Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 2

It's now 1 p.m. and Ivy still didn't done Adam order yet. There's so many things in her head. "It's all his fault! If he didn't do that to me. Surely, I can concentrate to do my work. That asshole!" Ivy cursed Adam with a low voice. She didn't want Lily to hear that, otherwise she will talk nonsense again.

Ring Ring

Ivy hang up the shop phone. "Hello. This is Carnations Shop. How can I help you?" Ivy talk with a sweet voice.

"Heyy. I don't know that you can talk nicely." Ughhh. That man again. What does he want this time?

"What do you want?" She doesn't have any time to play with this crazy man. Can't he just leave her alone? Every week, he will come and distracted her from work. Or calling her. It's kinda annoying.

"I want to know, have you delivered my order?" Adam back with his professional tone.


"Uhhh. Hello.. Are you still there?"

Shit! She almost forget about it. How will Adam react if she say, she didn't deliver it yet. Will he scold her? He never scold her before. And just she just thought that he just call her to play around. But, reality really hit her.

"Ermm.. I.. I'm on my way now.." Ivy voice trembled. Will he believe her?

"Ohh. Okayy. Please hurry up. She hate to wait." With that, Adam hang the phone up. That man just know to give other instructions. Does he really think she really care that Juliana hate waiting?

Ivy stare at the bouquet in her hand. It almost done. But she can't find the roses. The only roses left have broken when she threw it after realize she thinking about Adam earlier.

"Can I just change the flower? It's not a big matter right?" Ivy talking to herself while pick the black roses. "It's roses too right? It's not a big matter. Who doesn't love black roses?" Ivy slip it in the bouquet. Black roses is the most mysterious plant that Ivy had ever seen. Besides it match with white lilies right? Black and white. Perfect combination. But maybe she have to pay for it, cause black roses are more expensive than red roses. Plus, she's the one who is broke that red roses.

Once she done decorating the bouquet, she get out from the shop to deliver the order. She drove her car fast. That's the only way she can get there before lunch time is out.

"I have a delivery for Miss Juliana." Ivy show the bouquet to receptionist. And when her job is done, she get out from the studio to go back to the shop. She didn't eat yet.

Once she's back, Lily grab her arm to the pantry. This girl always love to gossip.

"How? Is she pretty? Is Adam there too?" Ivy frowned when she hear the last question. Can she just don't hear that name for a day? It's make her feel sick.

"I'm just give it to receptionist. Plus, I'm hungry. So can you shut your mouth and get the food for me?" Ivy sit on the chair.

"I'm just asking. Don't mad at me." Lily pouting.

"Yeah. I'm not mad at you. I'm just hungry okay? Let's eat." Ivy smile at her lovely friend. How can she mad at this little girl? Even that they're at the same age, but Lily are more childish than her. She's a good friend too. It's just she love to talk too much.

"You know William?" Lily start breaking the silent. She hate silent.

"Yeah. I know."

"He's sweet right?" She look at Ivy face and watch her expression. She know Ivy like a good and gentlemen. If she don't want Adam, so maybe there's a chance for William.

William is their classmate. He's the only good and gentlemen in their class. Probably, the only one in this world. He always want to ask Ivy to go out. But, it's just that Ivy is not the kind of girl that easy to approach.

"Why are you suddenly asking me that?" Ivy look at Lily suspiciously. This is the first time Lily talk about William. Usually, she will only talk about Adam. Adam this, Adam that until she feel sick of hearing that name.

"I know you know why. Just look at William. He always look at you. He care about you. And, he has asked me your number. And I give it to him." Lily look away as she said the last sentence. She know Ivy will explode.

"You what?!!"

"I'm sorry. It's just.." Lily hadn't finished her sentence yet, but Ivy had interrupted. "Why did you give number to him?! It's my privacy!" Ivy cover her face with her hand. Trying to calm herself.

"I'm sorry. Please hear me first. You had rejected all man that want to go out with you.Till when you will live like this?" Lily look at Ivy sincerely. She know Ivy had a trust issue. She know that Ivy had broken before. But it doesn't mean that she have to push every man away.


"Give him a chance Ivy. Do it for me and for yourself. You're my friend. I love you. I just doesn't want you to unhappy like this." Lily continue to said what in her heart.

'Said who I'm unhappy?' Ivy can only said that in her heart. She doesn't want to make thing become more awkward.

She smiling and nodded her head. "What's done is done. No matter how I scold you, he still have my number." She continue to eat.

"Why you don't eat?" Ivy look at Lily confused. Then she know, Lily still feel guilty.

"Please don't mad at me." Lily start crying. Maigodd this girl. How can she be so fragile like this?

"No. I'm not mad at you. But if you don't stop crying, I will not talk to you for one week." Ivy tease her friend. She know Lily can't live without talking. Hehh.

"Okay okay." Lily wiped her tears and start eating.

"Who did my order last week?" Adam rush into Carnations Shop. His face looks like he's in a bad mood.

Ivy stared at Adam and her boss. It's about the order last week. The order for Juliana. She's the one who make that bouquet.

'I'm dead.' Ivy face suddenly becomes pale. She know, this will happen. She has change the type of the flower. Surely, today she will lost her job.

Ivy trying to dodge Adam sight. But it's too late. Adam already seen her. His eyes doesn't leave Ivy face.

"Ivy." Adam called her.

She had no choice, so she just walk towards them. She look at her boss face. Her boss looks angry. Yaa, she know she will kick her out today.

"Leave us alone." Adam gaze didn't leave Ivy face for a second. Did he so angry?

A second her boss go away, she look at Adam face. She doesn't dared to talk. It is her first time see Adam so angry just because of the flower.

"Why did you change the flower?" Adam cold tone come to her ear. She just looked at the floor. Didn't dare to look at Adam face.

"I.. I don't know what kind of roses you want. You just said you want roses but you didn't said that you doesn't want black roses. Besides, black roses is pretty too. You want it pretty right?" Ivy glance at Adam for one second. He still stare at her.

"You like black roses?" Adam ask suddenly.

"Haa?" Ivy look at Adam confused. Why does he ask her that? Doesn't he come here to scold her?

"She doesn't like black roses. But do you like black roses? Answer me." Ivy look at Adam again.

"What has that got to do with me?" Ivy still don't get it.

Adam don't answered her. He just change the subject. "Do you love this job?" Ivy nodded. "Then, if you love this job, give me your number and go out with me this weekend." Adam take out his phone from his pocket and give it to Ivy.

Ivy just hesitate. Does he insane? Does he think if hr ask for her number, then she will give it willingly?

"Give it, or you will lost this job. Not just that. I'll make sure, there's no other flower shop will take you as employee." Adam evil smile appeared. She know, he's a very bad boy.

Ivy snatch his phone. She doesn't have other choice. If she lost this job, how can she pay for her study?

"See you this weekend. I will text you what to wear, and when." With that, Adam just walk away. That's how he always do. He will said his last sentence and go away. Doesn't even bother to hear what Ivy will said.

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