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Chapter 4

Next day….

Standing near the sea shore, holding each other hands…the view was so romantic that every girl craves for.

Ryan apologize Dawn for not telling her the truth earlier. “I am really sorry Dawn. I haven’t told you earlier about all this because I don’t want to put your life in any kind of danger.

Yes, I am not what I have told you earlier. I am not a phycology teacher, I am a SOF officer.

I know this is not what you wanted. I know you always wished for simple life, a simple man but my life is not that simple. I have a lot of dangerous things to deal with.

But Dawn I swear to god, in this life I only have two things important, you and my duty to serve nation”.

Dawn smiled “Ryan you don’t have to explain me all this. I know everything you have done is for my safety”.

Dawn understands this, how much difficult it was for him to hide all this from her. She knows how much he loves her.

The man in front of her looked at her love filled eyes and finally said “I love you, Dawn, I really do... I want to spend my entire life with you ... you are very important to me but my duty towards this nation is more important to me and you have to understand this”.

When Dawn heard what he said, she nodded and said “I understand this Ryan. And I am not going to come in between

Your mission is my mission, whatever you will ask me to do I will do it without hesitation”.

Looking at the face of this innocent little girl who is ready to do anything for him Ryan felt more helpless.

He said with hesitation, “Can you do anything for our love”.

Dawn smiled, “Ask for it once, I can die for you ‘My love’.”

Ryan was so astonished that he doesn’t even have words to say…

Suddenly he leaned forward and kissed her.

Dawn got startled with his actions. Before she could understand anything, he had already begun kissing her deeply.

His kiss was full of complicated emotions that he could not define.

Dawn was at daze, her beautiful face got red… she gazed at him with her flickering eyes. Looking affectionately at the men opposite to her she doesn’t know what to say…

Finally, he broke the silence and said “you said you can do anything for me, can you be with another man for me. For our love, can you be with my enemy”.

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