Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 3

“I thought you said our best candidate Scott was a Mr Scott? Explain why I see a woman infront of me.” He barked at the Jack guy without even allowing him to greet. ‘Wow! What a nice and warm welcome. So I’m clearly not welcome here, how sweet of this gentleman. He must be a superhero. Earlier he exuded so much coldness but right now he is spitting so much fire like dragonzilla' Evette muttered internally. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Growled Mr. Baron. “I’m sorry sir but you didn’t give me any chance to give you the background details.” Said Jack the big boss's PA.

Evette just sat there analyzing the situation wondering what kind of an attitude her new boss has that he switches from coldness to harshness in a matter of minutes. He looks like he has a permanent hatred for women. ‘Is this man a homosexual or is he just a terrible sexist for him to wanna surround himself with men only?’ she questioned herself.

'I don’t think he is a homosexual,they aren’t this rude with the opposite sex. He is clearly a sexist, and it appears he has a deep seated hatred for women. Could it be that a woman did something horrible to him that led to his hatred or it is because he is afraid of letting a woman into his heart?’ she questioned herself further as she analyzed the situation.

Meanwhile, this man continued to bicker and was clearly furious with his employees. She cleared her throat to speak as she felt she has seen enough. Getting their attention she said, “Gentlemen, may I speak with your boss, in camera?” her voice was so confident and calm. They glared at their boss to get approval. He nodded and they left his office.

“Mr Baron, I will have you know that though I’m a woman, I am as much capable as a man and even better. Not meaning to brag but I can give you a run for your position and easily snatch it away” she paused. He hissed his jaws clenching clearly despising her words. “And I would have you know that I cannot take being humiliated and downgraded just simply because I am a woman. I know my job and I’m very good at it.” She said as she took out a pile of papers from her handbag putting them infront of this abnoxious man. “I would have you know that I had my own company overseas where I’ve been living for ten years, feel free to make your own research about it’s success before you misjudge me simply because I’m a woman. Now I do not know what in the name of bad things women did to you to deserve your loathing, but I cannot stand here and have you degrade me because of your demons. If you feel you don’t want to work with me because I’m a woman then fine but if you want the best for your company, you will call me” Evette huffed and confidently strode away without waiting for his response. The sound of her heels depicted her confidence.

She was so pissed off by this man who seems to be so arrogant and full of himself. She made a mental note to teach him a lesson even if he doesn’t call her back. “The sweetest revenge will be to show him what my capable hands can do. I'll give him a good run for his money in this city established or not established.” Evette said to herself as she strode in the corridors of this big building, her body swaying as her heels were thudding on the floor calling for attention like that of a queen in control of the country.

Both the PA and the secretary rushed to their boss’s office as soon as they saw her stradding towards the elevator. They pushed open the door and waited for instructions. They wondered if this man would let go of one of the best designers in the country just like that, jeopardizing the well-being of his own company just because of whatever deep seated malice he has against women.

He dismissed them without a word and sat down massaging his temples. Although he has hired some women before, they are all only doing small duties and they do not have to interact with him directly. And the only reason he hired them was to avoid public scorn. Had it not been for that, he wouldn’t have hired them at all but now he will have to have one in his senior team and that means direct interaction which he isn’t sure if he can take.

“Great, just great! I shudder at the thought of having to see and hear from her everyday. Women are just free loaders, leaches and lazy bums” hissed Mr boss as he picked up the papers Evette left behind to check them out.

He spoke of women as freeloaders in a way you would think he has ever had a girlfriend but no he hasn’t. And yes he has a mother and sisters. One would wonder whether they are viewed the same but no he doesn’t view them that way at all.

He has zero, nada, zilch experience with women in a romantic relationship whatsoever and he is afraid of getting close to a woman who isn’t his close relative with fear of ending up being sexually seduced. He quietly went through the papers about her former company in Canada. He went online to gather more information and found out the reviews pointing out that it was the best company in Edmonton while under the previous owner.

He realized he underestimated this woman professionally. Her work ethic is strong, she had made a success out of her hands in a foreign land and clearly this shows that she is fully excellent and that’s the excellence he is looking for. Only if his pride would not get on his way. He put the papers aside and sighed. Mr Baron contemplated for a while and stood up to leave.

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