Chapter 4: They Are MINE
We made our way to the pack house, and there stood a woman, who I assume is Storm’s mom and four human police officers. I knew one of them, he’s one of our contacts with the human legal system, plus he is mated to one of our female pack members. “Tod, good to see you. What do we owe the pleasure?” I asked shaking his hand. Storm was standing beside me, but she was slightly behind me. “Alpha Blasé, good to see you again but we are here on business.” He started. “Seems that Mrs. Walters claims you have her children and husband.” Tod stated. “I’m not hiding anything, yes, they are here. Her husband is one of my pack members, so that makes her and their children members also. I assure you they are safe and happy, actually they are better than they have been with the Walter’s.” I told him as Ryder came running in shrieking as Summer chased him with tickle monster fingers. When he saw Mrs. Walters, he came to an abrupt stop and started crying. His mom was making her way to him but like a flash of light Storm scooped him up and was right back by my side. “Give me my children!” Mrs. Walters yelled. “You were never a mother to them or me.” Storm gritted trying not to scare Ryder. I looked to Summer and my mom, they came and took Ryder from Storm, but he didn’t want to let her go.
“It’s okay squirt, go with auntie and nana. I’ll be up soon, okay?” Storm whispered to him as she gently placed him Summer’s arms. When they were no longer in sight, she stomped over to her mother. “How dare you!! You have no business here! I have been the only mother they’ve known. I’m the one who takes care of them, loves them, and comforts them. You’ve ignored and denied them since they were six months old! You and Fred only live for yourselves, and you let him beat me! You were supposed to protect me! But you didn’t. Did you even ever love me?” She sobbed. I moved to stand behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist and hugged her tightly. Mrs. Walters eyes went wide glaring at us, at me. “NO! This is not happening!” She snapped. “Oh, this is definitely happening.” I smirked at her. “If Fred had presented you and Storm to the pack when he brought you here, I would have found her sooner. She is my mate, my Luna.” I started. “She and HER children are now mine, mine to care for, mine to shower with the love that you and Fred should have given them. They will want for nothing.” “I will not all…” She started to say before I interrupted her. “You have no say in this matter!” I boomed. “Storm has been my destined mate since the day you gave birth to her. For whatever reason you and Fred kept her from me, and I am not going to let you try to interfere, not now, not ever!” I said tucking Storm closer to my side. “She doesn’t even know what you really are!” She snorted. “Actually, I do know what he is.” Storm told her mother.
“Alpha, if you have things under control, then we are going to head out.” I had forgotten that Tod and his men were still here, ha. “Make sure to bring your little mate to meet my Lydia.” Tod said walking out with his men. “Wait! You’re just going to leave? What about my husband and my kids? You can’t just leave them here with these monsters!” Mrs. Walters yelped. “Nancy! Mother!” Storm snorted. “You’re married to the monster. Remember?!” She sneered at her mother. “Ma’am, I’m sorry but this is a pack matter. We leave these matters to Alpha Blasé, just as they leave human matters to us.” Tod explained. “But I’m human, my kids are human.” She begged. “Actually, Mr. Walters is a shifter, you married him, you’re his mate so that makes you and the crime a pack matter. Am I correct Alpha?” Tod told her. “Yes, that is correct Tod. Thank you for your assistance.” Dad told him. “Oh, and Nancy, your… sorry correction… my granpups are shifters and so is Storm. She may not understand what is going on at the moment but with our help she will be the Luna she is destined to be.” Nancy scoffed. “I want to see my husband and my children!” She demanded. “You can see Fred all you want but you’re not going near MY children.” Storm said gritting her teeth. “You can’t keep them from me!” Nancy yelled. “Watch your tone! You are in no position to be making demands.” I raised my voice. “You will never raise your voice in this house. You will be taken to see your mate and you will see OUR children…” I motioned to Storm and myself “…in our presence. You will not touch them if they don’t want to be touched…” I started to explain “…make no mistake, if you make them cry or try anything you will join your mate in the cells. This is your one and only warning.” I growled.
“Blasé, no, please.” Storm said with fear shaking her head. I pulled her to me. “They’ll be fine, let her say her final goodbye.” I tried to assure her. “But she’ll try to take at least one of them.” I know she was so worried, but I wasn’t about to let Nancy hurt my family ever again. “I know but she won’t make it out of this room with them. I promise.” I assured her kissing her nose. “Trust me.” She reluctantly nodded. I mind linked Summer to bring the pups to the living area and for Silas and Gordon to be prepared. I heard their little feet shuffle down the stairs. “Sumor, may we have some ice cweam?” Ryder asked, this kid has such a sweet tooth. “You need to ask your mom and dad about that.” She told him. He sighed. “Otway.” He came running in and flung himself into Storm’s arms and looked at her with cute puppy eyes. “Mama, can we hab some icream?” He asked with cute big puppy eyes, a kid after my own heart. Storm ruffled his hair. “After dinner, we can all have some ice cream.” She smiled at him. “Thanchew mama.” He said as Storm put him down. “Ryder, baby.” Nancy called to him. He didn’t realize that she was still here. He quickly grabbed my hand and moved behind my legs. Summer walked in with Rebel and River. As soon as River saw Nancy, she started crying and gave me grabby hands to pick her up. “It’s okay princess, no one is going to hurt you.” I told her picking her up and rubbing her back as she buried her little head into my neck. Rebel was our little warrior, he stood in front of us and stared directly at Nancy.
“Why you here?!” He asked with what sounded like anger, he even puffed out his little chest. “Rebel, my baby boy. It’s me mama.” She told him opening her arms for a hug. “No! You not mama, sissy ish mama.” He barked at her. “But Rebel, I love you, Ryder, and River. I want you to come live with me. I’ll take care of you.” She tried to convince him, she had to convince him and win him over if she wants Ryder and River. He narrowed his eyes at her, he may be only three years old but he’s not stupid. “NO! You and Fwed hurt sissy. She take care of us, not you! We no stay with you, we stay with sissy mama and daddy Bwaze.” He told her; he was pretty calm, but I could swear I saw eyes go black for a few seconds. He turned away from Nancy and stood in front of Storm in a protective stance. “Storm, you turned my children against me. How could you?” Nancy sobbed. “Again, they are NOT yours! And stop trying to play the victim in this. You are far from it.” Storm yelled. “And as you can see, they don’t want to be with you.” I added. “I gave birth to them…” Storm stopped her from continuing what she was going to say. “That doesn’t make you a mother, I have been the one raising them since they were six months old. I’m the one who has given up my life for them, so, if you think you’re going to come in here and take MY kids, you ARE WRONG!” Storm was yelling. I had to have my mom, dad and Summer take the kids. Storm was so angry; I wasn’t sure what would happen. She kept stepping closer and closer to Nancy. I could feel her anger rise with each step she took.
“Storm, sugarbear please, calm down. Nancy and Fred will never take our kids from us.” I whispered. She was shaking in anger, I caressed her arms and kept whispering in her ear. Slowly she started to calm down. “Please leave mother and never come back!” She softly said trying hard to stay calm. “You will not keep my children!” Nancy yelled running towards Rebel who was now standing by the door with my dad. She stretched out her arms to grab him, things happened so fast, Rebel was running away from Nancy and then Nancy was pinned to the wall. Rebel was being tightly held by my dad. I looked to Nancy and saw her pinned to the wall by Storm. I saw the anger in her eye’s, this was not anger from a mere human. I heard Nancy gasping for air but the more she struggled the tighter Storms’ grip got. “Blasé, help Storm gain control! She’s going to kill her mother!” Mom pleaded. I knew mom was right, but this woman was trying to take what’s mine. “Blasé, you can’t let her do that, that is too much to live with.” My dad said to me in his Alpha voice, he’s the only one I would submit too, even though I try to fight it. “Go to your mate.” He firmly stated. I walked over to Storm, wrapping one arm around her waist and with my other hand I slowly trace my fingers up her arm to her wrist. I could feel the tension in her arm and fingers as they clench around her mother’s neck. I wrap my fingers around her hand. “Storm, sugarbear, please release your hold on her neck. She’s not worth it. Your life, the triplet’s lives are now with me. She has no control over you.” I whispered in her ear. I felt her relax and Nancy fell to the floor gasping for air.
“Silas, please take this person to join her mongrel of a husband.” Storm said taking deep breaths as I continued to keep her calm. “Yes, Luna.” Silas replied picking Nancy up off the floor and dragging her kicking and screaming. “Stormie, please don’t do this!” She yelled the whole way out. “I’m still your mother!” Nancy sobbed. “That's why you are not dead, and you are no longer my mother! You gave that right up the day you married Fred.” Storm sighed trying to hold her tears back. She looked down at Nancy, “did you ever love me?” She asked with a frown. Nancy’s sobs turned to laughter. “How can I love something that isn’t even mine?” She said. “You aren’t my true child.” She smirked. “What?” Storm asked gasped. “Take her to join her husband.” Dad told Silas. I was still tense, and my breathing was ragged, I was trebling in Blasé’s arms. I turned and faced him; I had tears sliding down my cheeks. He wiped them away with the pad of his thumbs. I don’t know what happened, the anger built up and the thought of her even touching him, just took over me. “A surge of…I don’t know what flowed through me. Th-that’s never happened before. I’m so sorry.” I finally was able to say. “I was always so scared she was going to take him. And what was that? She’s not my mother? If she’s not my mom, then who is my mom?” She asked in a deep sigh. “We’ll figure out what she said about your mom later.” He told me hugging me tighter. I pulled away from him slightly so I could look at him. “And it’s okay maybe it was just years of anger, pain, and fear. You knew you were safe, so you let it all out. Don’t ever apologize for this or anything like this.” He tried to assure me. “But what will people think?” I whispered. “They will think their Luna is a bad ass.” He chuckled. “Besides, watching you go all Luna on her ass, well let’s just say that I am going to have to take a very cold shower.” He smirked at me. “What?” I asked with a frown. He looked down and separated from me a little so I could see what he was talking about. My eyes widen and gasped. “BLASÉ!!” I squealed and buried my face in my chest. “Stop that!” I yelped. “That’s kinda hard to do.” He said still chuckling and I hit his arm. “Owie,” he teased. “Hahaha, Asher, and I just found you so hot when your Luna aura started flowing.” He told me lightly kissing up my neck, a small low whimper escaped my lips and he smiled against my neck. I melted into his arms and was totally relaxed with every touch of his fingers I shivered. We were lost in each other, no one else mattered at that moment.
“Ehem.” A throat cleared. “Sorry, but the little ones are asking for Luna.” Marco said. “He’s one of the guards assigned to help care and protect my children, our children.” He told me and I gasped. “Oh God, I forgot about them! How could I?” I cried out. “It’s okay, Summer’s with them.” Blasé told me and I relaxed. “Come on, let’s go see them.” He said guiding me upstairs, Marco followed behind. We could hear soft sobs coming their room. I quickened my pace; I hurried into the triplet’s room and scooped them up in my arms and held them tight. “She twry take Rebby.” River whimpered holding onto tight to Rebel. “Oh, my baby girl. I’m so sorry she got so close. She will never get close again. I will do whatever I have to do so that she never gets to you.” I told them. I dropped to the floor with them still in my arms. Blasé sat on the floor and took us in his arms and just held us. We sat there with them until they all calmed down. “C’mon, we all still need to eat dinner and then have ice cream.” He said helping me and River up off the floor. The mention of ice cream got Ryder’s attention. We made our way to the dining room; the family and a few pack members were sitting at the table waiting on us. “Nana! Poppy!” The three of them squealed, running to Blasé’s parents.
Things were still confusing for me, Fred is a werewolf and mom, well, I guess she’s his mate so that makes the triplets half-breeds, and I am mated to an Alpha. He’s already accepted us, me as his mate and Luna, whatever that is, and the triplets as his own children. The triplets seem to be crazy about Blasé and the rest of his family. They’ve all accepted us even the pack members have accepted us. This has got to be a very vivid dream, or I died and am in heaven.
“Storm, sugarbear.” I heard a husky voice call and then sparks danced across my cheek. “You, okay?” I looked up and saw Blasé staring down at me. “Yeah, I’m okay, just thinking.” I said watching my siblings interact with Blasé’s family. “About what?” He asked, bringing a fork full of chicken and pasta up to my lips. “Open up, you need to eat, doc says you and our pups are way too thin and it’s my job to make sure that you and my little nuggets eat well and get healthy.” He smiled at me. I took the bite of food he offered, I chewed and then answered. “Everything, the stories about werewolves when we first moved here. I thought it was all just folklore and urban legend.” I started. “Until…” I trailed off. “Until what?” He gently asked. I sighed. “Until I came face to face with one.” I whispered. “Do you know who it was?” He asked a little tense. “It was Fred.” I said rubbing my face. “I had gone outside to get some fresh air. I had just put the squirts to bed and then Nancy and I had a huge fight, I needed to get away from her for a bit. I was sitting quietly on the steps when I heard a growl. I looked up and saw a reddish-brown wolf looking at me. I knew it wasn’t a dog because it was way too big. Before I could react, Fred stood where the wolf once stood.” I said, twitching my lips. “He threatened that I would be killed if I said anything to anyone. He said no one was supposed to know about his kind. I believed him; I had no reason not to. I heard Nancy yelling at him for changing in front of me and also because he was butt ass naked, which was just absolutely disgusting.” I told him scrunching my nose. “Gross.” I whispered more to myself. Blasé was laughing, I could feel the vibration from his chest. “Well, first, it’s called phasing or shifting. Second, we try and have a change of clothes tied to our leg or hidden somewhere that we can get to, so we aren’t as you say butt ass naked.” He chuckled. “Third, you wouldn’t have been killed, maybe tortured a little but never killed.” My eyes went wide as saucers. He laughed. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding.” He snickers, pulling me onto his lap. “You’re my mate and I never would hurt you and Asher would never allow me to harm you.” He continued to snicker. “That’s not funny!” I whispered-yelled, punching his chest. “Owie! That hurt.” He whined.
“Dada, otway?” River asked with such concern in her voice as she looked over at her dada. I raised my eyebrows at him. “Dada? Well, yeah, she just started calling me that the day after all of you came to be with us. She asked if she could call me dada, I didn't have the heart to tell her no. I'm surprised you hadn't noticed.” He said. “I did notice and I was going to ask but then Nancy,” I trailed. “I hope you don't mind.” He said looking at River with so much love. “Have you seen her puppy dog eyes?” He chuckled. “Yes, I have.” I snorted. “She has learned to use them very well. Mama, dada, otway?” She asked again. “Yes baby, dada is fine, he was just being bad.” I told her. She narrowed her little eyes at him. “Bad dada, no be bad.” She scolded him and went back to eating her dinner making everyone within earshot chuckle. I glared at him, he wrapped his arms tightly around my waist and pulled me closer to him. He gently left butterfly kisses on my cheek. “You never would have been in any danger, if Frank had presented you to my dad and the pack when you moved here, you would have been wrapped in my arms long ago.” He whispered.
I was getting ready to respond when I heard River squeal. I looked up and watched as she squirmed out of her spot-on Summer’s lap and run into the arms of a young man, around sixteen or so. She looked at him with such excitement and adoration. “I’ve seen him before, he’s the one that came to tell me that they were asking for me after Nancy was taken away. Who is he and why is River so excited to see him? Did I miss something?” I asked Blasé. “Marco.” He called the young man over to us. He sat down and River made herself comfy on his lap and rested her little head on his shoulder. “Marco, this is my mate, River’s mama and your Luna, Storm Hawk. Storm this Marco, he’s been assigned as one of their guard’s and caregiver’s, his sister, Megan, is their other guard and caregiver.” He explained. “Oh, okay.” I said watching River with Marco. “I’ve never seen her like this, is there something else that I’m missing?” Blasé and Marco exchanged looks. “What’s going on?” I asked raising an eyebrow. “Werewolf’s usually find their mate’s when they turn sixteen. That's when their wolf comes to the surface to shift and help guide us. Usually when one mate is older than the other, the older mate becomes a protector to the younger mate until he/she turns sixteen when both mates will be able to be together. We are not allowed to reveal that they are mates until she turns of age.” Blasé explained while I frowned and listened. “So, are you telling me that Marco is River’s mate?” I asked looking between Blasé, Marco, and River. “Errr…uummm…yeah.” Blasé mumbled. I shake my head. “River, baby, go with Summer for a little while, I need to talk to dada and Marco.” She frowned at me. “No Mama, I wan stay wit Coco, pwease.” She whined. “We won’t be long, go take a bath, put your jammies on and when we’re done, we will watch a movie before we go to bed.” I bargained with her. “C’mon my little bugs.” Summer said, taking them up to their room. River placed a kiss on Marco’s cheek and reluctantly went with Summer. She kept looking back over her shoulder as she walked away. Marco kissed his fingers and waved at her with a smile.
As soon as they cleared the room and heard them walk further away, I turned and faced Marco. I stared him in the eye, I saw fear flash across his face. “Storm, sugarbear, hold on,” Blasé said, wrapping me in his arms. “Blasé, please let me go. I’m not going to hurt him…at least not yet.” I calmly said. “Luna, please. I understand how you feel. I was just as confused myself. I never imagined that I would find my mate so soon or that she would be so much younger than me.” Marco confessed rubbing the back of his neck. “I vow to love and protect River with every fiber of my being. Nothing will happen until she’s sixteen and then I will explain to her who she is to me. She will set the pace; I will do nothing until she’s ready.” He told me bowing his head. “I’m going to hold you to your vow, know that if you betray my trust or River, mate or not, you will never see her again. She may have been born my sister, but she is now and will always be my daughter and I will do what I have to make sure she and her brothers are safe and happy.” I told him with a stern voice and aura that I have never had or felt before now. Marco nodded and bowed again. “Okay, now that we understand each other, let’s go watch a movie with our munchkins.” I smiled. “River is waiting for her favorite wolf.” Marco blushed a little on his ear tips. “Hey! She’s my little princess, I’m her favorite wolf!” Blasé pouted. Marco hurried up the stairs with a chuckle. I looked at Blasé. “You’re her daddy, you will always be her favorite wolf.” I assured him. “Dada!” We heard along with the patter of little feet running. Next thing I knew, River was flying through the air landing gently and safely in Blasé’s arms. “I wuv you dada.” She giggled. “I love you too princess.” He told her nuzzling her and inhaling her scent. We watched a couple of movies and filled up on snacks, one by one they fell asleep and were carried to their room and tucked in for the night. “We’ll stay with them, you two should spend some time alone.” Summer told us. Marco was already in wolf form with River cuddled up to him.
“Go.” Summer said, pushing me back to the room I would be sharing with Blasé. As I walked into the room, Blasé walked out of the bathroom, he had a pair of sleep pants that were hanging very low on his hips. “Are they okay?” He asked. I admit, I was staring at him. He had broad shoulders, muscles covered his body, he had a perfect eight pack and V line to die for. “Like what you see?” He asked, smirking. I felt all my blood rush to my cheeks and turned away from him. “You don’t need to hide from me.” He said walking towards me and ran his knuckles across my cheek. “You can look all you want; you can even touch if you want. I belong to you and no one else, just like you belong to me.” He said as he gently pulled me to him and nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck and took a deep breath. He ran his nose from my ear to my shoulder, leaving light kisses along the way. “I’ve never felt anything like this.” I mumbled. I felt him smile against my neck. “You’ll always feel this way with me, and I will always feel this with you.” He said as he continued to kiss my neck, well, more like nibbling and sucking. It felt so good, small moans and whimpers escaped my lips. “Storm, you have no idea how much I want you.” He whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. He slowly walked me to the bed, he sat down pulling me onto his lap, so I was straddling him.
“I know this all new for you, I will go at your pace, if you want me to stop, just tell me. I won’t force you to do anything you’re not ready for.” He said running his hand up and down my back as sparks radiated and tingled through my body at every spot his fingers touched. His hand moved further down to my butt. He gently squeezed my butt cheeks making me gasp. He used that opportunity to slide his tongue in my mouth and explored every inch. As he explored my mouth one of his hands drifted down between my thighs and cupped my folds. “Such a sweet smell.” He whispered as he slowly and gently slid a finger into my weeping core. “So sweet and all mine.” I buried my face in his neck, trying not to moan loudly. I didn’t want anyone to hear us, well, hear me. “Don’t hold back your moans, they are mine to bask in.” I lightly shook my head. I could feel him smile as kept my face in the crook of his neck. “No one can hear us; all the rooms are soundproof.” He whispered as low mewl escaped my lips. He worked his fingers in and out of me rubbing my little pearl as a bubble of pressure started building ready to explode. “B-B-Blasé...” was all I could mumble out. I have no idea what came over me, but I started rocking back and forth eliciting a lustful moan from him. “Storm...” he grunted in my ear before I could even attempt to say anything, the bubble bursts open sending waves of pleasure flying though my body, making me see stars. After I came down from my high I leaned my head on his shoulder.
“OH WOW!” I finally was able to say. He was still caressing my butt cheeks and gazing into my eyes. I couldn’t help but blush, giggle and hide my face in his neck. He chuckled. “So, can I assume you enjoyed?” He whispered in my ear, nibbling on my earlobe. “That was…” I trailed off. He lifted my chin, so I was looking at him. “I’ve never felt like this before. No one has ever looked at me the way you look at me or touch me the way you do.” I started. “I was bullied in school, eventually I became invisible and forgotten. I graduated with honors even though I was caring for my little squirts. They motivated me to keep going so I could take us away. I got scholarships and some grants, Fred and Nancy didn’t want me to go to college, they didn’t want me to go anywhere.” I shrugged. He pulled me tight against his chest, without thinking I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned into him. “Well, that’s because I’m the only man who’s ever allowed to touch you like this and if you want to continue your education then you won’t hafta worry about money, I will cover all the costs of it. My money is now our money. You never hafta worry about that. You and our little ones will never want for anything.” He continued as he ran his fingertips along my back sparks igniting all over my body. “Promise?” I whispered. “Promise with all my heart”. He sat in silence with me on his lap, after a while we untangled from each other, and I went to the bathroom to clean up and put on my sleep clothes. “Baby, put these on.” He said handing me a pair of his boxers and one of his t-shirts. “It will keep my scent on you. You know to keep all the other horny males away from you.” He winked. I smiled and went into the bathroom.