Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 7


(I must find her )


its been two weeks,two weeks of happiness and being in a relationship with jack

He has made me feel how much he loves me

But am still holding back,i still cant tell him yet that i love him and we havent taken our relationship to another level

I still dont know what his intention is with me

I still dont know if he is only after getting me into his bed and then leaving me

Just thinking about that got me feeling so sad,if that was his true purpose,i surely would die because have made a vow to only sleep with the man i marry

If he wants sex without us getting married then i will just have to leave him

I stood in front of the mirror starring at myself

He has invited me out tonight,though i dont know why or for what but if its what am thinking then its best i dont go

"Why are you suddenly getting scared,if he wants sex then you say no there is no big deal in that"my mind said to me

But it is to me,i love that man a lot and to leave him now will only make me feel heartbroken

No matter what have got to face tonight

Breathing in deeply,i went downstairs to make sure that everything is in order before i leave

Stacy is working overnight and she wouldnt be home

I was just locking up the kitchen door when i heard the sound of a car

I quickly picked up my things and went outside before he knock on the door

"You look lovely"he said as he climbed up the stairs towards me

"And you look so very very attractive,am sure that a lot of girls will envy me tonight"i said stepping into his arms

He gave me a deep kiss before leading me to his car

The car drove off and soon we got to a restaurant

When we walked in there was no one around and all the chefs and waiter were all lined outside to welcome us

I gave jack a look which he returned with a smile

"Jack why all this special treatment "i said

"Thats because they are here to serve us and its also my restaurant"he said

"Wow,i never knew you had a restaurant "i said

"Well i have a passion for cooking and as for that passion not to go to waste i decided to make a restaurant of my own"he said

"Wow so my boyfriend can cook and all the time he let me cook or he takes us out to eat,well i wont be missing today at all,i must eat a food cooked by you"i said

"Sure signorina,your wish is my command"he said helping me to sit and soon the food were put on our table

He got up and came to serve me "this is a curry soup i made just for you"he said and i rewarded him with a kiss

Soon we began to eat and i wouldnt deny that the curry tasted good

"Do you know that ever since youve come into my life,it has been a whole lot colourful"he said

"The love i feel for you have never been felt for any other person ,you are my joy ,my peace,the one i want to live with forever"he said

I didnt know why he was saying all of those things but i felt flattered

Just knowing that i was someone else joy and peace made me feel giddy and excited

I was still enjoying the soup when i bit on something

I pulled it out only to see that it was a ring

He stood up and came to kneel in front of me

"My lovely stephanie would you do me the honour of being my wife"he said

I felt a lot of emotion and it took me a while before i responded

"Yes my love,yes"i said happily as he set the ring in my finger,i stood up and hug him

I never would have expect him to propose to me but he did and yes i will marry him

I will marry the man i love with all of my heart

TWO WEEKS LATER we got married in a beautiful garden

With stacy,peter and alex being our witness

Its the most happiest day of my life

Just knowing that i will be spending the rest of my life with the man i love only made me feel so peaceful and blessed

"I have a wedding gift for you "he whispered into my ears

"What ?"

"Just look over there"he said and i saw them

little peter and jenny,its been a while since i saw the two of them

I thought as i took hugged the little kids

"We missed you both a lot"Peter said

"and we did too my dearest"i said

Together we all went to the restaurant to celebrate

It was getting late in the eveving when we decided to leave for pur honey moon

"Where are we going my love"

"To my home in spain,its time for you to meet my parent"

"Will they like me"i said

"Of course they will and they have no choice because we are married"he said pulling me close

"I love you a lot"isaid

"And i too my dearest wife "he said kissing me

I dont know why but i had this strange feeling that something will happen

Something that i wouldnt like one bit..


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