Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 3

steph pov

He kept on kissing me, deepening the kiss and I found myself enjoying it

I wanted so desperately to pull him close to me

Which is something I hardly do,getting back to reality I pushed him off and stood up feeling so angry

"What's wrong with you?why did you dp that" I.said

"I couldn't stop myself and I dont regret it because its the best kiss ever" he said licking his lips

That got me feeling weak and longing,longing for a man who am not suppose to be longing for

"I knew you would be dirty as your friends,I dont know why I Even allowed you to bring me to your house" I yelled at him

"Thats because you were injured and you need to be treated" he said

"Well I don't want that anymore,I want to leave"

"Running from your feelings won't change a thing between us,I want you and I know you want me too"

"In your dreams" I said taking my bag and then walking off

"We will see about that" he said laughing behind me

I felt so scared and excited at the same time

I got outside only to find a chauffeur waiting to drive me back

At first I wanted to refuse but it was late already and I dont even know where I am

I got into the car,hoping and praying that this would be the last I saw of him,


I woke up as usual getting ready for my work as a sales representative in a supermarket

I work as a sales rep in the day and as a waitress in the night

I got downstairs and found Stacy cooking in the kitchen

"You should eat something before leaving" she said

"I can't Stacy,if I do I will be late" I said putting my necessary stuff in my bag

"Sorry about your phone" I said starring at her

"Dont worry and thats why have told you to get yourself one" she said

"I will but not now" I said giving her a smile

"Can you give me the phone on my way back I could give the phone to someone that can repair it" I said

"Oh no need,that guy from yesterday asked for it,he said he would repair it for me"

"What guy?"

"The cute one with his two friends,he had said he bumped into you and that had cause the damage of the phone,I had willingly given him the phone since he said he would repair, who knows he might even buy me a new one" Stacy said excited

"I hope he does" I said waving her off

I got outside only to see him coming out of the car

How the hell had he gotten my address

It could have been when his chauffeur dropped me home yesterday

Its best I pretend not to see him,I thought to myself as I began to walk the other direction

"Stephanie" he said calling to me

I didn't want to answer at first but his constant call to my name made me turn around


"You really are cranky'" he said

"Only to those I think are worth it" I said

"And am worth it" he said

"Definitely" I said

"Oh Jack,your finally here"Stacy said as she walked towards us

" you both have met already"Stacy said starring at us

"You must already know him right?he is the one that bump into you jack" she said

"Finally we get to be introduced properly" he said moving towards me and giving me a kiss on the cheek

I moved away from him quickly and mumbled a goodbye to Stacy and then I walked off

Jack pov

"Weird,Stephanie never behaves that way but please dont let her greeting bother you, come with me into the room" she said pulling me

How I wish Stephanie was as free as stacy who chattered away and made jokes to me a stranger

The kiss last night hadn't been planned

I wanted her to feel comfortable around me but my stupid hormones had taken charge and I had kissed her

Something I dont regret doing,she is the prefect girl for me and I want her

"The phone couldn't be repaired so I bought a new one instead" I said and Stacy yelled thanking me

"And does Stephanie have a number,you see I want to urrrgh talk to you her about something important"

"Stephanie doesn't have a phone,she doesn't even have a number,the girl is just so old fashion, wanting to save up instead of buying herself a phone" Stacy said

"Oh I see" I said

First thing I do is to buy her a phone I thought to myself

"You like her dont you" Stacy said suddenly


"Dont play the pardon act with me,you heard me right"

"Well yes I do like her,a lot and I need your help in winning her over,as of now she doesn't even give me a look" I said

"Stephanie have always been a hard girl,her main focus is just to make money,she has no time for guys and face her life,so what she is doing to you too wouldn't be a surprise"

"But you do want her right " she said again


"I will help you but the main thing here is that you are truly sincere about wanting to be with her,I don't want her being heartbroken later on" she said

"I sincerely want her" I said giving her the assurance she needed

"Then I will help you" she said

Stephanie pov

"Stephanie this just arrived for you" Marcos a guard at the supermarket said handing the bouquet to me

"Are you sure,its for me" I said

"Yes it is" he said dropping it with a smile

I opened the envelope and read "while interrogating your friend,she said you love flowers and I got them especially for you and she also said you dont have a phone so I got it for you too and by the way my number is the first contact in it, call me,I will be waiting


This guy doesn't give up right?I thought as I took the little package attached to the flower

He is really bent on chasing me but I dont want to be in a relationship now,am not just ready yet...


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