Chapter Two

Chapter Two

English class wasn’t anything special. Aside from the fact that I kept staring at Juliana with envy. It wasn’t her fault Drew chose her, but my mind couldn’t help but wonder why. Why did he have to go after such beautiful girls like Juliana? Was there anything wrong with her? She seemed perfect in every way. Perfect hair, teeth, smile, and body. Hell, she was smart and talented as well. The girl was studying to be a lawyer with a minor in dance education. Meanwhile, I was working on getting a degree in creative writing. The two don’t even stack up!

Juliana was incredible in every way possible. There isn’t any way for me to reach such a level of status. The question is, was it worth it to even try? Personally, I didn’t think so, but the world has a strange way of doing things.

Speaking of strange, after my morning classes, I headed to the Coffee-House that was on campus. Of course, everyone and their mother wanted to come at the same time as me. Judging by the size of the line, it would take at least 15 minutes for me to get through to the front. Dillon was supposed to meet me here, but she got held up by her professor. I didn’t mind getting a drink for her, but what I didn’t count on was someone talking to me. Some guy, that is.

“Jesus, you would think they would have over two workers on a campus location,” he spoke out loud. So not directly to me.

However, I couldn’t help but agree. “Yeah, but then again, it’s Coffee-House. When isn’t the line long?” I question it because it was always out the door.

He shrugged. “Touché,” he says before looking down at me. “I’m Cameron, by the way.”

Cameron. Cameron was tall and certainly handsome. His hair was short and blonde with a subtle blonde beard to match. His eyes were bright blue with hints of grey in between. This was the most attractive guy I’ve looked at that wasn’t Drew. Not only that, but he attempted to talk to me. Of all people. It’s not like he had anything better to do being stuck in this stupid line.

His hand stuck out at me with a small smile on his face. Hesitating, I shook his hand, feeling the strength in his grip. Judging by this small encounter, Cameron seemed like a nice guy. He didn’t come on too strong and he wasn’t like every other person making sexual comments. He was quite normal.

After our handshake, he sighed, not feeling like having a coffee anymore. “I’m gonna get out of line, but if you like, I could grab us a table. Maybe we could chat a little?”

I was flabbergasted. What would he get out of sitting and chatting with me? It’s weird to even consider, but maybe talking to this guy would get me out of my shell. Whenever I would see Drew again, I wouldn’t sound incompetent. I’d be coherent and be able to hold a conversation next time around. As strange as Cameron was, I couldn’t pass up on this opportunity. At least, to better myself in the long run.

Smiling, I nod my head, keying him in on some information. “Would you mind making sure there’s a third seat? I was supposed to meet my friend here,” I say. Dillon was still coming.

“Absolutely,” he agreed, stepping out of line.

I moved up in the line and texted Dillon about our change of plans. She wouldn’t mind, as she was the more sociable one of us two. It would also help that Cameron would be scrumptious in her eyes. Though I had to agree. Cameron is very pleasing to the eyes and super sweet. I couldn’t wait to learn more about him. With all my pining after Drew, I could be missing what else is out there.

As I’m texting Dillon, a familiar voice started speaking, making me feel queasy. I hadn’t realized he had been standing behind him and saw that whole encounter. I wonder what he was thinking, because the way he was talking confused me. Like he was angry about something, but not. I’m unsure what was running through his mind, but it startled me.

“Seems like someone has a thing for you,” Drew said as we continued to move up in the line. This time, he had his skateboard with him.

My cheeks turned red when I heard his voice. It was hard to look up at him, but I did so. Seeing the fire in his eyes surprised me. He tried to mask it as best as he could, but it was there.

I pushed a strand of hair behind my ear, looking back down. “You mean Cameron? No, we don’t even know each other,” I argue nervously.

Drew rolled his eyes. “Annabelle, maybe he doesn’t like you now, but he’s interested,” he looked back at him. “It’s fine though. You’re allowed to be interested in whoever you want.”

My eyebrows furrowed. “What-what do you mean?” He was confusing me.

His lips pursed as he looked at me one more time before also getting out of line. His eyes averted away from me before speaking again. “Nevermind, just remember my offer about the skate park,” he said before zooming off.

Too bad he zoomed away before I could accept it. Not that I would’ve been able to get the words out, anyway. It didn’t change the fact that it was the second time today Andrew Tate talked to me. It’s like he was finally taking notice now that we were in college. Back then, I may have been too immature. But now that I’m 19, he 20, this could work out. At least work out enough to where we could be friends. With Juliana still in the picture, there’s no way we could ever be an item. He’s not dumping that.

Feeling more confident, I made it to the front of the line, where I got myself a caramel iced latte while getting Dillon’s vanilla iced coffee. I spotted Cameron once I paid for everything, sitting at the table he had saved. He didn’t look like he minded the wait, though he was happy when I finally sat down with him. I hope he wouldn’t get the wrong idea, but I doubt it.

Cameron looked at me, surprised by my drink of choice. “I didn’t peg you to be an iced latte drinker,” he said.

I sipped my drink, nodding my head. “It’s only the best drink on the menu,” I say.

Though Dillon disagreed. “A simple iced coffee is a thousand times better,” she added her two cents, sitting down next to me. Her eyes looked up at Cameron, shocked.

“Alright, you said he was cute, but not this cute.”

I rolled my eyes at how blunt she always was. “Do you always have to say things so honestly?”

Cameron didn’t seem to mind though as he chuckled at our nonsense. It’s not that he wasn’t cute. I just didn’t expect her to say it out loud. Though it’s Dillon we’re talking about. If she had something to say, she was going to say it. I guess that’s why guys liked her a lot as well. However, she is a hard girl to get locked down. She’s very picky with the guys she dates and I admire that about her.

Dillon shrugged, not seeing the problem. “Listen, I take your words with a grain of salt with cute guys,” she says. “You think my brother is cute, of all people?”

“Oh, that guy that was talking to you in line a few minutes ago?” Cameron questioned. He watched that?

Now I’m embarrassed. I fiddled with my straw, nodding my head to his question. “Yeah-yeah, but it’s a small crush that won’t go anywhere.”

Cameron scoffed. “Not with that attitude,” he reprimanded.

“See, that’s what I said!” Dillon agreed with him. “I like him already.”

I rolled my eyes at them ganging up on me. They didn’t understand what I went through just to say hi to him. Let alone look in his direction. Drew must’ve thought I was stupid with the way our interactions went. Regardless, it didn’t change the fact that we talked way more than we used to. It was a step in the right direction, no matter how small it was. I couldn’t argue that my attitude towards the situation could be better.

Either way, Dillon and I got to know Cameron better. We learned that he’s a psychology major and also a freshman like us. He’s from Stark County, which is a bit of a drive from both of our hometowns, but close enough in theory. He is a lot of fun to talk to and we immediately invited him to hang out with us more. It seemed to be easier to make friends here than it was back in high school, that’s for sure.

Chatting up some more, we got kindly interrupted by Deandre Wilkins. He was Drew’s best friend, who we all called Dre. I should also note that he had a huge crush on Dillon, but she always played hard to get with him. Especially because that was her brother’s friend. I’m unsure about how Drew felt about the matter, but it didn’t look like he cared all that much. That is until she finally gives him a chance.

“Hey Anna, Dill, and I don’t know who you are,” he said, pointing to Cameron.

“Cam, what’s up?” Cameron introduced himself.

Dillon rolled her eyes, not excited to see him. “What do you want, Dre?” she questioned with little enthusiasm in her voice.

That didn’t stop Dre from flirting with her. “Did someone miss me? Cuz I gotta tell you Dill, not seeing your face for a year has killed me.” He faked like he was in pain.

I laughed while Dillon crossed her arms and rolled her eyes again. Dre wasn’t kidding when he said he liked her, though. However, Dillon was so hard to waver that, of course, he had his fair share of fun on the side. That shouldn’t be taken into account, all things considered. Dillon wasn’t willing to budge, but Dre never gave up on swooning over her.

Dre laughed, getting back to his point. “Anyway, have you guys seen Drew? He said to meet him here,” he asked us.

I nod. “He was here, but he left before getting anything,” I fill him in.

He sighed. “Of course he was. Thanks, Anna, I’ll see you guys around. Bye, Dill.” He winked.

“Fuck off!” Dillon yelled at him as he walked away, laughing.

Cameron pursed his lips, leaning back in his chair. “First this Drew guy now, Dre. You guys sure are an interesting bunch.”

We laughed while Dillon complained about Dre. There was no way she didn’t have even the slightest amount of feelings for the guy. Dre was very attractive and funny. Plus, he’d do anything for Dillon and I mean anything. She was just too stubborn to realize that maybe this was the guy she’d been waiting for. It would be interesting to see where their relationship goes over the course of the next few years. I’m hoping she ended up giving him at least one chance, but this was Dillon we’re talking about. She’s challenging.

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