Chapter 11
"You guys didn't know," Natalie asks us after Jace left.
We going towards our first class. After the issue earlier, gossip or that guy, whatever it, news about me traveled fast.
Not even a single guy is looking my way. They are giving us a wide berth. No catcalls from guys and no bitchy comments from girls. But I notice few girls glaring at me and a few smiles and waves.
"That you are her bodyguard? Nope. We thought you are his girlfriend" Beth replies.
Natalie laughs, she laughs so hard tears roll down her cheeks. She calms down considerably after some time and wipes her eyes.
"Have you looked at that man? He barely notices any of us. The only female who keeps his attention fixed on her for more than a second is Chloe. If I don't know about her phobia I would have thought she liked him too, going by the dirty looks she keeps giving me since the moment we met" Natalie confess.
"I was not giving you dirty looks" I defend myself immediately.
"Yes, you were," they both say in unison.
I am embarrassed, to say the least.
"I didn't mean to, I am sorry" I apologize.
"It's alright. I thought you are looking down at me because I am your bodyguard" Natalie muses loudly.
"I am sorry about that" I apologize again.
"Even I was wondering why she is acting like a spoiled kid. Usually, she is so sweet" Beth says from my left side.
"That bad," I ask her.
"Yup" she pops out the 'p'.
"God, I am so embarrassed" I cover my face with both my palms.
"Hey, now that it's cleared. No problem" Natalie nudges my shoulder playfully.
"I will make it up to you. How about lunch? my treat" I offer hopefully.
"Sure, why not" she easily agrees.
"You worked as a bodyguard before," Beth asks Natalie.
"No, I am a fighter. I fight illegally. I met Jace Black when he was a fighter there. Girls use to drool over him like crazy. In the beginning, he use to like the attention and was a man whore. Then I don't know what happened, all of a sudden he disappeared for a few weeks and then Bam. He became more ruthless in his fights and he barely noticed girls. He became serious and started a company in his final year" she explains what she knows.
I won't reveal what happened in those few weeks. That's the reason I am the way I am today. That's the reason he is treating me carefully.
"Here we are" Beth announces.
I snap my attention back to the present. We reach our first lecture hall.
We make our way inside and find three unoccupied chairs in the middle row in the otherwise full room.
"The perks of being Jace's girl," Beth says happily.
I roll my eyes at her reference and sit in one of the empty chairs.
I notice that no guy sits in any of the chairs that are near to us. Apparently,, Beth and Natalie noticed too.
"If this is how it is, then I won't have much work to do"
Natalie mutters.
"You didn't tell us how you ended up here," Beth asks her curiously.
"A few weeks ago, I got a call from Jace himself. He offered me a job. I get to finish my college and all my debts will be cleared. He is even paying me a monthly salary. All I have to do is protect you from any possible threats. If I feel anything out of my control, then I should call him immediately" she finishes just before our professor comes into the class.
He introduces himself and starts the class.
Surprisingly, the first day passes by quickly. Jace comes to pick me up.
He made it into a habit of driving me back and forth to college. No one trouble almost all the guys seem to be scared of me.
"If this goes on like this, I will remain single for the upcoming four years," Beth says dramatically.
"I am scared I need to find another job. But, who will pay you money for fulfilling my dreams like Jace does" Nat says dreamily.
Beth laughs along with her.
"Jace" they sigh together with stars in their eyes.
"I thought I only had one crazy friend, but now I have two" I mutter.
They laugh like I am praising them.
I like their banter. They discuss how hot a guy is to rank their features.
"You both act as if you never saw a guy before" I tease them.
"Admire the beauty Chloe" they said in union
It's been a month and I am enjoying my days. Natalie and Beth are too hilarious. They comment on the guys who so subtly moves away from our way. I find myself enjoying their banter rather than always be on alert.
Jace still takes me morning walks daily, a bit crowded places now. Not too many, but a few.
He takes my self-defense classes seriously. I managed to practice with him without using his kerchief to tie around his face.
"I am proud of you Chloe" he praised me, which made me swell with pride too.
I regularly talk to Aunt Joey. She is happy that I adjusted to my new college without any issues.
Time flies by, It just feels like yesterday, since I started college. I don't know how a year passed.
I went back home for Thanksgiving and Christmas break. Now I can talk to uncle Mike without stutter. I still can't touch anyone, except Jace.
I got used to his touch and now I barely notice it. I don't know when I became comfortable with his touch. It might be during our self-defense classes, where he corrects my posture or my fist while throwing a punch.
His face shows disappointment when I do anything wrong. I don't like that look in his eyes. So I used to concentrate more on not making mistakes rather than his touch.
Now though I don't mind him touching me. He won't touch me that much anyway, only when necessary which I am now comfortable with. He seems to know that too. But he is not taking advantage of it.
He takes us to dinner sometimes. Nat joins Beth in her 'Jace fan girls club '. They named it together.
Now I join and talk when I have anything to say in their conversations, instead of sitting quietly.
Life seems to be getting better.