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Thirty days as a stripper chapter eleven


i was starting to be impatient, what could have kept him so long?

I think I'll tell him when I come back from Pablo's club. I stood up and went to my room

Nothing to wear

I opened the closet,,,empty!

What should I wear? I thought for a while then an idea popped up in my mind

I'll trace his room and wear his cloth

I walked out of my room and took the stairs to his room

I located the room.due to my intelligence and smartness

His room.... wow!

Just like a prince!

I opened his closet and wowed at his clothes

His shoes...they are great!

I took his shirt and his trousers. I walked out of his room and went to mine

I took a short shower

I wore his shirt and trousers....

Holly molly! I am a sack!

Just too bigger than me.

I don't have a choice than to wear this and...I don't have a transport fare

I have to trek again

I don't trust Pablo, he might harm my dad. I said and walked out of my room down to his compound

Ma'am, where are you going? His security asked

Never mind. I said and walked to the gate. It opened automatically

How did that happen? I asked myself as I walked out


I walked into the club and met Pablo pacing up and down with anger

I went to him. I was welcomed by a slap

Why are you late?! He yelled at me

I shivered and couldn't say a word then he slapped me again

What are you late?! I called your number but you didn't pick it. You are toying with your dad's life. He said

Please, don't harm my dad, I'll do something, please don't hurt him. I said

You know what today is? Today makes it the tenth day you have been stripling here. He said and held me by my neck

I'll deal with you after you strip for sixty minutes. He said and threw me to the floor

A hour? I asked and he slapped me with the back of his hands

I groaned in pains

Take her in. He ordered his boys

They carried me and dropped me on the floor making me hit my butt on the floor

A lady laughed behind me and it turned out to be Jessica 's friend

I stood on my feet

I cried and walked to the inner room. I changed to the usual

I walked to the stage and began to strip

One hour later, I walked out of the stage all tired

My back aches

I changed my cloth and walked out, I waited for Pablo by the counter

He came out smoking out of his cigarette

Can I..can I see my dad? I asked and he slapped me twice

For asking me that, be here by six tomorrow. He said

I sniffed and walked out of the club

I think the time should be eight o'clock, now I have to trek again


Staying home for about four hours

Where is Dona

Where is she? I thought

A knock fell on the door. "Come in." I said

The door opened revealing her, she walked in and...what's this?

My cloth?

I laughed then she frowned

Why are you laughing? She asked

You are wearing my cloth, it doesn't looks fitted on you and who showed you the way to my room? I asked

She ignored me and sat on the couch

Where have you been, you got me worried. I said

Club. She replied

What happened to your face, were you harassed by Jessica again. I asked and she nodded negatively

Then what happened to you? I asked and sat on the same couch with her

I moved closer then she stood up

I wanted to tell you this before you left this morning. She said

What is it?

Will you help me? She asked, I stood up and faced her

Say it, I'll do it. I replied.

She sat on a couch and covered her face, she was crying

Hey, why? I said softly

Tell me what happened to you, if it is something I can do then so be it. I said and squatted before her

Look at me. I said and moved her hands from her face

Tell me. I muttered and raised up her chin to my face.

I clasped her hand in mine

You are free to tell me what's bothering you. I said to her, she avoided my eyes

Pablo...Pablo has my father and he threatened to kill him if I don't work for him or I pay him his money. She said

I was speechless for a while

Pablo? Are you...are you sure of what you are saying. I asked and she nodded

But...why would he do that? I asked

She explained everything to me, seriously... I was touched

Really touched

Please.... I need your help, he respects you. She said

I will....

You will? She asked cutting me off

Yes but you'll have to do something in return. He said

No, I can't do that... maybe you should keep your assistance...

Listen. I said

If you want me to do that, you'll have to stop......crying. I said and smiled at her

She smiled and pulled out her hands from.mine

We've been holding hands

She stopped crying and cleaned her tears and eyes

We'll go tomorrow. I said and pulled her in a hug

Her br**st touched my chest

Bad guy

When she was narrating her story, she never made mention of her private part

I know very well that she not a v*rgin

She has a pit hole and I'll get there


It's morning again, I yawned and got up from bed.

I still very pretty even without bathing

I rushed to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I took a shower as well

Gosh,,I can't wait fo evening, I'll live happily with my dad again

We will be happy just like before and I'll stop stripping. I'll be free!

I finished bathing and went out of the bathroom with my towel tied up to my chest

This is the best day ever!

It's gonna be a surprise for my dad

I brought out the clothes Sammy bought for me yesterday. I wore one of them after I applied an expensive cream on my body

I parked my hair and walled out of my room.

It's still dyed though... I'll get rid of it

I went downstairs and met him operating his phone with his legs crossed

Good morning. I greeted and sat on the couch opposite to him

Good morning. He said without looking at me

What are you doing?

Busy ordering food. He answered with his gaze still fixed on his phone

Ordering for food again? Don't worry, I'll cook. I said he scoffed. He raised his head and looked at me

Are you kidding me? A Come on, stop it. He said and chuckled

Sammy, I'm serious..I'll do the cooking. I said again

Okay then. He said and dropped his phone on the couch

That's the kitchen. He said and pointed to a direction.

Okay. I replied with a smile, he stood up and went to his room with his hands pocketed

I walked to the kitchen and opened the door

Oh my goodness! His kitchen is a perfect definition of a hall

Very big and large. The kitchen utensils are amazing, I haven't seen such in my life.

I tried to turn on the gas cooker but it didn't respond to my call

What's wrong with it?

Come on, do it for me. I said and switched the 'on' power countless times.

The door opened and Sammy came in


Sammy , your gas isn't answering me. I said and he scoffed

I stepped aside and then he turned it on and at once, it worked

Get used to it. He said and nodded

Thanks. I muttered and he turned to leave

I placed the pot on the gas, pour some water

I'm going to prepare Spaghetti, I need a bowl

I turned to where his plates were, they are a bit far and my hands couldn't reach it so I jumped and tried getting it

I jumped again but still couldn't get it.

I jumped again and suddenly, a hand took the small bowl without stress

I was startled and I turned immediately only to see a tall Sammy standing before me

He was looking at me and I was also looking at him

We were like that for a while

Oh my goodness, he is so tall and handsome

I...I...I'll take the bowl. I stuttered and interrupted the sene

Yeah, sure...sure. He said and gave it to me

He stepped aside and I continued what I was doing.

call me if you need anything. He said and walked out of the kitchen

I let out a sigh and poured a pack of spaghetti into the bowling water


I smiled as I walked out of the kitchen,'s nothing

Just a mere stare and that's all.

I went to my studio, where I plag ny muscial instrument and songs

A love lyrics came from nowhere... I was inspired

I took a pen and a music note and jotted everything

I began to sing and I played my keyboard

~There is a connection yet to be found

~But love is gonna make it up

~cause you are my everything

~you are the only one in my heart

~You have a space in my heart

~Cos I love youuu

Excuse me? Someone said

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