, a white Persian one and this cat named Zoe got one month kittens. Prince sat in front of the bed for kittens and watched them. Zoe let him watch her kittens and didn't attack them. He guards them wherever they go and one time when the little kitten is walking outside the balcony, the kitten almost fell from the 3rd floor of the mansion but the good thing is Prince rescued the little kitten." she said. "He slept with those five kittens sometimes."
He gape and didn't know what to say about her story. "That's..." he tried to dig some words in his mind to say to her.
"Cat got your tongue?" she asked. He just looked into the road.
"How old is he?" he asked, twisting the magic cube.
"Ten years old." she said furrowing on him. He just nodded.
"What else does he like instead of cats?" he asked, glancing at her where their eyes meet.
"He likes cheese and my music."
"Wow, I guess we had the same in common."
"In common?" She laughs. "You are not that serious." She twists the wheel that makes him bump on the window.
"Hey! Careful." He exclaimed.
"Hey! Careful." She mocks copying his Schandavian accent. "Don't be so afraid. What kind of body guard are you?" She furrows. He stopped for a while and stared down on the magic cube.
"I'm one of a kind. You see, I'm not here just to guard you."
"I don't see that way." She said. "So, what's your reason?" She asked.
"I will tell you when you reach eighteen."
"That was next two weeks."
"Yes, so, you have to wait." He said grinning.
"Let's cut it for a while." She said. "We got a business to finish."
She stopped the car in the starting line where the yellow car is parked. A Japanese young man stepped out of the car.
"That is Ying Shu, the one who I will race with. At the back seat there is a case cost of 3.5 million Euros." She said in a low tune. She is just facing in front with those sharp eyes.
"What?" He exclaimed. "You can't be serious."
"I will buy my friend just to rescue her." She clicked something and a secret drawer opened in front of him. "Wear that wrist watch and put that fountain pen on your pocket. The pen has high electric volts when you click it. The watch has amnesic pins and tranquilizers."
"I know, your father explained to me about it."
"Good because I don't have time for explaining those things. Get out of the car now." She said and pushed the button opening the door. She got out and he did too. The young man grins at her.
"Oh, hi... So the rumor is true. A girl will race with me."
"Haven't you heard about me?" She asked, smirking leaning on her car. Ying Shu laughs amused by her.
"I like you, you're funny." He said and laughed again. His men are at his back and Edmond walked around towards her side. Ying Shu glanced at him. "You got a tough man. Nice body guard."
"Yeah, he's from Denmark. He only speaks Danish."
"No English?" Ying asked.
"No English." She said. Is she really making fun of me or just part of her plan?
"So shall we start this thing up?" He asked. She cocked her head at the side and made a seductive smile. "Good luck." He said as he extended his hand for a hand shake she took it planting a very small dot device on the sleeve of his suit. He kissed her knuckles that made Edmond frowned and winced. She just smiled and she faced Edmond who is still frowning. She speaks in Danish saying:
Chill yourself up and get the money out of the car. Just wait for me on the bleachers.
He speaks in his language saying: No I will race with you, too. He held the door for her and gestured to let her in. She stared at him for a while and she got in the car. He closes the door, eying Ying Shu's men. He wore his black shades and scanned Ying's men. They got hand guns at their belts and knives in their pockets. Ying signed his men ordering them to get ready in their language. Edmond walked around to the passenger seat and entered, putting his seatbelt on.
"Okay..." she said. "This man is a dirty player and there's a possibility that he might kill us." She started the engine and clicked something. A helmet was put on their heads. "Start praying for your life."
"I already did." he said. She smirked and the screen in front of her face from the helmet had detected the exact and possible things that might have injured the car.
"Good. Ready?" She asked, smiling with full excitement. He nods. He never had been so happy and excited in his daily living.