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Chapter 19. agreed to divorce

Today because Amora's parents are worried about Amora's condition, her father offers to accompany Amora to go to college but Amora refuses and prefers to just take the bus.

Arriving at campus, Amora tries to forget yesterday's incident and tries to look cheerful as usual.

"Mora, how was your date yesterday with Daniel?" asked a friend.

"I'm not dating, we're just friends! After all, isn't it scary to have a lecturer's lover? Shame if we get bad grades," said Amora.


"That's true, then from now on I will not be interested in handsome lecturers, I will prefer ordinary, stupid students," said another friend.

They laughed together, until finally Daniel came to Amora's class because this morning was economics class.

As soon as he entered, the charm of Daniel's face had already fascinated the female students, but still, no matter how handsome the man in front of her eyes, what was on Amora's mind was Nicholas. Even though Amora knew very well that Nicholas would not think about it, or it could be that Nicholas is now with Helen and having sex on his desk.

Today at Nexon Games, Nicholas is very busy with work! Because of that, Nicholas did not have time to send messages or call Amora, after all, after all his work was finished, Nicholas would immediately meet Amora at his parents' house.

"Damn, I'm so busy today," Nicholas cursed.

At lunch time, Nicholas eats together with Helen! Today Helen was really full of smiles because she knew that yesterday there must have been a big fight between Amora and Nicholas.

"Nick, are you all right?"

"Yes, of course,"

"Then what about Amora?"

"He left the house!"

"Leave the house? Where did you mean Nick?"

"He was very angry about us yesterday Helen, Amora went to her parents' house and now I'm sure her parents will definitely ask me for an explanation,"

"Really hard for you Nick, what will you do then?"

"I don't know if I'm lazy to argue, if he wants a divorce then I'll agree! I'm lazy to argue or defend,"

"You're right, sometimes men do have to take a stand rather than getting into fights all the time,"

At this time Helen was very happy to hear that Nicholas and Amora would really end, it was not difficult to get rid of a girl like Amora from Nicholas' life.

"Nick, are you going to the toilet?"

"I don't think so for now Helen, I'm tired and exhausted," said Nicholas.

Actually Helen wanted to get back to inviting Nicholas to have sex at this time, but unfortunately Nicholas refused even though Helen had always been addicted to Nicholas' cock which was so delicious that it always made her pussy orgasm.

By the afternoon, Nicholas's work had not yet been completed, since Nicholas' company was preparing a new game that was even better than before, Nicholas was only able to leave the office at seven in the evening.

Nicholas was in a hurry to go to Amora's house.

"Nick, today you want to walk me home?"

"I'm sorry Helen, I have business to attend to"

Helen was also annoyed at being rejected by Nicholas because Nicholas was in a rush to meet Amora, who knows what happened after that meeting whether Nicholas and Amora would actually separate or even get back together, that was what worried Helen.

Finally, Nicholas' car arrived in front of Amora's house. Actually, Nicholas was a little worried that Anna and Mark would be angry because of this problem, but what could be done if he didn't want Nicholas to have to face his parents-in-law.

Nicholas knocked on the door of the house, Anna and Mark together opened their door because Billi had been told that Nicholas would be visiting here.

"Nick, come in!" said Mark.

Nicholas then entered the house and sat in the living room, Anna went to get a drink for Nicholas while Mark sat beside Nicholas.

"Dad, I want to apologize for hurting Amora,"

"Yes, we have heard everything from your father! One thing I want to ask now Nick,"

"What's that?"

"Will you stop playing with Amora? Or can you love her?"

Nicholas looked at Mark's face, but really Nicholas himself was confused about what to answer because it was something that was hard for Nicholas. After all, getting married was not Nicholas' desire, and Nicholas preferred not to be married.

"I don't know what to answer, but so far I've been with Amora, I can't love her at all!"

Mark really appreciated Nicholas' honest words even though it was very painful, moreover Amora seemed to already love Nicholas.

"Then talk to Amora and you have to solve this problem, whatever your decision we can only support and believe is for the best,"

"Where is Mora now Dad?"

"He's in his room"

Nicholas went upstairs to meet Amora in her room, Nicholas knocked on Amora's door.

"Mora, it's me! We need to talk,"

Amora who was lying down while playing with her cell phone rushed to open the door as soon as she found out that Nicholas was coming, it's really impossible if the problem continues to be avoided like this so the solution is to finish it until it's finished.

Amora opened her bedroom door and invited Nicholas to enter, both then sat on the sofa.

"Mora, now our respective parents already know our problem,"

"Hmm," Amora just cleared her throat.

"Then what now?"

"Yeah, we're done with it"

"You don't want to defend it first?"

"For what? Can't you be tied to just one woman, Nick? Sooner or later we'll separate, right? So it's better now,"

"What you said yesterday was true?"

"Which words?"

"You've fallen in love with me?"

"It doesn't matter anymore Nick, I'll forget about it soon and we live our own lives like we used to!"

Nicholas was silent and just stared at Amora's face.

"Is there nothing else you want to talk about? Because I want to sleep," said Amora.

"Okay, let me tell our parents our decision, hopefully they will understand,"

"Make sure you quickly take care of our divorce Nick, I don't want to wait long,"

"Mora, are you serious?"

However, Amora had already turned her head away and had no intention of talking to Nicholas again.

"Okay, I'll take care of our divorce as soon as possible! Mora, then I'm leaving now,"

Nicholas came out of Amora's room with a deep sigh, maybe this was the best for him and Amora too. Nicholas then returned to talk to Amora's parents.

"Mom, Dad, Mora and I have decided to separate! Sorry we can't seem to be together anymore,"

Anna also cried hearing the decision taken by Nicholas and Amora, they were playing a wedding! Even though Anna and Mark really hoped that Amora would be happy with Nicholas, that was also the hope of the late Emma and Billi who had loved Amora so much.

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