04. Stalker
Three more weeks went by.
It was Friday night and her forbidden crush, had been making more frequent visits to her diner over the weekends each time she worked.
She'd grown accustomed to him calling her sweetheart, and greeting her with his hot smile and dimple. Strangely enough, she'd develop another strange little penut-like rash on the other side of her neck, again.
"Does Nathan know you're cheating on him?"
"For the last time Belle, I'm not cheating on him!"
"Then why do you have another hickey on you?" She asked in her suspicious tone.
"It's just a rash, it'll go away."
The bell chimed and in walked in her crush.
When she met eyes with him, Kiran blushed madly and had another flashback of her crazy wet dream last night.
She was back at the diner and she was beginning to mop the floor again, this time her music played to Rihanna.
The doorbell chimed and she was startled to see her crush.
"Mr Johnson?"
Once again, without a word he approached her, and she nervously gulped. His aura was intimidating and alluring and tonight he was acting weird, by removing his coat. He had broad shoulders and looked more appealing to her than usual.
"Wh...What are you umm..Dd..Doing here sir?" She stammered nervously as he started unbuttoning his dress shirt.
"I feel hot when I'm around you Kiran." He replied.
"I bet you're too?" He asked as he completed unbuttoning every single button. Kiran blushed and gulped seeing his eight-pack abs, peeking through the gap of his white dress shirt.
She was so smitten and enarmoured by the way he looked, she felt guilty.
She shook her head in absolute silence, still very distracted, by his partially hidden abds.
"Umm, no. Why, www...Why would I bb...Be hot around you?"
Henry then approached her and set aside her mop, gently this time. He then took her hips with one hand sliding by her lower back and then tilted her head towards him. He looked down towards her in a dominant possesive way, whilst she took his beautiful features up close.
"Because I make you hot." He whispered closely towards her ear, making a fine shiver run down her spine.
"No!" She shook her head and turned away from him.
"We can't do this. I can't do this." She said with tears brimming her eyes.
"Why not? What's wrong?" He asked as he gently back-hugged her, not letting her escape.
Kiran nervously gulped, enjoying him holding her, even in her dream.
"I have a boyfriend." She whispered out in defeat.
Henry's jaws clenched. She knew she was a good girl and he knew he was seducing her in his supernatural ways. But he needed her to know, her small d!ck mysterious boyfriend whom was out of town. Was not for her.
"But he's not here? I am." He turned her around, and then slipped his hand towards the back of her neck. He then dipped his head low, smashing his lips against hers.
Kiran closed her eyes, and made out with him shamelessly.
"Mmm♡ ♡ ♡ This is so wrong?" She said between her hot heated kisses, when she hooked her arms around his neck.
"But it feels right, doesn't it?"
Kiran was speechless, as he played his wonderful lips upon the other side of the neckline and found another sweet spot, that made her moan out. Henry then removed her top she was wearing, and Kiran blushed as she was now standing in her white lacey silky bra. She hadn't even gone to second base with Nathan whom she was dating for the past three months, and here she was stripping of her top for her forbidden crush.
In just three weeks!
In her dreams.
Her forbbiden lusty dreams.
Yep...I'm going to hell!
Henry let out a low feral growl surprising her as he glowed his eyes silver at her.
Frightened, Kiran gasped out sharply and stepped away from him. Her heart pounded in her chest as she saw his bluish/greyish eyes glow out. She took another step back preparing herself to run away but he caught her hand in his, dominantly.
"Don't be frightened, i'd never hurt you agnellino." He said kissing the back of her hand.
His aura was off, he looked strange with his silver glowing eyes, and as frightened as she was, she wasn't scared with the way he held her. His tone was the same just like it had always been. Kind warm and gentle.
"What are you?" She asked trying to calm her troubled heart.
"Something out of the horror books?" He spoke keeping her in the dark.
Horror books? She nervously gulped, trying to think of an obvious creature.
"Are you a vvv..Vampire?"
He chuckled amused, and shook his head.
"No. I'm something more dangerous and powerful than a bloodsucking leech, Kiran." He stroked her cheek, and Kiran fell silent with million thoughts racing in her mind. With one main question. What kind of a monster was he?
"My name is Cloud." He said killing the silence between them.
She looked at him puzzled, as she felt those amazing sparks from him, that not even her boyfriend gave.
"I thought your name is Hardh--mmm?"
Cloud who was actually Henry's inner spirit wolf was ecstatic to finally find his true mate again after all these centuries. He thought he was a mateless wolf, but the Moon Goddess had visited him in his dreams many centuries ago and told him that he'd soon find the one, and when he did, he'd be able to enter her dreams.
He'd confirmed it a long time ago the minute he'd seen her out in the woods that day.
He knew, she wasn't a normal human either, nor was she a she-wolf.
He crashed his lips with her, in an eager passionate way. He wanted her bad. Kiran gave into her lust mode and made out with him, enjoying every bit of his tantalising kiss that he deepened with his tongue.
"Mmm♡♡♡ Why am I not afraid of you?" She asked opening her eyes, and seeing his glowing eyes looking mesmerising like the moon.
"Because deep down, you know you love me."
Kiran's heart beat with excitement as she pulled him close running her hands through his thick lock of hair, and making out with him some more, shamelessly.
"I can't stay away from you much longer. Break up with your boyfriend and come to me?"
"No." Kiran pushed him away and turned around hot and flustered, with her chest heaving up and down.
"You can't fight the bond forever."
"Bond? What are you talking about?" She asked puzzled, not understanding what he meant.
"It's a mate bond. You feel it whenever I'm around. You'll want to touch me, crave me for me. Each time you'll see me, you'll get w3t."
He gently pushed her up against the wall, slowly unzipped her short shorts, and bend the knee. He pulled her shorts down slowly making her stand in her white lacey bikni-styled panties. Henry then slowly pushed her legs apart and started giving her deep kisses, by her inner thigh already aroused by her beautiful sexy body, he secretly craved.
"Please." She whispered haughtily in a crazy lust spell, as she bit her lower lip to suppress a moan.
Oh, no, what was he doing to her, and why was she enjoying it?!
"Tell me, has your boyfriend ever done this?" Cloud then hooked his fingers on her panty line and exposed her aching throbbing sex.
"Ddd...Done ww...What exactly?" She asked trying to cover her sex shyly with her hands, but Cloud pulled her hands away and interlocked them with his.
He looked toward her middle then smirked and was just about to place his head closer to her throbbing core.
Feeling a sudden hot wet sensation by her core Kiran gasped out and shot her eyes open, in the middle of the night.
Sharply gasping, her face was and all parts of her body were flushed.
She was so ashamed of herself, for feeling so aroused in the middle of the night, that she pulled out her very naughty toy the vibr@tor which her friend from her old town had gifted. She then pleasured herself by her w3t aching core, moaning out Cloud's name strangely, rather than her boyfriend's name.
~ End of flashback ~
F^ck how could she do that?
Was this considered cheating on him?
Could that be possible?
To cheat on someone who came as a dream?
A wild hot sexy dream?!
When she looked at Mr H. Johnson, her heart pounded deeply at her chest. Before he got too close to the counter she was wiping the wet glasses, she quickly scurried away inside the back part of the diner and cursed at herself.
Seeing Mr H. Johnson just now, not only excited her, but she was strangely afraid of him. He carried a strange aura around him that she couldn't explain and she hated how w3t she was for him again.
She let out a little sob, feeling so guilty than sat inside her locker room.
Her phone buzzed in her pocket.
Unknown: Beautiful what's wrong?
Kiran sighed wiping her tears away.
Kiran: Leave me alone stalker, you've got me at a bad time.
Unknown: I know, I saw you crying just now and fleeing away from your walk-in in customer.
Kiran: Wait, you're not Hardhik Johnson?
Unknown: Whose that beautiful?
Kiran knew she shouldn't have stopped replying to him, but she knew her stalker was a harmless one. She'd been communicating with him for a long time and he hadn't tried to see her or make physical contact with her. He was still a big fat mystery stalker to her.
Kiran: The guy I'm crushing on.
She shamelessly replied.
Unknown: You mean the one that just walked in?
Kiran: Yeah.
Unknown: Oh? And here I thought you had a boyfriend?
Kiran: I do!
Unknown: Do you love him?
Kiran: What?
Unknown: Do you love your boyfriend, or do you love Hardhik Johnson?
Kiran: Well of course I love my boyfriend!
A couple of minutes later, her stalker texted back.
Unknown: What about Hardick?
Kiran: It's Hardhik, not Hardick and no. It's just a crush. A forbidden crush that I shouldn't have.
Unknown: Hmmm, I'm hard for you right now.
Kiran: Ok, eww. I didn't need to know that stalker!
Hana then came into the locker room.
"There you are. C'mon your favourite customer is asking for you."
Her heart beat stones. She was extremely sensitive and nervous around him. The last time she served him, she could have sworn she'd pooled her pants, and she knew, she'd do it again if she was served him tonight.
"What? Hana please I can't go out there."
"Why not?"
"Please, can you serve him tonight? Just tell him, that I'm not feeling well?"
Unknown: You're not feeling well baby?
She looked alarmed at her phone.
"You ok?" Hana asked noticing a rise in her heartbeats as she stared at her phone.
"Yeah, I'm fine." She replied as she Hana strolled by the mirror and put on her red lipstick like a she-devil.
Kiran: How the heck do you know what I'm saying?!
She quickly texted in an annoyed fury.
"Kiran." Hana started, not wishing to serve the dangerous Alpha in town.
"Please Hana, do me this one favour please, please?"
"Fine. Hey is everything ok with you though, I saw you run back here the minute he walked through the door?"
Unknown: Yeah, why did you run from your lover like that?
Kiran: Shutup, he's not my lover!
"Yeah, I'm just missing my boyfriend that's all." Kiran said, quickly texting her crazy eavesdropping stalker back. How was he listening in on her conversation?!
"Where is he?" She curiously asked.
"At this boot camp for cops. He'll be back by next week, thank God." Kiran said sighing out of relief.
Then she won't have those strange erotic dreams about her forbidden crush anymore.
Hana then nodded then walked out of the locker room, closing the door behind her.
Her phone buzzed again.
Unknown: Will he now? Well I can't wait to send him something interesting.
Kiran: Like what?
Then her stalker sent her a video file.