Chapter Three
A little while later, I tied the back of my top and flipped around. I untied the bikini top from around my neck to avoid the lines on the chest and the top scarcely covered my breasts. I raised my arms above my head to tan the other sides of my arm.
I must have fallen asleep because the sudden mass kneeled above me, jerked me awake. Emiliano’s voice snarled in my ear,
“How long have you been like this?”
He threw the robe to cover the small top straining to shield my breasts. I just shrugged.
“Anka would never be allowed to show this much!”
I look up amused at Emiliano and said,
“That’s because she doesn’t have much to show.”
Emiliano pinned me down on the couch with his body and grabbed my neck with a grip that made it hard to breathe.
“I don’t appreciate this much disobedience from a decoy!”
He was so hot when he was unnecessarily angry. I bit my lower lip and lifted my hips between his thighs. He looked at me with fire in his eyes. Emiliano was trying to scare me and I could see his defeat when my body reacted unsuspectedly to his tactic. He growled and released my neck and swiftly stood above me.
“Get ready, dinner is in an hour!”
Emiliano took one last look at my firm muscular body, clenched his teeth, then walked off. I grabbed the strings to the top of the bikini and tied it back around my neck. I stood on my feet, put the robe on, and headed up the stairs to the room.
In the wardrobe, I immediately noticed my underwear, the maxi dress, nor my "boy clothes" I set on the counter were there. I removed the robe and bikini and set them on the counter. I walked naked to the bathroom and turned the shower to cold. I shivered under the water which liberated my burning skin. How long was I out there for?
I took my time in the shower. Being sure to lather and clean every surface of my body. I was bothered that I couldn’t find any shower products Anka hasn’t used. I already had to wear her clothes, I didn’t want to smell like her too. I needed Emiliano to forget Anka, not be reminded of her. I wrapped myself in a towel and went back into the wardrobe. I had to find something that didn’t require underwear because Anka’s weren’t going to fit. I found a meadow blue floral sundress. It was made of soft fabric, which easily stretched to make room for my fuller breasts, nipples still very visible. I looked to see what size her shoes were and was delightedly annoyed we had the same size. I found a pair of taupe platform sandals to complete the look.
In the bathroom I quickly found a flat iron and lightly curled my hair into short loose beach waves. I retrieved the tinted moisturizer and applied it. I took a step back and admired the result based on the components I had to work with.
I stepped out of the room and followed the hallway around the corner and once again, the table was empty. I saw a glow beneath the deck and looked over. The wide white couches were replaced by a big table. Emiliano sitting at the head of it, wearing a black button up shirt with the top couple of buttons undone, staring up at me. A small smile was on his face and I stepped away from the edge of the deck and headed down the stairs.
When I approached the table, Emiliano motioned his hand to the chair at the other end of the table. I looked at it unimpressed and took the chair placed next to him. Like thunder follows lightning, I saw the anger flash in his eyes followed by the sound of Emiliano tightening his grip on the table. He looked me in the eyes and through his teeth asked,
“Why are you so disobedient?”
I tilted my head and looked at him blankly. I could smell the alcohol radiating off of him. Poor gorgeous man, scared he’s lost his lady, the one he spent so long looking for. He didn’t have the strength to assert his dominance and looked away from me. Emiliano took another sip of his small glass and waved his hand. A chef appeared out of nowhere and placed a silver platter in front of me, removed the lid, and disappeared back into thin air. My plate had a serving of chicken marsala and I was charmed.
“I see you're pleased?”
I looked over at Emiliano and he was smiling. It was enchanting. I looked back at my plate and grabbed my fork,
“I was worried it was going to be Polish food.”
Emiliano laughed. His laughter brought a smile to my face. I knew the alcohol was behind the merriment, but that didn’t stop my stomach from trying to fly away. I took a deep breath and straightened my posture. I took a bite of my chicken and was impressed. Emiliano silently watched me eat my food while intermittently taking sips from his glass. When I was on my last bite, Emiliano smoothly said,
“Anka never eats.”
He looked down. I could tell he was missing her. I felt my grip on the fork tighten. I looked around the table and the landing and didn’t see a single person and an idea came to mind. I stood up from the table and walked up to his chair. Emiliano didn’t look up at me so I sat on his lap. My legs spread apart, my breasts right in his face. He finally looked up at me and opened his mouth to protest but I put my finger to his mouth to stop him. I leaned forward and put my mouth to his ear and whispered,
“Close your eyes.”
I started sucking on his ear and his body stiffened under me and his hands grabbed my waist with a tight grip. I scooted my hips so I was sitting directly on top of the erection trying to break out of his black pants. Emiliano slid his hands from my waist to my ass. I grabbed Emiliano’s face with my right hand and started sucking on his neck. I started moving my hips back and forth in a humping motion and Emiliano leaned into my neck and smelled my hair.
I could feel the fingers from his left hand follow the curve of my ass to between my legs until they reached a soaking wet pussy and he was unexpectedly surprised. He jerked back and he opened his eyes and looked up at me.
For a second I was actually worried this was going to backfire on me. Emiliano saw the worry on my face and he tried to hide his smile. I reset my face and got off his lap. I started heading to the stairs when I felt Emiliano’s quick grip on my wrist pull me back to him. He looked up at me with a challenging smile and said,
“I’m spoken for.”
I flashed Emiliano a flirty look and leaned down to whisper in his ear,
“I only take marriages seriously, Don Emiliano.”
I licked his ear and he released his grip on my wrist and I walked away to the stairs. Being sure to walk as seductively as I could. As I was walking down the hallway to get to the door to my room, I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and I knew I was being followed.