Read with BonusRead with Bonus


Chapter Three

"You need some new stuff Jess," Henry said in an 'isn't is so obvious' tone. "Some new bikinis, dresses and we're great to go!"

I raises my eyebrows in disbelief. "Bikinis and dresses? What in the world happened to good ol' fashioned jeans?"

"Fine," he grumbled, "A pair or two won't matter much."

My jaw dropped to the ground. Henry was acting as if he was doing me a big favor. This man seriously needed to get his head out of the clouds.

"Let's finish your packing, shall we?" I swiftly changed the topic, hoping to distract him.

He grinned, before going into his bedroom and brought out a large suitcase. I basically stuffed all his clothing, much to his chargin. "Now I have to do it all over again after you leave," hw grumbled, making sure I heard every word.

"I love you too Hen," I smirked and he shot me a dirty glare.

"Its Henry you faggot," he retorted and I gave him my best You-Will-Rot-In-Hell-and-die glare. I zipped up his suitcases and picked up his phone, dialling the pizzeria, which he obviously had on speed dial. "And she orders food like she owns the place," he muttered.

I grinned cheekily at him, before taking another sip right out of the wine bottle, making him yell at me in disgust. "Are you staying here the night?" He asked.

"Sure," I accepted his non-offer, then it struck me. "Are we going to be sleeping together at your parent's house?"

Henry smirked, "Oh you wish, babe. But like I already told you, I don't swing that way."

I threw a pillow at him, trying my best to not laugh. Sometimes, it was these things that he said that cracked me up. "Ugh! That is not what I meant!"

He shrugged. "If you don't have a problem. I mean, its going to make us look like a couple."

"Its not like we haven't slept together," I stated, then added before he could say anything. "I mean in the completely non sexual way."

He laughed just as the doorbell rang. "I'll get it," I muttered, pulling out Henry's wallet from inside the pillow cover, making him yell, "Hey!"

Only, when I opened the door, it wasn't the pizza delivery guy. It was Mr. Fredrick Harrington. I frowned, closing the door behind me before he could see or say anything.

"You weren't there in your apartment," he said by way of explanation.

"What do you want?" I gritted out through clenched teeth.

"You know what I want Jessica. Why don't you stop being so stubborn and come to terms with the fact that you are going to need me. In the end the Kings can only provide so much."

I glared at him, "I do not need you. And I am happy with what my parents have provided me with, so take your offers and desperate knock on some other door."

"Sheila wants to meet you," he said. My heart clenched. Sheila was his wife, who had just recuperated from cancer.

"I can't," I said. "I'm leaving town for some time."

"With your guy friend?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

"That's none of your business," I heard Henry say behind me. I turned around to see him dressed in pyjama bottoms and a t-shirt. I gave him a grateful smile. "As you can see, hopefully, you aren't wanted here or in her life. Leave her the fuck alone."

Frederick glared at him. I took Henry's hand and dragged him into the apartment. I gave him my best glare and he chuckled. He obviously found my anger funny.

"Seriously though, are you going to go meet her?" he asked.

"Didn't anyone tell you that eavesdropping is a bad habit?" I teased. He gave me a look and I sighed. "No. I really don't want to get her hopes up. I don't think I can ever..."

He gave me a small smile before pulling me into his arms. I hugged him tightly, seeking the comfort which he gave me. Henry was always there for me. He knew what I wanted to say, what I needed to hear.

"Pizza's here," Henry announced when the doorbell rang again. I sat down on the couch, turning on the television. I put on a rom com as Henry handed me a plate with the pizza. We ate in silence, only occasionally talking until I fell asleep on his couch.

"The one thing you should never ask my mom?" Henry asked as we were on our way to his parent's house. His parents lived in Italy and I was so star struck at the sights that we passed through.

It didn't seem like such a big deal for Henry, as he kept on his jovial talk and questions.

"Uh..." I tried to remember, "About surgeries and her first marriage."

"What do you ask my dad if you find yourself in an uncomfortable position with him?"

"About his business."

"Good. I don't think Michael will talk to you, unless its at the meals or something." Henry stated. "He usually doesn't socialise much. He has to maintain his badass, ruthless businessman social image."

I laughed at the way Henry described his brother. We drove up a hill. According to Henry his parents lived on the outskirts of Italy. They lived in something close to a mansion, which couldn't even be called a house.

"We're here," Henry announced as the driver opened the door. I got out and I almost drooled over the sight. The mansion in front of me was gorgeous. It was a sight to behold. There was a small pond one side and a big lawn. The house itself was huge. Henry took my hand in his and I gave him a look.

"Oh and Jess?" Henry smirked as we entered the house. I gave him a questioning look. "You don't have to pretend hard. Just think of all the fantasies you've had about me. How irresistible I am, how smexy I am..." he trailed off.

I didn't know whether to laugh, cry or face palm myself. I just settled for hitting his arm, making him laugh.

"Henry?" a woman called out and he instantly put his arm around me. A woman who looked like a surgery gone wrong came into the room. I looked away, not trusting myself to not laugh. Now I understood what Henry meant by the surgeries.

"I missed you!" she exclaimed. "Come and give your mama a hug!"

Henry unhooked his arm from mine and hugged his mother. I smiled at them. The affection that she had for Henry was obvious in the way she looked at him. She held him back at arms length and scrutinized him.

"Have you been eating, hombre joven? You've become so thin!" she scolded him.

Henry looked away, completely embarrassed. I really did not understand how his doting mama could have missed the fact that he was gay.

"Jessica!" his mother exclaimed, pulling me into the hug. I had met Henry's mother once before this, and that time she really didn't think much of me. Until she realized that I had no idea about Henry's lineage, his,wealth.

"Hey Mrs. Perez," I greeted her.

She pulled back, a smile on her face. "Nonsense Mrs. Perez, you make me feel old. Call me Martha."

I smiled at her, sneaking a glance at Henry, who was looking at his phone and smiling, making me wondering what he was looking at.

"Oh,look. Michael's here," Martha announced and I turned around.

My jaw dropped to the ground as my eyes ogled the man. If I thought Henry was drop dead gorgeous, then was incarnate Adonis.

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