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Thirty days as a stripper chapter seven


Leave me alone! I shouted and pushed him to the wall

I sighted a stick and picked it up

I hit it in between his leg

"I will destroy that thing that is pushing you around " I said then done boys came out of nowhere

Oh no. ..

If I should run, they would probably catch me..

Maybe I should

I started running then some set of cars with tinted glasses parked in my front

Come in! Someone shouted

I looked back and saw the boys coming for me, without delay, I entered the car and it closed automatically

I screamed as soon as I saw the guy


I shouldn't have entered. I said to him as I fastened my seat belt

Then, he's gonna have what I ought to taste first. He said

Ewwww...can't you do without saying this. It irritates me. I said and moved to the window side

He chuckled

How are you doing today? He asked

Fine. I simply replied

I wanted to ask him the reason he was not in the club today but I changed my mind

What's the point in asking him, I am not his mother

I'll drop by that Nacho restaurant. I said and he chuckled

Ya! What's the 'chuckling' all about? I asked then he moved closer to me

I'll take you home. He said and demanded for my address

I will not tell you, I'll just drop by that nacho restaurant and I will find myself a taxi. I said even when I know I don't have money

Okay then. He replied and continued to operate his phone

He made several calls and I bet most of it were ladies

Such a flirt!

We passed by the Nacho restaurant

Mister, I ought to stop there. I said to the driver

Sorry ma, I'm waiting for my boss' order. He said

I glared at Sammy and he smiled

Where are you taking me to? I asked with a glare

Your house.

But I told you not to bother, just drop me here. I said and pointed to the next restaurant

I am taking you home. He said

Your address?

Argh! I groaned and gave it to him

He's going to know where I live.

Thanks. I said and got out of his car

Do you have a phone? Give me your number. He said and I sighed

I have a phone but....I will never give you my number. I said and went inside

Everyone was asleep. I was about to enter my room them I met a paper glued to the door

Notice: You have twenty four hours to stay here.

Oh God! The rent!

Now, how do I pay this when Pablo isn't giving me the chance to work for myself. I soliloquized

Dona, is everything okay? Mrs Luci said and came out of her room

You are awake. I said then pointed to the paper glued to my door

My rent is about to expire and I don't have money to renew it. I said

He did the same thing to everyone, he wants us to move out. She said

Move out? Where do i to go and what if your rent is yet to expire? I asked

He's going to return our money. She answered

This is weird, so wierd. I said and went inside

If I leave here in two days time, where am I going to stay and with all these luggages. I said and looked at the bed and other things

My stomach made a sound

Oh God, not again.. I don't have any thing at home. I ate the last pork this evening. I said to myself

I don't know why these is happening to me, must I suffer?

I should have been born with a silver spoon. I said and cried

I brought out my small phone

The only thing it does is to receive calls

I can't even call someone

Who is gonna buy this? I laid on the bed thinking and then I slept off

Sammy King

I'm home, bye. I said to manager kang over the phone and ended the call

I looked at myself in the mirror

I'm a big boy. I said to myself

I took off my cloth and wore something casual

I felt like playing one of my piano

I took my phone and went to my music room. I sat near the piano and started playing

I gotta go to club tomorrow. Smile escaped my lips as I sang and played the piano

Dona,that's girl drives me crazy.

I really want to have her

I didn't know when I found myself singing for her

You've been playing very difficult to get

But I'll surely get you on my bed

No matter how you avoid me

Just know you have a place in my heart

So stay with me,,,,,,Dona i

Cause I love youuuuuuu

I wanna have youuuuuu

So stay with me,,,,Dona

Cos I love youuuuuuu

I wanna have you.....right close to me,,, on my bed

I was interrupted by a call from miss Gina

We talked for few minutes then i ended the call

I got up and walked back to my room

I jumped on my bed and thought of her,Dona

I closed my eyes and visualized her body structure, those bad curves

You are a bad boy Sammy! I said to myself and hugged my pillow


Next day


I packed my clothes only, I don't know where to go.

Maybe I should go to Pablo's club first. That God it's almost six

I haven't eaten since yesterday, all I have in my stomach right now is water.

I carried my small bag on my shoulder and bided Mrs Luci a goodbye

I'll have to trek to Pablo's club.

Let the journey begin.........

After trekking for about fourty minutes, I got to Pablo's club

I went inside breathing heavily

You are late! He yelled at me

Huh?late? But...but I left exactly 5:20. I tried to defend myself

I told you to be here by six, this is two minutes after six! He yelled and slapped me

Do not dare me! He said

I walked sullenly to the room and as usual, I wore the half naked cloth given to me

She re-dyed my hair to red

I looked like a complete wore. I was about to get out of the room then I held my lower abdomen

I groaned for a while then I walked to the stage

Everyone cheered

Sammy walked in , our eyes met and he smiled at me

I looked away and waited for the music

It was played then I started my work, my stomach hurts

At some minutes, I stopped


Why? People murmured then I continued again

I turned around and I and Sammy"s eyes had a contact

I looked away again and continued my work

The music ended. I was about to leave the stage then another music came in again

I continued to strip

This is pain....

I was breathing heavily as I stripped

The music ended then another one followed

In short, I was opportuned to leave the stage after twenty songs


You can go home now. Pablo said

Home? I don't even have a house. I said to myself

Can I see my father? I asked and all I got was a glare

You are over stepping your boundaries. He said

I went to the room and changed my cloth

I held my belly

Are you okay? Sheala asked and I nodded you need a cigarette? She asked

No, I don't take that. I said and tried to stand on my feet. I carried my bag and made my way out of the club

Ha! I screamed as I bumped into Sammy

Calm down baby doll. He said

For the last time, stop calling me baby doll. I replied

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