01. I'll Have You
Working late on another Friday night, I started wiping the beer glasses by the counter.
Who am I?
A girl with a secret, that no one can know about.
Hint: I'm not strictly speaking human. But we'll get to that part later.
Right now, I'm just an ordinary 19 year old girl, who lives on her own since adoptive parents are no longer in the picture. What happened to them? Tragic car accident. Then my adoptive uncle took me in. Things were good, untill things got bad that made me flee.
The door soon chimed and I snapped out from by bad memories.
In walked in two guys. Two guys that you couldn't miss, even is you tried.
They both had an enigmatic aura around them. They were dressed in dark suits and looked around this place like they already owned it.
One of them could make you pregnant, with one smile, and the other guy well he had the power to make my body scream for him and unfortunatly gave me heat and a throb in place where I didn't want to ache.
Stop you have a boyfriend!
"Heads up, you're a man is here Kiran." Belle said making me look towards the entrance of Hulio's Diner that I worked at.
The duo passed me by and I kept a stoic expression to his firm, yet fierce looking one. He was beautiful, however behind his pretty boy face something else told me to becareful about him. I couldn't explain it, there was something powerful and deadly about his aura that made my spine shiver.
"Ok, first of all, he's not my man." I reminded them as soon as they were out of hearing range.
"Oh, c'mon he stood up for you, last week when that ugly biker guy grabbed your @ss Kiran."
I sighed I hated that stupid biker gang that came through our diner, late at night.
[Flashback a week ago]
When I'd taken the order and turned around, the blonde hair biker guy with bad stinking breath of rum and whiskey slapped my @ss. I should have slapped his face for even daring to touch me, but I gritted my teeth and walked away without retaliation. I lived on my own, and I couldn't afford to get fired, when this job paid for my rent.
But as I walked away, blue/greyish eyes came over and grabbed that guy's hand.
'Apologies to her now.'
He squeezed the biker's hand and almost let out a weird feral growl that freaked me and the rest of the customers out.
The biker guy, fell to his knees as he squeezed his hand hard, and I could hear bone-crushing, from where I stood. My heart pounded in my chest. His aura for a normal human, wasn't right.
"Ok, ok! I'm sorry girl!" Weeped blondie who was down on his knees, groaning in pain.
'I'm sorry, Kiran!' I'd lost the count of the amount of shivers that fell down my spine. Wait how did he know my name? We didn't even wear name tags at this place? And I'd never served him before in my life?
Do something before he breaks the guys hand! My mind yelled.
But my name wasn't important. The big guy of 6ft4 was crushing the biker man's hand, like a pieace of empty can.
Bravely. I placed a shaking hand over his big hand that was crushing blondie's. Blueish/greyish than stiffened to my light shaking touch. I was secretly p!ssing myself for I could feel his dangerous aura vibrating through me. This guy felt like an animal. A really wild animal who you wouldn't be able to survive or run from.
'Sir, please calm down and let go?' He shot me a dangerous look to the side. I let go of his hand stepping back away from him. My heart was pounding a mile with his sharp look on me. Then he let go of the biker guy's hand and he groaned out of pain. He clutched his cripple looking hand on the floor, crying pathetically with all his machoness slapped out of him.
Blueish/greyish eyes then walked out of the diner without looking back at me.
I'd never been so turned on, and afraid of him at the same time.
Thanks to him, the audacious biker man never came back to the diner again, and neither did his friends. Because the next day, all of them ended up dead. The news reported that they'd been attacked by a bunch of mountain lions.
[End of flashback]
Mountain lions?
This town may have mountain lions, but I'd seen a really huge wolf out in the forest around a month ago.
I'd been on a hike and I was secretly excercising my powers.
I'm not strictly speaking human, but we'll get into that much later. My powers aren't important right now.
Not when that hand crusher guy is back here, and staring my way.
Why is he looking at me?
My cheeks caught heat.
Ignore him you have a boyfriend! My mind yelled, and I quickly averted my gaze away from him.
"Well, he wouldn't have done so if we didn't dress up like the girls from Booters. I mean these white short shorts, are ridiculously short, and don't get me started on this orange tight shirt." I said snapping out of my little flashback.
"True, these uniforms do make us look like sluts." She nodded as I wiped the glasses at the bar.
"See, and we get unnecessary attention at our chest. Like what is this place some kind of t!tty bar? I mean look at Hana over there, she's got 'the girls' (boobs) out, from her three un done buttons, practically saying HELLO."
Belle chuckled.
"Well, the red head likes to show them off. Oh, there she goes serving your guy again." She gestured with a flick of her head, making me roll my eyes.
"For the last time, he's not my guy Belle."
I looked towards the booth by the back corner and caught his blueish-greyish eyes staring back at me with his calm looking poker face.
Wait, why was the pretty boy/hand-crushing dangerous guy staring at me for? Again?
I looked nothing like Belle or Hanna for that matter and they were the most prettiest girls working at this place.
"Can I get you boys anything tonight?" Asked a flirty Hana.
"Yeah, how about your friend's number?"
"Which friend are we talking about?" Hana asked looking towards Belle and Kiran.
"The one with the long black braided hair." The one with the green eyes said, looking her way curiously.
Hana scoffed. For she was a she-wolf and she was five times hotter than the lambs.
"You mean Kiran?"
"Yes, her." Blueish/greyish asked.
"What's her story anyway?" Green eyes asked.
"Hmm, she's new to town and moved out here to Montero around three months ago. She attends Athena college and studies photography and she works here during the weekends."
"So the lamb likes photography huh?"
Green eyes and Blue greyish eyes then held a very silent poker face, and one of them smirked in delight, staring back at her.
"Don't tell me you wolves are interested in a weak lamb like her?"
Hana scoffed.
"Hana, you got something against Alpha Henry Moretti's lamb?"
Alpha who?!
"Mark, now why did you have to mention that?" Henry said looking at a troubled looking she-wolf.
Hana nervously gulped when she found out who blueish/greyish eyes truly were when he discreetly flashed his eyes silver at her quickly.
She gasped out of fright stepping back, but green eyes Mark caught her hand.
"Don't be frightend sweetheart, we just want you to keep an eye on Kiran for us, and tell us if anything is bothering her?" Mark then slipped her his card, and a fifty dollar bill from his jacket.
"Absolutely." Hana nodded her head, secretly trembling, after knowing she was talking to Beta Mark the right-hand man to Alpha Henry.
"Excellent, call her over. I'd like to be served by her from now on." Henry said and Hana returned to the counter, with her face pale as a ghost.
"Kiran, would you mind serving those two?" Hana asked facing her sudden trembling nervous features.
Mark waved towards her in a friendly way.
"But you were just with them?" Kiran asked avoiding their gaze. Especially hand crusher's gaze.
"I know, but it's my break and I'd like you to help me out hmm? Now scoot. They're waiting."
Kiran gave her an odd look. What was up with her?
"Sure." She said reluctantly walking over to them.
As she did, her heart skipped stones. Crap, is he smirking at me? No, he usually wears a poker face. A poker face that says watch out I'm bad. I bet he is, I mean he's giving all kinds of mafia vibes in that dark suit. As I drew closer, I noticed he had a gun by his tucked by his belt. Ok, perhaps this guy and his very observant-looking friend are in the mafia?!
Don't jump to conclusions! They could be undercover cops? My mind said, making me control my sudden troubled nerves.
"Hello, my name is Kiran, may I take your order?" I asked in my friendly warm tone, I gave to all my customers.
Blueish-greyish eyes looked at me and strangely sniffed the air around me deeply.
I then kept my eyes strictly on my notepad and stepped slightly away from their table.
Somebody get me a winter coat. Why do I feel so exposed? Wait, why am I getting a sudden achey feeling between my legs, from blueish-greyish eyes staring at me? Crap is he checking me out?
"Hmm, you look good?"
Worst pickup line. Ever!
"Excuse me?" I fired my eyes at blue-greyish eyes, who cracked a grin as if he was happy that he made me look away from the notepad.
"I'm just joking candy, I'll have a dark coffee."
Candy? Why am I blushing when he called my candy? Urgh, relax! Stop being so freaking nervous around him. Wait why is he making me nervous? Is it his dark smooth voice, or the fact that he looks like a hot Greek God? Or the fact that he crushed the guys hand last week?!
Ignore him!
"And you sir?" I asked placing my foot over my other foot, whilst clenching my inner thighs. Why is it so hot?
"I'll have you as well." He spoke quite fast.
"What?" My eyes flew from my notepad towards the green-eyed man. His lips twitched to the side, with a dangerous aura, similar to blueish-greyish eyes.
"I meant I'll have that as well, why what did you hear?" He said slowly, making his friend chuckle.
I'm pretty sure, I heard him say he wants me too?
"Nnn...Nothing." I squeaked and walked away, before my cheeks caught fire.
As I did, I heard them both chuckle behind me. They were teasing me!
All through the night, I served them as well as the rest of the customers. It was a busy night and I was glad, that they soon went on their way. Every Friday night, they seemed to come by, and order dark coffee. They'd observe the people around them and soon leave.
After moping the floor and closing the shutters with Belle, we soon made it back to our cars. Belle and I lived in opposite of towns. She was more in a lively part of a neighbourhood, whereas I lived more on the outskirts of town. I lived in a small cottage with good affordable rent in the woods behind my house.
It was the perfect place to live, especially when I was a runaway that nobody knew about.
This place was my haven where he couldn't get me.
{Unknown} You worked hard today.
Buzzed a text message on my phone.
Ever since I'd had a strange run-in with the wolf around a month ago. Whom I accidentally exposed my powers too.
I'd, unfortunately, got myself a stalker too.
He was a harmless one but it creeped me out that he was always watching me.
{Kiran} You've got to stop texting me, I swear I'll hunt you down and go to the cops!
{Unknown} Then. Why haven't you done so?