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Chapter 18. Amora returns to her parents' house

Tidy up my room? The room you used to make love to other women Nick? The room where you and other women sweated? Or even the room you've dirty with sperm and fluids from that woman's vagina!"

"Mora, why are you so angry just because I made love in your room? I'm sorry, if I have made you uncomfortable now, but this is a trivial matter, your room just needs to be tidied up again, right?"

"Nice you say Nick? This isn't about Nick's messy room!" speak in a high tone

"So what? Why are you this angry at me?"

"My heart hurts to see you having sex with another woman in my own room, Nick hurts me,"

"Why do you have to be hurt? Don't you already know that I really can't be with just one woman? Didn't you know from the start and you're okay with that?"

"Because I fell in love with you, and it was the stupidest thing in my life!" said Amora.

Nicholas was very surprised to hear that Amora fell in love with him, no wonder Amora was furious when she saw him making love to Helen! But now Nicholas is confused about what to say to Amora, because to be honest Nicholas doesn't have the same feelings as Amora does for him.

"Mora, but I don't love you and I just want to be free,"

"Yes I know, because of that I will try hard to forget this stupid feeling of love!"

"Let's end this fight Mora, let's forget about this incident,"

"You want to be free, right Nick? Then hurry up our desire to divorce because I'm tired of living with you!"

"What? You want me to work on our divorce? You really want to separate from me?"

"Of course, being with you is just a waste of my precious time!"

"Mora, I thought we could relax and enjoy our life as husband and wife, but why did it turn out like this,"

"If you don't want to file for divorce, then let me be! Now I demand you, get out of my room!"


"Go out!" shout.

"If that's what you want, I will speed up our divorce! Good night, Mora,"

Nicholas then came out of Amora's room, and Amora immediately closed her bedroom door! Leaning against the door of her room, Amora burst into tears, this was the first time she felt what it felt like to fall in love with a man, but instead she was disappointed and felt tremendous heartache.

Meanwhile Nicholas entered his room, then sat on the edge of the bed! Still ringing Amora's words, if you have fallen in love with him. Nicholas didn't expect Amora to fall in love with him, and now Nicholas feels that he really hurt Amora. But what else could it be, Nicholas didn't love Amora, and to be loyal to even one woman seemed impossible for Nicholas.

Thinking that Amora would be in great pain if she continued to be cooped up in this marriage, Nicholas decided to contact his personal attorney to prepare his divorce papers with Amora.

That very night, Amora, who could not contain her disappointment with Nicholas, immediately packed her belongings into a suitcase. That night, Amora intended to return to her parents' house. Why would he stay here if he had to continue to see Nicholas, Amora's heart would continue to ache and hurt.

Amora came out of her room carrying her suitcase, after ordering online earlier Amora brought her suitcase out of the house! At the same time Billi had just arrived, Billi was immediately surprised to see Amora carrying a large suitcase and Amora's face looked like she was already crying.


"Hi Dad," Amora tried to look okay by wiping away her tears.

"Where are you going? Then this suitcase? What's in it, Mora?"

"Mora wants to stay overnight at Mora Dad's parents' house,"

"But why? You had a fight with Nick? Did he hurt you?"

"No Dad, it's not Nick's fault! I really want to go to my parents' house,"

"But why? Wait here, let Daddy call Nick,"

"Dad please, Mora is very tired! Taxi Mora has arrived, please don't block Mora,"

Billi can't do anything if Amora's decision is made to leave the house, Amora's taxi arrives. With a face full of sadness, Amora finally left Nicholas's house.

Billi already suspected that this must be her child's doing, I don't know what fatal mistake Nicholas had made for Amora to make the decision to leave the house at this time of night.

Billi immediately went to Nicholas's room, he knocked on Nicholas's room door by Billi. Nicholas, who had just finished consulting on the phone with his lawyer, then opened his bedroom door.

"Dad, what's wrong?"

"What are you saying? What kind of man are you Nick, your wife cries at night and goes to her parents' house and you ask what's wrong?"

"What? You mean Daddy Amora left the house?"

Nicholas hurriedly went to Amora's room because he didn't believe his father's words.

"Too late Nick, Mora already left earlier in a taxi,"

"Oh my God, why didn't Daddy stop it,"

"Nick, let Mora calm down first at her parents' house, Daddy can see that Amora looks very hurt,"

"But Dad,"

"Now tell me, what have you done to make Mora leave here?"

Nicholas took a deep breath before answering his father's question.

"I brought Helen here Dad,"

"It can't be just because of that, answer correctly!"

"Yes, me and Helen made love in Mora's room and she came at the wrong time,"

"Are you crazy Nick? What kind of human being are you, Nick, I can't stop thinking that your Daddy already has a beautiful wife, it's good that you still maintain your old habits,"

"Dad, why are you blaming me? Daddy knows the reason why I want to get married is just because of Mommy, and I don't love Mora,"

"Then try to be a good husband, love Amora, she deserves love from you,"

"How? To me all women are the same Dad, just for the pleasure of a moment,"

Billi was shaking her head at Nicholas' attitude. Billi didn't know how to advise a man who didn't have a heart like Nicholas.

"After all, Mora has asked me to take care of our divorce, Dad, so that's it, rather than me and Mora constantly fighting, it would be better if we divorced,"

"You'll be sorry Nick, remember that!"

Billi was very angry when she heard that Nicholas and Amora were getting a divorce. Billi already considered Amora as her own daughter. After all, Amora was the girl of the late Emma's choice, but Nicholas is basically a man who cannot be grateful.

Arriving at her parents' house, Amora immediately knocked on the door, coincidentally Anna and Mark were cooking dinner, heard someone knocking on the door, Mark went to open the door.

Mark was surprised when he saw that it was Amora who had come at this time of night, especially with a large suitcase beside him. Mark could see the sadness on Amora's face, her eyes were puffy. Mark didn't want to ask further because it seemed like Amora didn't want to talk about anything right now.

"You came alone?"

"Yes Dad,"

Mark immediately hugged Amora and Amora was crying again.

"Come in, we're cooking dinner what a coincidence you come"

"I miss you guys so much"

"Your mommy will be happy you came, let Daddy carry your suitcase in,"

Amora then met Anna, seeing Amora coming, Anna was of course very happy and immediately hugged Amora.

"Mora, mommy is glad you came! Where's Nick?"

Mark also gave the code so that Anna did not ask first.

"Emm, you must be hungry right dear? Sit down mommy will prepare dinner for us!"

"Thank you mom"

Anna understands that Amora must be having a fight with Nicholas, because of that Anna doesn't want Amora to get sadder by discussing the problem she is facing. That night Amora had dinner with her parents. Amora also didn't talk much and was very moody.

"Mora, rest you must be tired right?"

"Yes mom, then I'll go to the room first!"

After Amora went to her room, Anna and Mark began to talk about the problem.

"Dad, did Mora have a fight with Nick?"

"I don't know, what's clear is that he brought all his belongings, mom, tomorrow let Daddy call Billi to ask,"

"Yeah, you better ask what happened to them,"

The next day at the dinner table, Nicholas and Billi had breakfast together.

"Nick, are you going to see Mora to sort this out?"

"Of course, I will come to Mora's house and talk to Mora and her parents,"

"So you two are really getting a divorce?"

"That's up to Amora Dad, I just follow what Mora wants,"

Nicholas went to work as usual, the plan was that later this afternoon Nicholas would meet Amora to discuss their relationship.

Likewise with Amora who went to college as usual, Amora didn't want to feel her heartache for too long! It will be very difficult to forget Nicholas because his heart has chosen Nicholas, but if he continues to be with Nicholas then Amora will have to continue to feel heartache.

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