Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 1: The Beginning Finding His Mate
I was finally able to fall asleep after cleaning the house, washing the dishes, doing the laundry, making dinner, and getting my brothers and sister to bed, not to mention getting my homework done. I have a major paper due tomorrow, and I just finished it. Getting it done with three three-year-old toddlers running around is not the easiest thing to do. I had just finally fallen into a deep slumber when I was ripped out of bed and dragged down the stairs. Damn that is going to leave a mark or two. “What the fuck is this shit?” My mother yelled at me. “Your father will be home soon, get this shit cleaned up!” She shouted, throwing me in the kitchen. “First of all, you made this mess, I had everything spotless, so you need to clean up after yourself and secondly, he’s NOT my FATHER!” I spat back. My mother reared back and slapped me so hard that she drew blood and making me fall back to the floor. I shook my head slightly trying to get my bearings back. “He IS your FATHER! Now get this shit cleaned up before he gets home.” She shrieked at and stormed out of the kitchen to her room. This isn’t the first time she has done this; she would come home and make a mess and tell him that I didn’t do any of my chores. My mom’s not as bad as he can be, he can be downright evil. He beat me so badly once that I could hardly move and of course that meant I couldn’t clean, cook, or take care of the triplets and that made things worse, and it led to another beating. I had to force myself up to get things done. Eventually I fell into a routine and was able to get everything done, even on the days when my mom came home in a bitchy mood.
I was in the middle of cleaning up the mess my mom made when HE walked into the kitchen. “What is this shit? Why is nothing clean!” I heard him bellow. I was already pissed at mom, so this was not going to be good for me in the end. “It was clean until your wife got home and decided that her day wasn’t complete until she made mine into shit!” I spat; my words laced with venom. “What did you say?!” He snarled. I saw his eyes shift back and forth between his brown color to pitch black. He always did that when he got angry. “You heard me; I didn’t stutter.” I yelled at him as I finished cleaning up after my mom. “Don’t you ever speak about your mother like that!” He yelled, the next thing I knew pain was shooting down my neck. I fell to my knees grabbing the back of my head. I tried to stand but his fist cracked against the right side of my face. “You will show us some respect!” He growled out standing over me. “I told you he wouldn’t be happy.” Mom sneered. “C’mon Freddy dear, I’m tired, it’s been a long day.” She told him rubbing herself against him, that is so gross. He pulled her to his chest as she purred in his arms. She gave him her, what she calls, her sexy smile and walked out of the kitchen, swaying her hips. “I better not find any blood here in the morning. You understand?” He yelled. I didn’t answer so he repeated himself and he hated to repeat himself. “DO. YOU. UNDERSTAND.” He gritted out. “DO NOT MAKE ME REPEAT MYSELF.” He growled as he towered over me, and I nodded my head.
Once I was finally finished cleaning the kitchen, again, I went to bed, praying I could get a few hours of sleep before my alarm went off. My alarm clock went off at five a.m., I groaned and shut it off. I went to my bathroom as quietly as I could since the triplets slept in my room. I did my business, showered, brushed my teeth, and got started on trying to hide the bruises on my face. They were a little darker than usual, so I wasn’t able to cover them all the way. I did the best I could. I walked out of the bathroom to find my little ones wide awake and sitting quietly waiting for me. Fred has them trained and so scared not to cry, yell, or throw temper tantrums. He beat me in front of them when they misbehaved and told them that if they keep it up, he will do the same thing to them. It only took for them to see him beat me once and they never made a peep again. I would take a beating for them anytime; the slightest squeal of joy would throw both of into a fit of rage. Imagine that the squeal of happiness from their children makes them angry.
“Stowme.” I heard Ryder call out softly. “Good morning my little loves. Did you sleep well?” I asked, helping them from their bed and placed them on the floor. They nodded their heads with yawns. “C’mon, we need to get you cleaned up and outta your jammies.” I told them as they waddled to the bathroom. Nancy never took care of them, except for the first six months after they were born she was a good mom and I thought that maybe she would change but when they turned six-month-old, she started back to work and would stay out late. Fred moved their stuff into my room and told me that they are now my problem and responsibility and that they are my kids now. By the time I got the four of us ready it was six thirty. I took them downstairs, packed their snack bags, their sippy cups, grabbed our backpacks and quietly made our way out the door. Fred and Nancy were still asleep, they slept until whenever they decided to get up. They both worked in the evening until sometime in the early morning hours, it usually worked out because we hardly ever had to see each other, unless Nancy was in one of her moods or I accidentally came face to face with one of them.
My first class started at eight fifteen, giving me a little over an hour to drop them off at daycare, which was on campus, run by the child development department. Since I didn’t have money to pay I explained my situation to them, well except the beatings. They were able to find a scholarship to help pay for the triplets fees, they even offered me a job to help me make some money to take care of my siblings. “Good morning, Stormie.” Mrs. Black, the director of the center, greeted. “Morning.” I chirped back. “Mowny.” The triplets greeted in unison. “Why good morning little ones. Are you ready to get your day started?” She asked them, bending down to their level. “Yesh ma’am.” They smiled. “Well come along, you can help me get things ready. Get your bags and say goodbye to mom.” They walked over to me, who they call mama, I put their backpacks on them, and they each gave me a hug and kiss and waddled off with Mrs. Black. Mrs. Black turned to me and mouthed, See ya later. I waved at Mrs. Black and made my way out. The weather was starting to change, it was getting cooler, the leaves were changing colors and that means winter break is around the corner. I hate winter break; the beatings always got worse.
“Hi, what would you like?” The girl behind the counter asked with boredom. “A large hot mocha please.” I was digging through my bag looking for my wallet when the girl said, “four dollars and twenty-five cents, please.” She huffed at me. “Sorry, sorry, sorry, I have my wallet in here somewhere.” I smiled at her. “Look lady, if you can’t pay, why did you order?” “I can pay, I just can’t find my wallet.” “You’re holding up the line.” She snapped. I turned around and saw that there were six people behind me. “C’mon lady, hurry up!” Someone grunted. “Yeah, we’re gonna be late for class.” I blushed in embarrassment. “Sorry,” I said one more time and ran out. I couldn’t help it, but I started crying. As I was hurrying out, I bumped into a wall, well it felt like a wall, but it turned out to be a person a very HUGE person, a male person. I bumped into him so hard that we both dropped our things. I quickly picked up my things. “I’m so sorry.” I muttered looking at the stranger. We made eye contact and wholly shitzu, I felt like I was hit by a lightning bolt. Who is this Greek God looking back at me? He has the deepest gray eyes, shoulder length black hair and his lips, his oh so plump kissable lips. What is wrong with me? I don’t even know him, and my lower region is on fire. I heard him say, “MATE - MINE.” I gave him a confused look and then he shook his head lightly. “Are you okay?” His voice sent chills down my spine. “Umm…Yeah, I’m fine.” I answered him softly as he extended his hand to help me up. I reluctantly put my hand in his. I had no idea what happened, but I felt jolts of electricity flow through my body. He felt it also because he inhaled sharply. I pulled my hand away from his and thought I heard a low growl from him. The way he looked at me made me wish I had a change of panties. “Uh, again, sorry. I need to go. I’m gonna be late for class.” I said backing away from him. I wasn’t anywhere from being late for class, I still had at least an hour, but I couldn’t chance letting him get any ideas that I was interested in him, even though I wouldn’t mind climbing that mountain. He opened his mouth to say something, but I turned tail and ran off. What did he mean by saying, MATE MINE? I knew I could never belong to anyone, except of course to Fred, he would never let me go. Although I’m sure my mom wouldn’t mind, she wouldn’t miss us, she would be free to live her life like she wants, not that she doesn’t already.
I was deep in thought when I heard someone clear their throat and ask, “Are you okay?” I looked up and saw a pretty blue eyed, perky blonde smiling at me. “Yeah, I’m fine.” I didn’t even realize I was on the ground. I grumbled in embarrassment. “It happens, here let me help you up.” She said, extending her hand. “Oh my! What happened to your face? Did someone here hurt you?” She gasped. “What?! Oooh, nothing. I’m just very clumsy, as you can see, I wasn’t paying attention and got hit by a door.” I tried to explain but the look on her face told her that she didn’t believe me. “If you’ll excuse me…" I started to say. “Here, try this.” She said handing me a bottle of cover up. “C’mon, let's see if we can get this covered.” She offered. “Thanks.” I sighed as we walked into the lady’s room, and the girl applied the cover up. “By the way my name is Stormie.” I smiled faintly. “Nice to meet you, Stormie.” She smiled back at me. “I’m Summer SilverMoon, I just transferred, so today is my first day.” She replied, stood back, and admired her work. “There all covered up.” She turned me to look in the mirror. “Whoa!” I gasped. Whatever she did, she was able to cover every single bruise and cut. I need to ask her how to do that. “Thank you. I really appreciate it.” I softly said. “No problem. Would you tell me who did this to you?” She asked. I stood there in silence, no one ever asked me about my bruises. They always walked by and ignored me. “I know we just met but if you ask for help, I can help you.” Summer offered. I wanted to ask for help, but I was scared. I knew that Fred would never let me go, he would follow me to the end of the world if he had to.
When Summer realized that I wasn’t going to answer her she changed the subject. “So, what class are you going to? Ethics with Mr. Sheridan.” “Hey me too!” She said with excitement. “But he’s not the instructor anymore.” She said as we walked into the classroom. “What? He’s been teaching since the semester started.” I frowned. “Yeah, rumor is that he was in a car accident over the weekend, so there’s a new instructor.” She explained. How did I not know this? I asked myself. Oh yeah, three 3-year-old little terrors, my little terrors. I have no time for anything else outside of them, right now, they are my life. We walked into the classroom, and I started making my way to my normal seat at the top of the room. Summer tugged at my arm and led me to the second-row corner seats. I shook my head no. I didn’t like sitting so close, it was easier for me to stay invisible, especially when I had bruises to hide. “Summer, I’m gonna go sit up there, these seats are just too close to the front.” I said pointing to my regular seat and lowering my head. “No, please sit with me. I can’t see the board from way up there and you’re the only person I know.” Summer pouted. I groaned, I hate pouting, the triplets do it all the time, Summer reminded me of them. “Don’t pout!” I groaned at her. She kept her pout going and gave puppy dog eyes. “Uuggg…fine, okay.” I grumbled and Summer squealed in delight. I shook my head and settled into my seat as the rest of the class started making their way in. I got a few glances and stares, but I just kept my head down and chatted with Summer.
“Oh, my Goddess!” A shrill voice came from behind us. Have you seen our new instructor?! She excitedly asked her friend. I rolled my eyes. “I got a peek at him and the other guy as I passed by his office on my way here.” She smirked. “They are both beyond hot and they don’t even look that much older than us. I am so going to love getting into his pants.” She smirked as she adjusted her boobs. “Such whores.” Summer snorted and I snorted out a laugh. “Excuse you! No one was talking to you or asked for your opinion. You and the invisible girl need to mind your own business.” She spit back at us. “I can say whatever I want.” “You’re the one telling the whole class what you’re THINKING will happen. I’m not here to listen to your wanna be conquests. This is not a dating service; this is a place of higher education. If you’re just here to find your mate, then I think you’re in the wrong place.” Summer coolly said. Wait?! Did Summer just say mate? This is the second time I’ve heard that word MATE, is it like the Australian people use the word MATE. I’ll have to remember to ask her about that later. “Oh puh-lease, you’re just jealous.” The girl said looking at her manicured fingers. “We can get any guy we want anytime we want.” She bragged. Summer snorted so hard that she blew her coffee out her nose. “Me jealous? Of you?” Summer snorted wiping her face. Storm couldn’t help but laugh at the whole situation and when she finally got herself together she said, “Yeah sure, keep telling yourself that Barbie doll. The only guys you will get are little boys, not MEN.” Summer said.
I was still giggling when the most amazing scent hit my nose, sandalwood, and fresh cut grass. A small, low whimper escaped my lips, OH DAMN. I hoped that no one heard that. I looked towards the door where the scent was coming from. Oh, my dear heavenly skittles, it’s him, the Greek God I bumped into this morning. He lifted his nose like he is sniffing the air and looked around, his eyes shifted to pitch black as we locked eyes. We stared at each other for a few seconds before he broke eye contact licking his bottom lip. All I could feel was a shiver run down my spine. Why didn’t his scent hit me earlier? I have no idea what’s going on but whatever it is, I can’t… let myself have feelings for anyone. Fred will kill him and me. “Hey. you, okay?” Summer nudged me. “Huh? Yeah, I’m good.” I said, feeling my face blush. “Looks like someone has the hots for the teacher.” Summer sniggered. The girl behind us leaned into my ear and said, “don’t even think about it, he’s mine. Besides, why would he want a nobody like you? He’s not gonna want to be stuck with a single mom with three little monsters.” I could feel my anger rising, my jaw clenched, and my hands balled into tight fists. I was ready to beat the shit outta this skank, she needs to stay away from him. Before I could do anything else, I felt a presence next to me. “Is there a problem, ladies?” He asked in his smooth and husky voice, for some reason, just the sound of his voice helped calm and soothe me. How is that even possible? “No, no problem prof.” Summer commented glaring at the girls behind her. “Well, please be respectful in my class ladies. This classroom will be treated as a professional work atmosphere just as if you are in an actual business setting.” He said but more to the skanks sitting behind us. “I would hate to hafta treat you like children but I’m going to ask you two to take seats on the other side of the room.” I started to gather my things. “No, not you two but the two behind you.” He said motioning to the skanks. “What?! Why?!” Skank number one asked with surprise. “But, but…” She stammered out. “Please, go take your new seats, we need to get class started. And those will be your regular seats from now on.” He announced. “The seats you are in will be your assigned seats and the person to your right will be your assigned partner. If no one is sitting next to you or you don’t have a partner by the end of class, see me during my office hours.” He said as he made his way down to the podium. “We’ve never had assigned seats!” Skank one grumbled. “Well, this is my class now, and I assign seats.” He told her raising an eyebrow at her.
Summer chuckled and sent a small wave bye to them. I took my seat, and I could feel him watching me from the corner of his eye. I would steal a few glances at him and the last time I did, he caught me, he smiled and threw a quick wink at me. Oh, cheese and crackers, my panties are in trouble. I can’t let this happen! Fred would kill me; he’s never going to let me go. He’s already told me, that’s why I’ve NEVER been on a date. I don’t even want to think about what would happen, who would take care of the triplets. I have to stay away from him, somehow. I just don’t know how or if I can do that, I’m drawn to him, but I have no idea why? He started his lecture, but I wasn’t really listening, I’m glad that I had a small recorder set up. I was so caught up in my own thoughts, the what if’s, the can not’s, the why can’t my life be different, why couldn’t I have a normal family life. Am I ever going to be happy? Am I ever going to fall in love and have a family of my own? What about my siblings, will they grow up happy? Or will they be condemned to a life of hell with Fred and our mom.
Yeah, some mother she is. After my dad died, she lost it. I was ten when my dad died, my world fell apart and I thought that my mom and me would get through it together, but she would go out and be gone for hours and then eventually she’d be gone for days at a time. I knew right then and there that I was on my own. Nancy packed us up the day after dad’s funeral and we moved to some decrepit house across the country so, I had no other family to turn to, I had to grow up quickly. A few months later mom came home and told me that she’s pregnant and the father of the baby would be living with them. He just had to be near his child and his female, as he called her. Mom was never the same after she got together with Fred, it’s like she was under some spell of his that wouldn’t let her go. We had no idea that she was having triplets until the day they were born. They were squishy little things, but I fell in love with them immediately. They were my family, and I was never going to let anything happen to them.
“Storm. Hey hello. Earth to Stormie.” I heard Summer as she snapped her fingers in front of my face. “Huh, what?” I said coming out of my daze. “Where did you go?” She chuckled. “Sorry. Just getting lost in my own thoughts.” I shrugged. “I’ve been told that I’m a pretty good listener.” She says with a comforting smile. “Thanks, but I don’t want to burden you with my problems.” I shrugged my shoulders. “It’s not a bother. It’ll be good to let it all out. If you let it sit and fester, you may end up snapping and then you will be committed, and I would have to break you out and we would be on the run with your three little monsters. Way too much drama so, let’s just grab lunch at the café and talk.” She suggested with a chuckle. I let out a small snort. I know she meant nothing bad when she called the triplets little monsters. “Uh, no, not the café. I had a rather embarrassing moment there.” I scrunch my nose. Summer giggled. “When and where do you not have an embarrassing moment?” She snickered. “Hey.” I laughed, nudging Summer with my elbow. “Excuse me, Miss…” I looked up and low and behold it’s my Greek God. I was at a loss of words, “wholly shitzu! What’s my name? I can’t remember my name!” I heard muffled laughing in the back of mind. After a few seconds, I finally remembered my name and found my voice, maybe. “S-Storm, m-my n-name is S-St-Storm Hawk.” I stuttered out as Summer continued to cover her mouth trying not to laugh at me as I shoot her a death glare. “Well, Storm, please give me a few minutes, I would like to speak with you.” He said, giving me a small smile. I swallowed the big lump that formed in my throat. “Uuumm...o-okay.” I didn’t know what to say, all I wanted to do was run and hide. “Okay then, I will go grab our lunch and meet you in the quad.” Summer said flashing me a mischievous grin, giving me two thumbs up and wiggling her brows. I shook my head and rolled my eyes at her as she made her way out of the room. “Excuse me, Mr.…, I’m sorry I didn’t get your name.” Her shrill voice brought me back to attention making me cringe. “Actually, I don’t think I gave my name.” He said keeping a close eye on me. “Oh, well anyway, I wanted to invite you for a drink to apologize for my earlier behavior.” Skank said, giving me a snide smile. “Actually, I think you owe Ms. Hawk and the rest of the class an apology for your behavior and taking up their class time. Not to mention for calling her children…” he looked at me and squinted “…little monsters. Do you know them? Do you know for a fact that they are little monsters?” He scolded her like I would the triplets. I couldn’t help myself, but I threw a smirk at the skank. I couldn’t believe I just did that; I’ve never done that before; it would usually end up with me being slapped across the face. Fred would definitely punish me if he found out. So as quickly as the smirk appeared, it disappeared.