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Chapter 8

The next day, Ivy go to her college like usually. Today, she feel so release, no more fighting or misunderstanding between she and Adam. And the good thing is, they're now friend. But, does billionaire really will be friend with an ordinary people like her?

"Heyy! What are you thinking now? And uwuu~you're smiling now! What just happened in your life that can make you this happy?" Lily elbows her arm. Usually, Ivy will come to college with serious face. But today, she's smiling from ear to ear.

"Nothing." Ivy reply with smile.

Lily still not believe it. There must be something that can make Ivy smile like this. She look so happy. "You're lying. I know it! Tell me please." Lily put her hand together.

Ivy look at her, then she laugh. "Okayy. Ermm.. Yesterday, we go out. We go to a fun fair. I never thought he will bring me there. But yaa, that's what happened. Then, who knows we will be a friend after we played a several game." She continue to laugh when she remembered yesterday.

"So you really do what I said? I know you and William will be a good pair." Lily smile.

Suddenly, Ivy stop laughing. What did Lily said? William? Since when did she say that she go out with William yesterday? "What did you said?" Ivy knitted her eyebrows together.

"You and William. You said you go out with William yesterday right?" Lily stop smiling. What did she said wrong?

"No. I go out with Adam. Not William. I already said I will go out with him on the last weekend. Don't you remember?" Ivy look at Lily. She smile again, maybe Lily just forgot about it. Lily mouth dropped.

"So, do you mean that you and Adam are okay now?!! Wow, it's a good thing." Lily clapping her hand a few time. No wonder Ivy is smiling so happily today. "But, what about William? Does this mean you give Adam a chance?"

Ivy smile faded. "Nope. We're just a friend. A FRIEND. F.R.I.E.N.D. not more than that."

"Ermm.. Don't mad if I ask." Lily look at Ivy then look at her foot. She afraid to ask her about this.

"Go on. Just ask me."

"But how about William?" Lily ask again.

"He's our classmate. Not more than that too."

"I told you to..." Before Lily can finish her sentence, Ivy put her finger on her lips. "Let's just go to class okay? I don't want to miss anything." Ivy drag Lily hand and walk together to their class this morning.

It's now lunch time, before they go to the next class. Ivy and Lily go to cafeteria together to get some food. There are so many food choices. Soup, porridge, rice and many more.

"You go get a table. I will go order for us. What do you want to eat?" Lily ask Ivy while her eyes still on the food. She so cute when she see a food.

"Get me the same with you." Ivy give Lily her money. Then she walk to the available table at the corner. She put her bag and book on the chair then she sit.

"Hye Ivy." Ivy turn around to see who talk to her. Her eyes widened when she see William with his food in his hand. 'Does he want to sit here? So busybody.' Ivy still look at him with unpleasant look.

"Can I sit here?" William ask nicely.

Ivy silent for a moment. Then she shake her head. "No sorry. Lily will come here after she done make an order."

William smile when he hear that. Then he nodded. "I'm sorry I'm disturbing you." He said then he walk away.

Ivy look at William back. She feel bad to say like that to William. He only want to sit here, but she doesn't like him. It's not her fault that she doesn't like him. She just don't want to give any hope to William.

"Heyy. I saw William walk from our table. What's up?" Lily ask once she here. She put their food on the table, then she put the empty tray on the next table. This girl is too lazy to put it at the proper place.

"Nothing. Let's eat, I'm so hungry now." Ivy start to eating to avoid more questions from Lily.

Ivy walk to her class as fast as she can. It's Madam Tee class now. She's a strict lecturer ever. One simple wrong thing, and you will out.

Once she is in the class, she put all her things on the table and sit on the chair. She take out her notebook to take some notes while listening to Madam Tee lecture. She's not that someone can remember every detail with only hear it.

"Okay class. We will continue to our lesson. If you have any questions or you don't understand, just raised your hand." Madam Tee enter the class then she start to giving lectures.

buzz buzz

Her phone vibrating, and she know it is Adam. There's no other people that will disturb her while she's in class. Good thing, she have change her phone to silent mode before came in this class.

buzz buzz

It's vibrated again. Ivy take her phone under the table to read the message.

'Heyy friend!' -Adam

'Are you still in the class right now?' -Adam

Ivy look at Madam Tee to see if she realize she's playing phone or not. And Madam Tee still focus on the lectures topic. Then Ivy start tapping the keyboard to reply Adam message.

'Yes.' -Ivy

She still look at her phone screen. She know Adam will reply within a minute.

'Okay then, text me back after your class.' -Adam

'Okay.' -Ivy

Ivy put her phone back. She smiling. She just realize that Adam is a lovely person. He will not force you to do something if you don't to anything wrong. He always understand her situation. But she never see it before.

Ivy continue to listen to the lectures. She's still smiling while taking the notes. She did not realize there's someone watching her with burned eyes. He's so angry when he saw Ivy smiling while playing with her phone. He know she's texting with someone special now.

"Just wait and see what I will do to you, and that man." He said.

After class ended, Ivy walk to her car with Lily. They're talking about some gossip while walking. Then she saw William walk to them with a smile.

"Heyy Ivy! Do you want to go to the flower shop?" William ask Ivy with a smile. There's always a smile on his lips when he talk to Ivy.

"Yes. I have to work."

"Okay, then let's go." William walk to his car. "I will follow you from behind."

"It's not necessary. I will go with Lily. She's work there too." Ivy try to talk nicely. She doesn't want to make William feel bad again.

"No. I want to to it. I heard Lee look at you madly and say something that you don't want to hear. So let me protect you. I don't want him to hurt you." William said while his eyes looking around to make sure Lee is not there.

"But what?! Isn't Lee already have a girlfriend? And he seems so good. Why does he want to do something bad to her?" Lily said then she reach Ivy hand.

"We never know what man thinks right?" William said and smiling.

"You're a man too." Suddenly Ivy said. They're silent for a while.

"Okay okay. Let's go work." Lily said then grab Ivy hand. "We will see you there." Lily wave to William. Then they get in the car.

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