Chapter 7
I wake up before my alarm clock goes off like I usually do but I don't roll out of bed just yet.I take my time to process my day as I exhale and inhale slow and steady.I roll over and I feel something snake it's way to my bare chest.
"Good morning Ralphy pooo" comes Selena from under the sheets scaring the daylights out of me.
I jump out of the bed giving us a great amount of distance still trying to process what is going on.
"Ralphy what's wrong?"she asks whining,pouting her lips
"How did you get in here?"I ask trying to do myself a favor by breathing in slowly as to slow down my heart rate.
"Mother in law gave me the keys"she says trying to sound innocent as she sat up right in a different night gown from yesterday that shows way too much cleavage than a normal person should.
How did I not hear you come in?
No,I can't take this anymore.This is harassment
"Get out"I bark
Within a flash she's out of my room.I go to the door and close it shut.My blood boiling.I pinch the bridge of my nose trying to fight an in coming migraine.
My phone vibrates on my desk, irritating me even more.I make a mental note to change all the keys and the locks in my condo as I reach for my phone and answer the call, not paying attention to the recipient's name.
"Speak"my lips utter in a monotone voice
"Is that any way to talk to your mother?"responds the caller and realization strikes me as to who I'm talking to
"Oh mother it's you"
"Not even a good morning,where did I go wrong with you?"
I brush that aside focusing on the issue on ground.
"Can you explain to me why Selena is here?"
"What do you mean "why is she here"? She is your wife to be and she has to be everywhere you are.So I booked a flight the day before yours so she can come stay with you"
What why!!?
"Mom she is not my girlfriend much less my wife to be,stop this nonsense.She's invading my space.Tell her to leave"
"Who do you think you're talking to Raphael?She is not leaving"
"I'm not asking you for permission mother,she leaves today and I don't care if she's going to be on the streets she's your problem not mine"
"Don't you dare speak to me in that tone Raphael,is this why you sent your body guards back home, what is the matter with you?"
"Good bye mother"
That was the end of our call.I've had enough of this issue.I'm not going to address it again.
I guess you can tell that my mother and I aren't the best of friends
We weren't always like this,our relationship got strained ever since she became president of the rich wives committee or whatever it's called.
She just changed,she got all caught up in it all,the fame and the status.Then things got worse when it started affecting our family then my parents got divorced.She tried to get custody of Michael and I but he was already eighteen and sick of her attitude so he chose to stay with my dad but unfortunately for me I was only fourteen years old at the time so she was able to get custody over only me.Long story short she's been trying to get Selena and I to get married because her parents are extremely wealthy.
It's been a mentally exhausting rollercoaster for me
My phone lights up and vibrants.I check the caller ID and see it's my mom.I roll my eyes and throw the phone on the bed and I head straight downstairs.
"Selena"I call out but no one answers
I call out again but my voice is drown in the silence
Puzzled I go back up stairs and search the eight rooms-including mine because that girl is full of creepy surprises-but no one is there it's as if she disappeared.
I go back down stairs still trying to wrap my head around if this is a prank or not.As I pass the kitchen something catches my eye.
A note
I walk over to the kitchen counter and find a yellow note with Selena's handwriting on it and I read it's content out loud
"I see you're in a bad mood so I'm going out shopping with my friends I'll be back in a few hours.Dont miss me too much.Kisses.And by the way I'm not going anywhere"
I scoff
"We'll see about that"
I go upstairs and grab my phone.I most definitely am going to seize this opportunity.
I search for a name on my contacts and when I find it I press call.They answer the phone almost immediately and their voice echoes from the other end
"Hey Eddy"I start"I got a job for you"
Eddy is an old friend of mine,I met him a year ago.He owes me a little favor and today's the best day to utilize that.He was the only guy that would work this early in the morning.
"Sure I'll be right over"
Eddy is the finest locksmith I know,I met him along the walks of life when he was low on cash and needed to start his business and guess who was there when he needed a helping a hand.
Within a few hours he was done.With the whole house.
I exhaled knowing only I had full access to my home again.I paid him off and added a tip because I was feeling a bit generous.
Now for the last step.
I head upstairs and take a shower knowing fully well that I was going to be late for class.
I get into my wardrobe and throw on a black t shirt and brown pants with a jean jacket just in case it gets cold.
I head down stairs and make myself some coffee and head out.
I jump into my Ferrari and bring it to life.
Let's see how fast this bad boy can go
I speed off enjoying every bit of the speed.The world is my race track.
My gps signals that I'm close to my destination and I proceed with my speed.
I'll get there in no time
In a flash something comes from the other side nearly colliding with me.The world seems like it's spinning before me.I get a hold of the wheel and get control of the car and it halts inches away from hitting a building.
I sit there frozen for a bit.For a second there I thought I saw the light.
With the amount of jumpscares I've been having lately I'm surprised I haven't had a heart attack.
Someone walks very close to my car and they start screaming at the top of their lungs at me.
Oh boy this isn't a good week for me
I step out of my car still in a haze and meet eye to eye with the woman I'd never thought I'd see again.
Juliette Wayne
After all these years.The last time we saw each other was the day I broke up with her and she swore if she'd ever see me again she'd punch me in the throat.
You can tell that it wasn't a very pleasant break up.
She looks…. gorgeous.
Don't get me wrong she was always a beauty but today was different.
Her lips
Her eyes
Her skin
It seems like I'm staring at the girl from highschool but in a different universe.Even with the shock in her face she looked breath taking.
She tries to make a run for it and I grab her arm but she gives me the hardest blow I've ever had
I guess she still hates me
She goes to her car and drives off with a great amount of speed.
That's got to be a new record of how fast a girl has left me
A few old ladies in the distance take a look at me and shake their heads
What's that supposed to mean?
I ignore them and get into my car and drive off not wanting to attract people to the scene.
I reach school and shake off what just happened.
I walk into class and find myself a seat.Im already getting glances from the ladies but I'm too mentally preoccupied to notice them,I started to question myself if who I saw was actually Juliette.
The Juliette I know is pretty but shy, awkward and has a weird taste in style but the one I saw was refined and elegant
Someone walks in and I raise my head up already expecting our professor but I get the wildest shock of the day.
It's her again
We lock eyes for a nanosecond but then she walks in like she doesn't see me
She walks with a air of grace to a seat further from me
Just then the professor walks in but I can't help but steal glances at her.
Time went by really quickly and the next thing I know the lecture was over but the minute I turn around she's gone
I try to catch up with her and spot her amongst the crowd in the hallway but she slips through my fingers within a flash
Damn what a day
my phone rings and I check my phone to see who's calling
It's an unknown number
As soon as I answer it there's an out burst from the other end
"Raph I can't get inside, I'm locked out and all my stuff are outside !!"
ugh Selena
"I know" I deadpan
"what do you mean you know,I need to peeee!"she screams
I might need my ears checked afterwards
"Too bad,find somewhere else to live"I reply maintaining the same tone
I hear her gasp and I roll my eyes
"You're such an-"
I end the call there already knowing what would come out of it, nothing new
I put my phone on silent knowing my mom is going to call me for sure
I get in my car and find somewhere else to hang out
Maybe today isn't so bad after all