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Chapter 2

After six months;

It has been six months since the accident occurs. But neither the police find any clue or the doctors see any progress to Eyob’s health. For the whole six months Eyob lies on the hospital bed in a coma, and there was no any sign for his health to improve.

As usually today all the members of Eyob family and Nina’s family are in the hospital. There was Eyob’s mother Mrs. Kelen and Eyob’s father Mr. Mesfin, and also there is his uncle Mr. Tomas and his family.

The attentive doctor Biniyam comes out from Eyob’s room. Then immediately the two families surround him for the news.

“Hmmm… Eyob’s health improves a bit, and he just wakes up from the coma…”

“Really?” before Binyam finishes his word Mama Kelen interrupts him and hugs him.

“Oh God my son is finally wake up. Doctor I want see him can I see him?” Mama Kelen asked Biniyam.

“I am sorry but I am afraid that is impossible. Although Eyob is wake up, he doesn’t seem to remember anyone and anything except from Miss Nina…”

“What” everybody shocked by the news.

“Nonsense Stop talking nonsense. My son won’t forget me.” Although all of them were shocked, Mama Kelen was the most shocked one.

“I am sorry, Miss Nina please follow me you have to see him only you can help him to recover soon”

When they hear the news mama kelen can’t help but her tears roll down to her cheeks.

“Doctor you can go first I have something to say to her.” Mama Kelen said to Biniyam while looking at the beautiful young lady in front of her.

“Okay Miss Nina, please be hurry.” then the doctor leaves.

As soon as Biniyam left;

“Please my child go and see him I am begging you?” Mama Kelen pleads.

“No I can’t do it. No, no. I won’t go and see him. I am sorry Mama Kelen, but I just can’t do it.” after that she starts walking to leave the hospital, but before she take her second step, Mama Kelen grabs her hand and kneel in front of her.

“My child you heard what the doctor said. He doesn’t remember us so he need you, please I will do whatever you want just go and be with him until he recovers.”


Six month ago on the next day of the accident;

It was Feb 6, the next day of the accident occurs.

Nina’s place was surrounded by the police and Special Forces. And the area was restricted.

In side of Nina’s place there was a dead body lying in the floor. Due to the strong acid effect the body was destroyed and was difficult to know; even to guess who the victim was. But it can be clearly seen that it was female’s body. There were blood stains over the door and the couch. The forensic team was talking a sample for the DNA test.

In the other hand Betty; Nina’s twin sister was sobbing because she couldn’t find her sister Nina. And a destroyed female body was found in her sister’s place. Since she was not sure whether the body is Nina’s or not, she didn’t tell to her parents.

After two days the DNA results were out and it did clearly shows that the victim was Nina. Nina was found dead and disfigured.

Even if there was no clues that were left, but it was obvious that she was murdered. And at the same night Nina’s lover Eyob was survived just out of luck and his accident was attempt of murder.

After the DNA report was out Betty called her parents.

Nina’s parents Mrs. Nigist and Mr. Yared only had the Twines Nina and Betty. So when they find out what happened to their daughter it was like their sky has been fallen. And as for Betty; she loves her sister very much, and they were very close. It was very hard for Betty to accept what happened to her beloved sister.

They buried her secretly because they didn’t want anybody to know what happened to Nina. They paid a huge sum of money for the Medias in order to suppress the news. That’s why after six months Eyob’s Doctor Biniyam mistaken Betty as Nina and told her to go to Eyob. Since Mama Kelen heard the doctor saying that for Eyob to recover, he needs Nina’s help, and since Betty looks exactly like Nina she kneels on the ground and begs Betty to resembles as Nina and helps Eyob to recover.

“Please Mama Kelen get up from the ground.” Betty felt helplessness. Aside from Mama Kelen all the peoples are asking her to resemble her sister and help her sister’s fiancée.

“If Nina would be here she will help defiantly Eyob. For the sake of my sister I will do it.” she agreed. And then she helped Mama Kelen to get up from the ground and goes to the direction that the doctor went.

“Miss Nina you have to wear these.” the nurse gives her the outfits that she needs to wear to enter to Eyob’s room.

“Okay thank you.” Betty toke the outfits.

After she put on the outfits that the nurse gave her, she followed the nurse and meets the doctor before she goes to Eyob.

“Miss Nina, be careful to what you talk and the expressions you may show. He only has to feel happy and relax; he shouldn’t see your sadness. Try to be happy around him okay.”

After receiving the instructions Betty goes to Eyob’s room.

Eyob lies in the hospital bed wearing a blue hospital patents’ gown. And there were a breathing machine, IV drip and some kind other of cables on him.

As soon as Eyob sees Betty, his face lit up.

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