Chapter 5
Turning he saw his mother and behind her is the cook cleaning her hand with a napkin. “Joey, glad you are back early today” madam Jang said and stood beside her son. Without waiting for Joey’s response, she added “Mu Xin will be staying in this villa with you for the time being”.
"Mm…m” Joey grummed and walked toward the stairs. He knew it, his mother alone apart from Lara knew the password to the villa. It seems his mother was head bent on creating a romantic relationship between him and Xin.
Joey went into the bathroom to have a shower. He adjusted the temperature of water to what he desired and soak himself in the bathtub. He didnt know how long he had stayed in the bathroom but when he stepped bedroom again, he saw Mu Xin in a silk robe, sitting at the edge of his bed. He narrowed his eye and asked “what do you want?” his voice hoarse.
“Am sorry brother Joey, if I came into your room without your consent, dinner is ready and I….” Xin tried to explain further but was cut short by Joey “get out” he ordered. Mu Xin obeyed sheepishly and stepped out as fast as her legs could carry her.
Joey didn’t go down for dinner but have his dinner brought to him in his study.
Next morning, when Mu Xin woke up and went for breakfast, she was told Joey had gone to the office. She sighed and let out air from her mouth, if she didn’t get to spend time with Joey then her efforts will end in futility.
When Lara was through with her make-up, her mother had prepared breakfast and called her over to eat. The breakfast was a soybean milk with deep-fried dough sticks. She ate a few bites before hurrying along.
When she got to the company, she meet madam Jang in her son’s office, greeting her, she settled down on her desk when madam Jang spoke up “you can no longer work here, I am here to pay you off, name your price”.
“Am sorry ma’am, but I was employed by Mr Joey Jang and only he can terminate my appointment” Lara Su said. She was no longer ready to be bullied by anyone else because of Joey.
If you want to fight a battle, you have to be strong yourself. She’s going to stand up to defend what she loved.
“Joey, throw this trash out” madam Jang ordered with her eyes popping out. How dare this stinking girl talk back at her. As long as this thing stays around her son, he would not be able to think straight.
“On what condition should I fire her?” Joey finally spoke up seeing the tensed up condition of his mother. Joey’s question made madam Jang lip gently twitched. She has got to have an excuse to fire Lara. It seems she had not fully prepared for this argument.
Joey stood up, ignoring his mother’s silence. “Get all the necessary files and come over to the conference hall “Joey looked at Lara as he spoke. He strolled toward the door with his long legs “ you can wait while taking tea or…… make your choice” he said to his mother and walked out.
Lara picked up some files and walked towards the door but was stopped by madam Jang as she held her wrist fiercely. Staring at her fiercely like a predator who is ready to jump on its prey “you can never fit into the position of my daughter-in-law”.
“Mother, your suite fits you well and makes you look younger than your age. When next we go shopping, I’ll tell Joey to buy suits of different colors for you”, Lara said with a smile. She felt madam Jang loosen her grip on her wrist. Madam Jang blushed, and her chin turn pink but quickly returned back to its usual color.
“Don’t patronize me”, madam Jang answered but her looks are not so annoying towards Lara like before. She will not let this stinking trash win her over with her sweet words.
Lara sweetly blew madam Jang a kiss and hurriedly walked out. When Joey returned back to his office, his mother had left.
He had grew up all his life as a masculist and had no interest in women until the day that Lara saved his life and reputation. He thought highly of her and swore with himself that he would watch her back for the rest of their lives. She lost her first time to him and he should be responsible for her.
He would have gotten the cerficate from the burea but Lara had refused at that time saying, she doesn’t need his sympathy only want him to believe her.
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