Chapter 7: Getting to Know Each Other
“Please explain what mating really means again.” I asked him. “Well, for wolves it means we have found our soul mate, the other half of our heart and soul, the missing piece. We usually find our mate when we turn sixteen, of course, if one is older than the other then we just wait or go to the family and explain and see if they can start building the bond by just spending time together and not revealing the truth.” He started. “Like Marco?” I smiled. “Yes. It’s usually discouraged but there are times when the older mate has no family, so they can decide to let them in.” He started to explain. “Like with River, she felt drawn to him and kept following him around and would throw fits when she couldn’t find him. Marco and Megan’s parents were killed when they were young and have lived with us since then. They had no other family, so mom and dad decided to take them in as their own. So, they’re my younger siblings.” He looked at me. “I understand. I like him, he’s very good with her. I can see that he really loves her but won’t people frown on their odd relationship? I asked him. “No, first, they are not blood related and second, the Goddess has a warped sense of humor.” “He does love her, right?” He chuckled at me. “Yes, he does but right now, there’s nothing sexual about his love for her, he will be her protector and when she turns of age, which is around sixteen, then that’s when things will change for them.” He assured me. “I know; besides he knows I would kill him if he tried anything happens before she turns of age.” I laughed. “It’s weird but I know he will take care of her and not allow any thing to happen to her.”
“Excuse me, Luna Grace is asking to see Luna Storm.” Marcy said, knocking on the door. I frowned at her. “Please, just call me Storm.” I reminded her. “My apologies.” She scrunched her nose. “Marcy, we are going to be spending a lot of time together, so please, no formalities.” I smiled at her. “Okay, so let’s go, we have a lot to do.” I stood, gave Blasé a kiss, and followed Marcy out the door to see my future mother-in-law. “So, how long have you and Gordon been together?” I asked her. “Well, I was eleven and he was sixteen. He came to my dad and told him that he was my mate.” She smiled. “My dad was lead warrior; Gordon was an orphan. His mom died in a rogue attack and his dad went feral after she died. My parents decided to take him in, he was my mate, and we would be able to build our bond.” She explained. “Even though you didn’t know or feel what he was feeling, you just went along with it?” She looked at me with a little confusion. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean anything bad. I’m just trying to understand. It’s okay, this world is new to you.” She assured me. “I knew he was my mate because I would get restless and all girly whenever he was around, but our bond couldn’t be confirmed or cemented until I turned sixteen. Sometimes our body just knows and as I got older all the signs started, well one sign started. The tingles, the sparks, every time he would touch me.” She shivered lightly. “They were right but I felt them. He never came right out and told me that he was my mate but as time went on and the tingles started, I kinda figured it out. Especially when I asked my mom about what it feels like when you find your mate.”
“So, that’s what that is?” She looked at me with a raised eyebrow. “The first time we met he touched me, and it was like being hit with a bolt of lightning and he whispered Mate – Mine. It freaked me out and I ran away from him. I thought I would never see him again, but it turned out he was my instructor for at least one class.” I laughed. “So much for trying to hide from him.” “He would have found you.” I gave her a puzzled look. “Your scent, it would have led him to you. It’s how we find each other.” “So, hiding from him wouldn’t have worked?” I chuckled. “Not a chance.” She laughed with me. “Well, looks like you two are getting to know each other.” Grace smiled as Marcy, and I walked into the dressing room. “Come on in sweetie, take a look at some of the dresses my designer sent over for you to look at and try on.” “Wow, that was quick.” I said wide eyes. There were a handful of dresses set up in what is now my dressing room. “These are beautiful.” I said with awe running my fingers across them but there was one that stood out to me. It was a white empire waist dress; the top would hug my boobs and the bottom skirt flared out like a ball gown but not as poofy. “This is the one.” I whispered out. Grace smiled. “Are you sure?” “Oh yeah, I’m sure.” I told her lightly running my fingertips across the dress top. “That is the dress I wore to my Luna and mating ceremonies.” She told me. “I would be honored to wear it.” I told her. “It would make me so very happy.” She said wiping a tear from her cheek. “I’ll go and call the seamstress to come tomorrow.” She hugged me. “We will meet with Ms. Evers tomorrow to discuss the menu.” “Okie dokie.” I chirped. “Grace, what about Summer, wouldn’t she want to wear it?” I asked. “She can still wear it to her mating ceremony if that ever happens.” She chuckled as she kissed the top of my head and went about her business. I offered to help her, but she said, “I have everything under control and I will find you later so the seamstress could take my measurements.”
I sat on the bench that was built into the window. It has become my favorite place to sit. We were on the top floor, the house was built like a hotel, it was six floors, with the top floor being ours. Thankfully you could see out the windows, but no one could see in. I watched as the kids played and chased each other. I was relaxed and caught up in my own thoughts that I didn’t hear Blasé walk in. “Hey there my love.” He whispered in my ear. I leaned into him before turning to face him. “So, did you and mom figure things out?” He asked as he nuzzled my neck. “I picked my dress and tomorrow the seamstress will be here for my fitting and then we will figure out the menu with Ms. Evers.” His nuzzle turned into kisses running from my jaw to my shoulder at some point he had unbuttoned my shirt and slipped it down my arms, the sneaky rat. His hands roamed my body, he unclasped my bra and massaged my breasts while delving into my mouth making sure that every inch is touched by his. He slowly made his way between my legs, cupping my lady folds. “Blaaaasssssé, aaahhhh.” I moaned as he flicked my little pearl. He continued his assaulted on my neck as he rubbed my pearl and slid his fingers in and out of my dripping folds. “Mmmm…” I whimpered. I felt him smile against my neck. “Two weeks and you will be mine and I will be yours in every way.” He whispered as he increased the speed of his fingers. “Oh Blasé, I…” I trailed off. “Cum for me my love.” He growled as the bubble of pressure that had been building broke free and washed over me making my eyes roll back and my body spasm in Blasé’s arms. “You are so beautiful.” He told me. “I really love these kinds of bra’s; they are easy to get rid of. We will need to get a whole bunch more.” I shook my head at him giggling. “I’m surprised we have managed like this for this long. And you will hafta to buy me more, these are my favorite ones.” I told him. “Like I said my love, you set the pace and it will be my pleasure to replace them.” He reminded me kissing my forehead.
“Hey Blasé, you two in there?” Silas yelled out breaking up our moment. “He is such a pest.” He growled. “Yeah, whatayawant?” He asked with irritation. “Elder Mary and Matt are here, they want to meet Storm.” “Bring them to the living room, we will be there in a few, we need 15 minutes. And so, it begins.” He sighed. “You, we, should clean up and change.” He said leading me to the bathroom. “But I don’t want to meet them yet.” I whispered. “Trust me, these two will never hurt you.” He promised as he led me into the living room. “Blasé, so good to see you.” A tall man said shaking his hand. “Who is this beauty?” The female next to him asked with excitement. “Storm, this is my Aunt Mary and Uncle Matt, they are also two of our pack Elders. Aunt Mary, Uncle Matt, this is Storm Hawk, my mate.” He smiled at me. Every time he looked at me, my heart pounded harder, and it felt like a net of butterflies was released in my stomach. Mary took me into a tight hug. “You are so beautiful.” She said smiling at me. “Matt, isn’t she just absolutely gorgeous?” “Yes, she is but you need to let the poor girl breath.” He told her prying her away from me and giving me a hug. “Sorry, she gets a little excited.” He chuckled.
“Rebel! Ryder! Stop!” Summer yelled as two little muddy bodies ran through the living room. “Blasé, stop them.” She called out. “Boy’s stop running!” Blasé boomed and they both came to a stop. “What happened?” He asked raising an eyebrow. “Sowry dada.” They both said looking down at their fidgeting feet. Summer stood behind them looking just as dirty. “Have I ever told you that I really dislike mud puddles?” She frowned, she was covered from head to toe in mud. “Can you take it from here while I go get cleaned up? She asked whipping mud from her face. “Yeah, I’ll get them cleaned up.” Blasé chuckled. Summer glared at him and growled at him. “Okay, you two let’s get you cleaned up before dinner.” He kissed my temple and herded the boys to the bathroom. “I’ll be back, oh say in about forty-five minutes.” He laughed as he led the boys to their room. I dropped on the sofa and let out a long breath. “They are a handful, aren’t they?” Matt chuckled. “Oh yeah.” I giggled. “They are three-year-old little terrors going on four. I don’t know how I made this long alone with them.” Silas walked in with a big grin. I knew he had something to do with what happened. “Oh yeah, I had perfect little angels until Silas taught them about mud fights.” I narrowed my eyes. “Who me? I would never.” Silas said innocently pointing at himself. “Yeah, you.” I eyed him. “You have corrupted my little angels.” “I did no such thing.” He laughed.
“Silas.” Matt called in a scolding manner. “Hey Aunt Mary, Unc. How’s it going?” He smiled wider. “You should really go in and help your brother.” Mary scolded. “No need, we are all done.” Blasé walked in the living room. He was wearing different clothes. I just smiled at him with a tilt of my head. “Yeah, I got a bath also.” “Sowry dada.” The boys whispered. “It’s okay boys. Next time, you need to hose down before you come inside. Look at the mess you made.” He pointed to the mess that was being cleaned up by the house staff. “You also need to say sorry to Aunt Summer.” I told them. “Yesh ma’am.” Ryder tugged on Blasé’s pant leg. “Who dat?” He whispered and pointed to Aunt Mary and Uncle Matt. “Don’t point baby, it’s very rude.” I told him putting my hand on his and bringing his hand down to his side. “Otway Mama.” He whispered. “Boys, this is your Aunt Mary, she is poppy’s sister, and Uncle Matt, he is her mate.” Blasé introduced. “Wike you and mama.” Ryder smiled. “Yes, like me and mama.” Blasé answered as Ryder jumped on Silas’ back. “Isn’t there one missing?” Mary asked. “Yes, River. She’ll be here in a few minutes.” Silas said already wrestling with the boys. I was going to say something, but Matt spoke first. “Let them play. They are honing their hunting and pouncing skills.” He chuckled watching the boys pounce all over Silas.
“From what Alex told us, the four of you have had it hard these last three years.” Aunt Mary carefully mentioned. My body tensed, memories came flooding back and I fell into darkness. “Storm, sugarbear, wake up.” I could hear Blasé’s voice and little hands rubbing my arms. “Mama, open you eyes.” I slowly wrapped my arms around the little bodies next to me as they sobbed. “Ssshhh…I’m okay.” I told them rubbing their backs. “Move back a little so I can sit up.” I told them. “Be careful sugarbear.” Blasé pleaded as he helped me up. “What happened?” I asked rubbing my head, the kids were clinging to me. “You passed out.” He answered pulling me and the kids closer and tighter to him. “Dada can’t bref, pwease.” River panted. “I’m sorry baby girl.” He said loosening his grip. “I’m sorry, your aunt and uncle must think I’m such a weenie.” I mumbled rubbing my face. Blasé lightly snorted. “Nonsense child.” Mary tried to assure me stepping closer to me. “You are far from being weak besides we like weenies.” She smiled. “We know what you’ve been through, the pain and the injuries you suffered. The sacrifices you made to protect and care for these little ones.” She said looking affectionately at the triplets. “We are proud to call you, our Luna.” “We are proud to stand by you and Blasé and your leadership.” Matt said. “We will do everything we can to find and punish Fred and Nancy.” At the mention of our mother’s name, River whimpered. “It’s okay baby. She nor Fred will never hurt you or your brothers again.” Marco comforted her as she climbed into his arms. “Marco, please take them to their room, if they’re hungry go ahead and get them dinner.” Have Summer and Megan help you. Blasé instructed. “C’mon little ones, who wants a grilled cheese?” Marco asked carrying River and leading the boys into the kitchen. “Me, me, me.” The three of them cheered. “Can we hab some chips too?” Ryder asked as they made their way to the kitchen. “No Cheetos I don’t want orange fingers all over the place. Blasé called out.
“Storm, I am so sorry, I didn’t…” Mary started. “It’s okay.” I assured her. “I’m still working through my past but knowing that they are still out there scares me. Elder Eric scares me also.” I whispered. “Not to worry, we have eyes on him at all times but in the meantime, you and the babies safety is of the utte most importance.” Matt advised. “Is there something more going on that I need to know about?” I was confused, what did they mean by they have eyes on him at all times. “What do you know about your father child?” Mary asked. “Uumm…he died in a car accident when I was ten. His parents passed away before I was five. I don’t know if he has any siblings. He worked for a security firm and was always traveling, not even a week after died, Nancy brought Fred home, two weeks later she found out she was pregnant and then we moved here.” I could feel my chest tightening and my world starting to spin again. “Take deep breaths, close your eyes and breath.” I heard a voice say. Blasé snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to his side and placed a light kiss on the side of my neck and ear, giving me some comfort. “My life was good before dad died and I honestly think that mom was cheating on dad with Fred. Makes me wonder if mom really was his mate or was it all a set up to kill dad?” “Storm, please don’t take offense to my next question.” Matt hesitated a little; I nodded for him to continue. “Do you believe that Fred is the triplets father?” “Seems that the timing between him and your dad…” I sighed. “I don’t know.” I was silent for a few minutes. “I don’t think they could be dad’s; I mean they are showing wolf traits, my dad wasn’t a wolf and as far as I know neither is Nancy.” I shrugged.
“Sugarbear, we think that your dad WAS a wolf.” I looked up at Blasé, blinking my eyes quickly as what he just said sank in. “Are you crazy???!!!!” I yelped making him chuckle. “Sugarbear, where did you live before you moved here?” I scrunched my face at him. “We lived deep in the hill country of Texas.” “What else do you remember?” “Nothing out of the ordinary, he would drive me to school that was like an hour away and when he couldn’t his best friend, Carl, would take me and stay with me to make sure I was safe. Dad would work from home, so a lot of people would come in and out.” I stopped for a minute. “Wait, no, no, no, it can’t be.” I said shaking my head vigorously. “Storm, we would like to run some blood tests on you and the triplets. It will be the best way to get answers.” Matt told me. Alex and Grace had already joined us. “What makes you think that my dad was a wolf?” I asked with my hand on my forehead. “We think he was more than just a wolf, but an Alpha.” My jaw dropped. “Your dad’s name was Brandon Hawk?” Alex asked. “Yes.” I nodded. “The nearest city was San Antonio.” Alex continued. “His, your, pack name was Hawk Hill pack, it was and still is the biggest and strongest pack in Texas.” “This can’t be, if he was a werewolf, then that would make me one also. I-I-I’m nothing like any of you, my sense of smell sucks, I’ve never, I don’t even have a wolf for crying out loud! I’m just a human nobody!” I rambled. “Sweetie.” Grace called handing me a picture. I took it and looked at it, the man in the picture standing next to Alex; he looks like my dad. “Dad?” I whispered as I ran my fingers across his image. “Sure is, you were barely one in this picture. Blasé was six and oh so crazy about you.” She smiled. “Still am.” Blasé winked at me. “As much as I hate to say this, but we need to find my mother, Nancy.” I sighed. “She’s the one with all the answers. We will find her and Fred.” Alex started. “But in the meantime, when Blasé is not with you, Marcy will be with you.” He said motioning to Marcy. Marcy smiled at me and waved. “She’s one of our best warriors and enforcers.” I could see her blush at Alex’s compliment. “Well, it’s been a long day, we will leave you two to talk.” Alex said standing, he leaned down and kissed the top of my head, Grace and Mary gave me a hug and Matt smiled at me with a nod.
“If it’s okay with you, Storm, we would be more than happy to take our grandpups for the night.” Grace said with a huge hopeful smile. “I think you and Blasé need some alone time together and I’m sure you have a lot of questions.” She finished and Blasé chuckled. “Don’t forget to take Coco.” Blasé mentioned. “Awe, so cute. Of course, he’ll come with us.” Grace giggled. “I wouldn’t dare keep them apart.” She smiled. “I don’t know, maybe they should stay home.” I was shaking my head; I could feel a panic attack building. “Storm, sugar, breath. You don’t need to panic, everything is good, all of you are safe.” He told me holding me tight against his chest. I slowly felt myself relax. “You need to rest; you haven’t slept properly in how long? Let the kids go with mom and dad, you can get a good night’s sleep maybe we can go out to dinner.” Blasé brushed his thumb across my cheek. “Storm, sweetie, I promise if there are any problems, I will call you immediately.” Grace assured me. “Okay. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to…” I started but Grace interrupted. “There is no need to apologize, you have been through so much today and have been given a lot of information to digest.” I was feeling a little more relaxed. “We will take Marco, Megan, and Summer with us.” Alex assured.
“Marco usually sleeps in his wolf form; River likes to cuddle with him when he’s in wolf form.” I giggled lightly. “Alex, Grace.” I called to them before they walked out. They turned to look at me. “Thank you.” Grace smiled at me and blew me a kiss and Alex winked at me. “C’mon, let’s go say good night to the squirts.” Blasé said kissing my cheek. We caught up with Alex and Grace. “Who wants to spend the night with Nana and Poppy?” Grace clapped. “Me!” All three of them cheered. River was jumping with excitement and threw herself into Alex’s arms. She’s going to give me heart failure the way she just throws herself. “I wuv you Poppy.” She told him nuzzling his neck. “Awe, I wuv you too.” He told her inhaling her scent. “Hey! “Wha bout us?” Rebel and Ryder pouted. “Awe.” Grace pulled them to her. “We wuv you very much, the three of you.” She squeezed them tight. “Nana can’t bref.” They gasped and she giggled and loosened her hold on them. “C’mon, let’s get you a change of clothes and some jammies.” “Nana,” River called, “Coco come too?” “Of course.” She cooed and River squealed. “Coco! We go to Nana and Poppy.” River squealed running to Marco. “Mama, we go with Nana an’ Poppy?” Rebel looked up at me. “Yes, baby you go and have fun.” I assured him. “Dada, you take care of Mama.” Rebel looked up at Blasé. “Of course, I will. Don’t you worry.” Blasé told him. “Bye Mama.” “We wuv you!” They chirped back scurrying out behind their grandparents.
Blasé turned to me. “So, what do you want to do? We can go out, we can stay in, we can go for a walk or whatever you want to do.” He asked lighting kissing my neck, sparks flew through my body, and I shuddered in his arms. “Uhhh…can we go for a w-walk? I haven’t really…s-s-seen the surrounding a-a-area. Aaahhh…Bbblaaasé.” I whimpered out as he continued to kiss my neck. He smiled against my neck with each kiss. “We can, let me get a blanket and picnic basket.” All I could do was nod in agreement. “Gordon, you, and Marcy will come with us, two extra sets of eyes.” They both nod in agreement. “Also have a few extra warriors patrol the pond area, make sure things are clear.” Blasé instructed. “You got it boss.” Gordon answered kissing his mate’s cheek. “See you at the pond.”