Chapter 8
Eyob and Betty are chatting happily.
Betty was getting it hard to stand Eyob’s loving and affectionate stare.
“All these are belongs to my sister” she can’t help but to think about her sister. She think about how much her sister would be happy is she could be with Eyob.
“Love what is the matter why are you crying?” as Betty taught about her sister, her tears were dropping and she didn’t notice it.
“Nothing I just get sad when I see you lying here.” Betty tells a white lie and wipes her tears.
After that the two of them didn’t say a word they just stare to each other.
“Nina I want to kiss you” suddenly Eyob said.
Betty was stunned by his sudden request and said nothing.
“Come on” Eyob was acting childish again.
“You have to recover first Eyu” She clinched her fist trying to hide her anxiousness.
“How can I recover without my medication” Eyob pouted like a kid.
Betty felt helplessness when she looks him being child.
Then she kisses his cheek and said
“Happy now”
“No I am not” of course he is not happy and also she do know what he wants.
She rolled her eyes at him.
He approaches her to kiss her.
When Betty feels his warm breath on her face she was very nervous.
“No, I can’t do it” said Betty at her mind and was about to push Eyob away.
Ring, Ring
Suddenly her phone rings what a relief.
Eyob was asleep and Betty was alone and thinking about Eyob.
She clearly remembers the day that her sister told her that she was in love with Eyob and the two of them are dating.
At that time when Betty heard about the love of Nina and Eyob, she felt like as someone stabbed her heart with a knife, Because Eyob was her dream love.
After Betty met Eyob at the age of 10 and after he called her his wife, he was always inside her heart. She daydreamed about him for a long time and kept him in her heart since the first day she met him.
Betty has never dated anyone because she was keeping herself for Eyob. But after she loves him for a whole 7 years one day her sister came and told her that she is dating with Eyob, what a joke.
Although Betty did meet and love Eyob before Nina did, but it was Nina who was captured Eyob’s heart after all.
After Betty learned that the Person she loved for 7 years is her sister’s boyfriend, she immediately gives up the idea of being with Eyob.
Although she was not able to stop loving Eyob, she stopped daydreaming and wishing to be with him.
And she never appeared in front of Eyob in the past because she was not confident enough about her feelings.
But one day when her sister told her that Eyob’s proposal, she came right away to be with her sister.
But after suppressing her feelings for a whole 3 years and when she was ready to face the fact and to be in-law with Eyob, her sister left her leaving Eyob in her hand.
And her heart that loved Eyob for a long time begins nagging now.
In addition to that today Eyob was about to kiss her and she was worried but also excited.
One side of her always reminds her that she is her sister’s shadow and Eyob doesn’t belong to her. And one day when he gets his memory back he will leave her.
But until he gets his memory back what will happen?
If she wants to convince him that she is his Nina; she has to kiss him and will have a physical contact with him.
But doing so is not right because she is not Nina and she doesn’t have the right to touch her sister’s man.
In the other hand if she does those things with him, she is afraid that she won’t be able to restrict herself from wanting him again.
And there is also a voice in her heart which is telling her to be greedy and to follow her heart and her sister is no longer here.
She feels like getting stack between two mountains.
If she chooses to be loyal to her sister and helps Eyob to recover, she needs to be as a normal couple with him and that is also betraying her sister and also a sentencing herself to death.
If she chooses to be greedy and follows her heart, she will betray her sister but she will get her love; the love that belongs to her sister.
Life is about choice there is always water and fire for us to choice.
If we choose the fire we have to be brave enough to live with the burn and flame of the fire.
And if we choose the water we have to be capable enough to breath inside the depth of the water.
But in both case we need to have the courage to pay what it takes.
But does life always give us only two choices?
Don’t we have another third choice?
What if we choose not to take both paths and we make our own path.
Does it make us a cowered but who cares? We are the ones who will live our life.
So Betty chooses to be the coward one because she is not phlegmatic enough to goes with the fire or not capable enough to go with the flaws of the water. So she chooses to be coward.
“I don’t want to lose my sister’s trust and also myself so I have to go far away from this place” this was Betty’s finale decision that she makes after thinking hard.
Since she made a decision, she doesn’t want to delay any further and she wants to go way before Eyob wakes up.
So she sneaks out from the hospital to leave everything behind.
When she goes, she doesn’t even think about calling someone to be with Eyob.
She just leaves everything behind.
Just like that.