Chapter Six
Annabelle sat at the table as Clermont produced two bowls and a loaf of bread. He brought the pot over from the kitchen hearth and placed it on the table. When he lifted the lid her stomach begged for food loudly and she was sure he had heard it.
“It smells divine.”
“It’s just stew.”
Annabelle closed her mouth, not wanting to offend him since compliments seemed to do that. He had carried her back to the cabin from the caves and she had dried her hair by the hearth in the other room. It wasn’t a huge cabin, it had a bedroom, a kitchen and the room with the big hearth and two wide wooden chairs. There was a closed door that led somewhere but she had no idea what.
Clermont dished up for them and Annabelle attacked the bowl. She ate messily, tearing chunks of bread from the piece Clermont had put down in front of her, dipping it into the sauce and almost inhaling it without chewing.
She looked up halfway through to find Clermont watching her intently. He hadn’t touched his food yet instead watching her as she literally ate like a pig. “Sorry.”
“You were hungry.”
Annabelle nodded her head as he finally picked up his spoon and started to eat, albeit, with more manners. She slowed down and finished her meal like the lady she really was. She didn’t know if the food had been really good or if she’d just been really hungry, but she didn’t care. Her stomach was full.
“Answer my earlier questions Serena.”
She looked up and almost asked him who Serena was before she mentally slapped herself. She was Serena! She had to keep it together. She knew nothing about him and she had no way to escape especially with no shoes.
“My master ordered them to kill me.”
Clermont’s expression didn’t change as he looked at her. “Why? Did you steal, get pregnant or offend him?”
“No!” Her answer came very quickly.
“A master doesn’t kill a slave for no reason.”
“I’m not a slave!” She looked down the moment she said those words. She wanted to kick herself for even opening her mouth. Stupid, stupid, stupid!
“I believe you Serena. Slaves aren’t dressed the way you are.”
She looked up at him, fury now moving swiftly through her veins. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“You’re obviously a whore and now it seems I did you a favour by killing the men you obviously infuriated.”
She stood up from the table, not realizing that by leaning forward she was giving Clermont a very nice view of her breasts. “I’m not a whore!”
“Really? Is that why you watched me last night? Why you touched yourself?”
Her cheeks reddened instantly and she became flustered. “What?” He couldn’t have known that. How the hell did he know that?
“So tell me Serena … are there any more coming after you?”
“No … I … I don’t know. The King lives three days from here. They didn’t want anyone to recognize me and I really don’t know why he told them to kill me.”
“You’d better come up with a better story because I hear four men trudging through the woods towards my cabin as we speak. I can smell the filth of riding hard for days on them. I’m pretty sure they’re looking for you.”
Annabelle looked around wildly, sure he was making it up. “Please, Clermont …”
“Under the bearskin rug is a trapdoor, roll left until you can’t roll anymore.”
Clermont stood up from the table and cleared everything where she’d been sitting. She heard a horse whinny and she moved to the bearskin rug. Under it was the trapdoor just like Clermont had said. She pulled the door open and it revealed a crawlspace underneath the cabin.
She climbed down into the crawlspace just as footsteps sounded on the porch outside. Clermont looked at her once before closing the trapdoor and she rolled left until her shoulder came into contact with a wooden beam.
“Good evening … we saw the light through the trees.”
“Can I help you?”
“We’re looking for a party of three men and one woman. They were travelling to Turkgazan by horse and might have gotten lost in the forest. You wouldn’t have happened upon them by any chance?”
Feet shuffled on the floorboards above and then Clermont spoke. “With the snow coming down like it is it’s better to remain indoors. Have you gone into town and reported your party to the sheriff?”
“We wanted to search for them ourselves first. The men are guards for King Waller.”
“I see and the woman you mentioned?”
“Just a lowly slave sent to accompany them.”
“Sorry I couldn’t be of more help.”
“Not at all. We’ll be on our way then.”
Clermont stood by the door and watched the men as they got back on their horses, their breaths creating clouds in the cold air. He listened to their hooves crunch over the snow as they headed towards the town and when he couldn’t hear them anymore he finally closed the front door.
He pulled the trapdoor open and stuck his head into the crawlspace. Serena lay on the far side with wide eyes and he beckoned her to come out. She started sliding towards him and he extended a hand to help her out. Dust covered her hair and she sneezed twice as he closed the trapdoor again and placed the bearskin rug back into place.
“Not a slave yet called a slave.”
Annabelle hung her head not knowing what to say. She was glad that he had hid her but she also didn’t want to tell him her real story. “I was made a slave, I wasn’t always one.”
“You’re still a slave dressed like a whore.”