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Thirty days as a stripper chapter four


I went out of my room hurriedly without eating anything

I stopped a cab and entered

Pablo's club. I mentioned to him and he ignited his car

We got to the club and I alighted out of the car, I was about going when the cab man called me

"Miss, you are yet to pay me my money".  He said

Oh...I have no money and why didn't I take a taxi instead. I thought

"Er....sir, could you just wait for some minutes, I'll....I'll get your money." I said and he came out of his car

"No, I have other customers to attend to , didn't you know you have no money before you called me". He said

I was taking too long outside, Pablo will kill me

"Please, try to understand, I'll pay you your money, just wait for some....."

"How much is the money?' A deep mascular voice asked behind me

"OMG! Sammy King!" The driver exclaimed

"Sammy?" I turned and he was actually the one

I was standing too close to him so I moved back

"You have to sign this". The driver said and brought out a pen and took off his cloth

"How much is the money?" He asked him

"Do you know her?" The driver asked

"Yes, she's my sister". He said and I was surprised

"Your sister??? Oh.... I'm sorry". The driver said and bowed countless times

"It's okay". Sammy replied. He gave him his money and also signed his cloth

The driver got into his car and drove out of the club

"You called me your sister?" I asked incredulously

"Yeah, just saved your life and added more to your reputation in front of a cabby even if you almost killed me".  He replied lustfully

"Well I don't care, I know you are doing this just to get me on your bed and that'll never happen". I said

"Sure, I will." He said and licked his lips

He walked round me and I wonder what he was looking at

"You've got some crazy curves". He whispered to my ear

"Listen, I will not allow any form of sexual harrasment from you so back off!". I half yelled

"What if I have you by force". He said

You have me by force and......


Oh my God, I am dead. I remembered and ran hurriedly  into the club

See what he caused


She was saying something then she shouted


"I am  dead" and ran inside

Why was she saying that, she volunteered to work here and I wonder why she didn't have any money to give the cabby

Thank God I came on time after Miss Gina told me she's gonna be traveling tomorrow

Miss Gina could be funny at times, she could have waited till the following day

I walked into the club and saw how Pablo yelled at her

She was even slapped

She was manhandled

She's a lady...why is she being maltreated like that?

Xup Sammy, you never told me you were coming back. Jessica catwalked to me and said

"No, I can't take that". I said and walked over to Pablo's counter

"Sammy?!" Jessica called as I went to the place but I ignored her

Boss! He hailed as usual

"Why is she been handled like this?" I asked and pointed at her.


"Oh ...she's Dona? Nice name but why is she been rough handled like this"? I asked

"Personal secret boss, she violated my rule. "He said

"Okay but can you tell your boys to quit beating her?" I asked

"Boys, stop." He said and they left her alone

"She came lately and that's what she's being maltreated for". Pablo said to me

" So if you gonna punish someone, it's should be me cause I delayed her outside". I said

"Boss, this is between Dona and I".He said and walked away

I walked over to Dona's place and squatted before her

She was crying

I'm sorry. I apologized

If you didn't ask me questions, none of this would have happened. She said and stood up on her feet

She ran to a room

What's wrong with her and Pablo?

I stood up and took a sit then Jessica came and sat on my laps, she took my lips in hers which turned me on

"Let go get a room". I said

We got to the room.....

She laid on the bed while I climbed on her, I tore her dress revealing her pointed nipple. I sucked it

Oh mine! She moaned and ran her hand through my hair.

I stopped and deeped my first finger in her vulva , her soft moans rang in my head. I took down my pants and thrusted into her repeatedly, she was enjoying it because her moanings could tell

"Give it to me baby." She said and circled her legs round my waist

Harder! Harder!! She said as I thrusted in and out

"Kiss me" . I said and she did, she fumbled her breast to my chest


"Want a d*ggy"? She asked and I nodded

I went out of her then she stood up and held the table. I held her waist and thrusted in again

"Yeah baby! Yeah! "

Gosh! I wonder how Dona would sound

I pulled out of her and zipped up my trousers

"What? Are we done?" She asked

"Yeah." I replied and went out of the room

I went back to the club and sat down

Some seconds after, Dona came on stage

I think she'll be good in bed as she performed here but she's playing very difficult to get

She finished and ran out of the stage as usual

I wonder why

After some minutes, she came back on stage again and everyone cheered

Worth it though....


i stripped with the little strength left in me

This was the second time striping to a long music and seven minutes

The music ended and I ran out of the stage

"Stay here". Pablo shouted as I was about to go to the inner room

I obeyed and stood by the counter then a guy came to me

"Hey sexy, love your style." He said and came closer to me

"What do you want"? I asked and he scoffed

"You know the deal baby, stop asking me". He said

"What deal are you talking about?". I asked but then he gripped my two hands and pulled me to himself

I pushed him away

"Leave me alone"! I shouted that it attracted people to us

Most of them were critising me

Isn't it part of her job

Blah blah blah

"I want you baby". The guy said and came to me

Do not touch her. Sammy said and appeared from nowhere

He stood in the guy's front

"What's your problem man, back off". He said; guy to guy

The guy smirked and left

" saved me again". I said but he just walked away

Pablo came out

Be early tomorrow, your dad is save. He said

"Can I see him?" I requested and he said no

I walked sullenly to where I could change my cloth

I took off the half naked cloth I was wearing and wore something responsible

I took my bag and walked out of the room

My stomach were singing different types of songs, I haven't eaten the whole day

I got out of the club and saw Sammy about to enter his car

"Sammy". I called and he stopped

He turned to me and smiled

"Er...thanks for saving me again." I said

"It's alright". He replied and turned to leave

"And..."..i said and he stopped

I'm sorry I hit a vase on your head. I added

Its okay. He said and licked his annoying lips

"Care for a ride"? He asked

I nodded negatively

"Why? let me take you home".He said

"I'll get home myself".

What am I saying, I don't even have money.

"So, you're gonna take me home?" I asked and he nodded positively

"Okay". I said he opened the door for me

I got inside so did he

"I'm sorry if my cloth stain your car seat". I said

All he did was licking his lips

I hope I don't regret this, how am I sure he doesn't have bad thoughts

I was so tired and sleepy

He started driving

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