Chapter 6
(I must find her)
Chapter 6
Steph pov
I stood by the pavement waving him off
He gave me one last smile before driving off
Tomorrow is a free day for me and i will be going out on a date with him
I still cant believe that i said yes to him,i thought as i walked in
"Did you say yes"stacy said behind me and i got frightened
"My God your such a gossiper "i said moving towards her
"Have been dying to know what you both were talking about since you arrive "
"If you saw us arrive,then you would have seen the kiss he gave me"i said
"Of course,am so happy for you girl"
"Dont be yet,i still dont know if i can trust him yet"i said
"He might just be playing with him,am just a poor orphan without anyone while he is a very rich guy,he might just want to sleep with me"i said
"I dont think so,i think he really likes you"stacy said
"Well i will just have to see that tomorrow "i said
"whats happening tomorrow"
"I will be going on a date with him tomorrow "
"Yippeee.........i knew that with your looks you will surely get a rich husband someday "
"Dont jump into conclusions yet,i dont know if i will date him and your now talking of marriage "she said
"He will be your husband,trust me"stacy said smiling at me
I was already dressed before his car arrived
I had no idea where he was taking me to but i knew that he had big plan for our outing today
Stacy came to call me and quickly i went downstairs to find him there waiting for me
"Hello,you look so beautiful "he said walking towards me to kiss me
I stood shocked in his arms and when he saw my face he laughed
"Sorry if am coming on too fast but i just cant resist kissing you "he said
"I dont mind"i said a bit shy
He gave me a smile and walked me out of the house into his car
The first place we visited was the zoo
It was quite fascinating to see the animals with him
He was a perfect gentleman and i found myself liking him more
From there we went to the cinema,where we watched a romantic film
In all the kissing scene,i could feel his eyes on me but i didnt stare at him because i knew he would kiss me
Soon the film ended and then he took me to the beach
I wasnt expecting him to take me there but he did
We walked around the beach holding hands and learning more about each other
I found out that he lives in italy and that he is just 26 and he is already a billionaire
I also got to know his likes and dislikes which were similar to mine
I feel that we were destined to meet and that stacy was right when she said that he would be my husband
Cause i knew deep down that am already inlove with him
We got back to the beach only for me to see that some tables and chairs have been put there and that it was doecorated with lights and flowers
I couldnt help myself,i screamed out a wow
"Do you like it?"he said
"Its so beautiful"i said walking to it
He pulled out a chair and i sat down
"I had prepared it all for you"he said
"My God,all this for me"i said still feeling flattered and happy that a man would go this far for me
"Yes and there is still more"he said and just then i began to hear someone singing
He was serenading me,i thought as i saw four men line out in front of us to singing a very beautiful love song
"Care to dance"he said
I nodded and took his outstretched hands
We began to flow with the music
Being held in his arms feels so great,i thought as i held him close
He stared at me and push back a strand of my hair which was getting blown by the wind
"You really are gorgeous"he said givung me a smile before kissing me
It felt so magical,the dinner,the song,jack,everything felt like a dream,a very good one
We went back to eating and i ate till i was full
"Would you like to go home now"he said as we both sat on the sat starring into the sea
"Yes jack"i said givung him a smile
"Your not even planning to stay a while"
"Staying a while will resort to me sleeping in your house and am not just ready for that yet "i said
"Do you think i only want to sleep with you?"
"Isnt that what you are after "j said
"No steph"
"Then what ? Why are you pursuing me"
"Cause have fallen hopelessly inlove with you"he said
"You love me?"
"So much that it hurts"he said
Just hearing him tell me that he loves me brought me great joy
I love him too but i wont tell him.that now,i thought
After his confession he took me back home
Kissing me deeply,not wanting to let me go
"Its pure torture having to drop you back home "he said
"Why not just come with me to my house"
"You know that am not a girl like that"i said
"I know and thats why i love you so much"he said
"You hardly know me jack"
"Thats a lie ,i know a lot about you already and you do with me"he said
"How sure are you that i feel the same way too"
"Cause i know you do,so tell me what are we now"he said
"I dont know,you tell me"
"Well i think that we are both sweethearts now,your now my girlfriend and am your boyfriend "he said
"And who told you that have agreed to be your girlfriend"i said
"Your kisses tells me so "he said and kissed me