Chapter 1.Julliette

Daddy was wrong.I will have everything I want.


I smiled at my beautiful face after retouching my lipstick as I looked into the mirror.

"Ma'am your driver's waiting outside"says Sarah, my personal maid.I've known her for years and she makes sure everything is in place whenever I'm not home.Everything.

"Hmm he's late"irritation crawling up on me but I dare not frown,I can't ruin my money maker.

I detest tardiness, I'll have to address that once I'm down stairs, time is money and money is of essence.

I send her away with a flick of my wrist and I watch her walk out of my room from the mirror.

Sarah is quite pretty but of course I won't tell her that.She and I are about the same age and she has round brown eyes that give her this angelic look,too bad she doesn't know how to exploit her features, she's always been too timid anyway.She is nice to talk to sometimes when I'm alone in this big old house, except for when she's being dumb and asking stupid questions.

I give myself one last glance pleased with what I see.I put on my sunglasses and grab my purse and walk down stairs,I'm immediately greeted by the other maids working haphazardly.

I reply a few hmms not giving much notice to their faces-they all look the same anyway.

My heels click on the beige marble floor as I walk towards the front door.I glance at Sarah who's at the corner and she immediately gets the message.


Not that she will anyway.She's quite competent,that's why I like her.

I grab the door handle carefully so as to not ruin my fresh set and as soon as I step outside I'm bathed by the warm honey rays of the sun.

The driver,Mr Luca, stood outside waiting for me.My luggages are already being put into the car.

"Good morning ma'am"he starts

"You're late"

"I'm sorry ma'am"he replies

"Your apology should be you not doing this again"

"I won't do this again ma'am"

I give him a hmm and he opens the door and I make myself comfortable inside.

Today is going to be marvelous

My phone lights up and a familiar sound fills the car.

I smirk, of course she was going to call me.

I swipe the screen answering the video call already visualizing her face.

"Oh my goodness you look so beautiful"

"Mother you're too kind"I reply soaking in her compliment

"Oh dear I would have been there to send you off myself"

I smile at her gesture.

Oh mother always being meticulous

"But I had plans and your father-"she says but stops

I feel my smile falter but I keep a straight face.

"Why are you frowning?"

Damn it I need to work on my straight face.

"You never come to see us"

"You know exactly why I don't"

"Juliette,it's been a whole year"

"Mother can we not talk about this"

"Juliette we are still your parents,you can't run from us"

That sentence

I could feel my skin itch with exasperation.

It's obviously time to say goodbye

"I have to go now,I love you"

Her expression changes and we both understand why.There is a brief silence until she finally breaks it.

"I love you too"

A year isn't even enough.

It will never be.

Sounds of breaking glass and screaming voices stretch through my memory

I shut them out breathing in and out slowly till I feel my heart rate slowly go down.

Today is going to be marvelous

It must be

Once I regain my poise and take a mirror from my purse and give myself a check up.

Everything's all good

"Ma'am we've arrived"comes the driver

A smile stretches across my face.


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