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Chapter 20. Nicholas attention to Amora

Amora has been crying all night after agreeing to divorce Nicholas, it's so hard to let go of the man we love especially since Nicholas was the first man to make love to her.

I still remember how when Nicholas made her sigh and introduced her to the pleasures of making love, but now all of that is gone and will never happen again.

Because of this problem, both Amora's parents and Billi decided to meet to strategize so that the divorce would not happen! Billi visits Mark and Anna's restaurant, where the three of them meet to make a plan.

"Billi so you don't agree with Nick and Mora getting a divorce either?"

"Of course Mark, I only believe in Mora, I'm sure Mora is the only woman who can make Nick happy,"

"Then what, Nick must have contacted your family lawyer right?"

"Yes, earlier on the way when I was heading here our family lawyer called and told me that Nick asked him to take care of the divorce,"

"God, I don't want Mora to get a divorce," said Anna.

"I've told our family lawyer to slow things down, while the divorce process is being made really slow, we can use the remaining time to get Nick and Amora together,"

"You're right Billi, what if we try to keep Mora and Nick seeing each other?" she asked.

"I agree, the more often they meet, I'm sure that love will appear in Nick's heart," said Mark.

"Yes, basically every day there must be something that makes them meet,"

"Okay, cheers to get the two of them reunited!" said Mark.

"Cheers," compact.

After devising a plan to prevent Nicholas and Amora from divorcing, they ended the meeting. When Mark and Anna arrived home, a letter from the Amora campus was sent to their house containing a notice of camping to be held next Sunday.

"Dad, there is a letter from the Amora campus, Mommy has an idea,"

"What's the idea mom?"

Anna smiled and then sent the letter to Nicholas' house. Before that, they had told Billi that there would be a notification letter from the campus addressed to the parent's guardian. If it was sent to Nicholas' house, Billi would automatically ask Nicholas to give this letter to Amora's house.

Billi also received the letter, so the next day early in the morning Billi gave the letter to Nicholas.

"Is this Dad?"

"That's a notification letter that Amora will carry out camping next Sunday, the letter is addressed to Amora's guardian, you already want a divorce from Amora so you are no longer the guardian, just give it to Amora or her parents,"

"Okay, later I'll ask the driver to take this to Mora's house,"

"How are you, that's impolite Nick! You, as their son-in-law, should deliver this letter directly,"

"Okay, before going to the office I will go to Mora's house first,"

"Good, that's just Daddy's son,"

After finishing his breakfast, Nicholas took the letter and drove the car to Amora's house. Meanwhile at Amora's house, they are having breakfast together! Amora's face looked a little pale.

"Mora, are you sick?" she asked.

"Yeah, looks like I haven't had much sleep."

"Today, let Daddy take you to college, okay?"

"Is it okay Dad?"

"Yes, this morning Daddy has nothing to do except this afternoon the restaurant will be very busy,"

"Okay, the best Daddy,"

Even though Mark had made his car tire flat so that later when Nicholas arrived at their house, Amora could be escorted to campus by Nicholas.

There was a knock on their door, because Amora is also going to campus now! Amora and her parents went to open the door of their house.

"Morning mom, dad, Mora,"

"Morning Nick," Mark said.

"Hey Nick, what are you doing here?" she asked.

"Here, there is a letter from the Amora campus that is still being sent to my home address, so I brought it here,"

"I see, thank you very much Nick you had to come here, oh my God Dad look at your car tires," said Anna who pretended to be surprised because Mark's car tire had a flat.

"Shit, the tire is flat Mora,"

"Okay, I'll just take a taxi Dad,"

"I'll take you, Mora."

It felt like just looking at Nicholas was too much for Amora, especially since Nicholas was going to take her to college!

"Mora, you're not feeling well, seeing that your face is a little pale, it's better to be escorted by Nick," said Anna.

"But I can take a taxi mom,"

"Come on,"

One hand Nicholas grabbed Amora's hand, holding hands like this with Nicholas really made Amora's heart beat very fast.

"Mom, Dad, we're going first," said Nicholas.

Nicholas shouldn't have to be friendly like this to Amora, in fact this made it very difficult for Amora to quickly forget her feelings for Nicholas. Mark and Anna immediately gave a high five because their first plan was a success and it worked.

Sitting alone with Nicholas in the car like this, made Amora quiet.

"Mora, are you sick?"

"Just lack of sleep"

"Been to the doctor,"

"I'm going to the doctor later."

"Now, I'll accompany you"

"You don't need to go to the office, right? I can do it myself later,"

"Your face is pale, I will take you to the doctor now,"

It felt like Amora really wanted to argue with Nicholas to refuse, unfortunately Amora already felt her body very weak. Finally Amora resigned to being taken anywhere by Nicholas.

"Oh yeah, I've talked to my lawyer, he's a bit busy maybe our divorce can't be rushed,"

"Well that's that then,"

One hand of Nicholas touched Amora's cheek to find out if Amora had a fever, Nicholas' treatment really made Amora unable to forget her feelings for Nicholas.

"You have a fever too, Mora, why do you keep forcing yourself to go to college, you should rest first,"

Arriving at the hospital, Nicholas and Amora got out of the car, saw Amora limp walking Nicholas then carried Amora's body, this sudden action really surprised Amora and she didn't expect Nicholas to carry her.

"Let me carry you inside"

Amora was then examined by a doctor, and got several medicines because Amora was indeed experiencing fatigue plus lack of sleep. Back in the car, Amora was carried again by Nicholas.

Nicholas is always sweet like this, which woman doesn't fall in love with sweet treatment of Nicholas like this! If only Nicholas could be loyal, Amora would be very happy.

Because she was very weak and felt her body was very tired, Amora fell asleep in Nicholas' car! Seeing Amora sleeping in the car like this, Nicholas didn't have the heart to drop Amora off at his campus, because it would be better if Amora rested first.

Meanwhile, Nicholas' cell phone kept ringing with incoming calls from Helen, this morning Nicholas had a meeting, so Nicholas had to come to the office as soon as possible! Nicholas finally drove his car to the office, while Amora was still peacefully asleep.

Arriving at the office, Helen, who had been waiting for Nicholas in the lobby, was very surprised when he saw Nicholas walking while holding Amora.

"Nick, why are you"

"Suttt, don't make any noise he can wake up," said Nicholas.

Nicholas intended to carry Amora and lay her down on the couch in his office. While Helen was very annoyed to see Amora sleeping peacefully while being carried by Nicholas like this.

Luckily this morning's meeting was short so Nicholas didn't have to leave Amora in his own office for too long! After the meeting, Nicholas rushed back to his office to see Amora's condition. Helen followed Nicholas into his office.

"Helen, please cancel all my work today!"

"But Nick,"

"Amora is sick, I have to accompany her, I don't know how long,"

"You said you were going to get a divorce, but why didn't you bring him here Nick

The divorce process with Amora's illness now has nothing to do, I take care of her only because she is still my wife to this day!"

After that, Nicholas closed the door of his office so that Helen would no longer follow him. When he got to his office, it turned out that Amora was still sleeping. Nicholas also called Anna to tell her that Amora was not going to college and was with her at this time.

"Dad, Nick's calling," Anna said as soon as she saw her cellphone screen.

"Pick up the phone mom"

Anna then picked up a phone call from Nicholas.

"Hello Nick,"

"Hello mom, I'm calling because I want to tell you that if Amora doesn't go to campus, I took her to the doctor and now Amora is resting with me at the office!"

"Oh yes, it really shouldn't be like that Nick! Thank you Nick, please take care of Amora okay?"

"Okay mom, later if Amora asks to go home I will accompany her,"

The phone call was ended, Anna immediately jumped with joy because their efforts to reunite Nicholas with Amora were slowly getting results.

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