Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 17

Chapter Seventeen:

“Finally” Amber had said relieved that we managed to get in early.

We were in our seats at exactly 7:36. While waiting for the show to start, Gold and Amber were arguing about who was smarter and would not get caught if they had decided to not buy tickets and sneak in. Sometimes, it’s like these two forget that I am nearby.

I love how they are with each other, they could not talk to each other for some minutes and look like worst enemies to each other and the next minute, they could pass for Jane Austen’s Mr. Darcy and Elisabeth Bennett. I must say, I envy it sometimes, the Jane Austen's side, not the MGM's Tom and Jerry side.

“Who do you think it is?” Amber had asked bringing me back to the moment. I was lost for a minute there, lost in my thoughts

“Think about what?”

“See Amber, I told you Kira is not her usual self”

“C'mon guys, I was just thinking. We all think about things right? I am more than my usual self today. I would not be with you guys here if I wasn’t”

“Kira dear, you know we are your best friends and you could tell us anything. We might help, you never know” Amber had added with a look so innocent I was tempted to tell them

“I am fine guys. We should focus on why we are here, and look at the shows about to start. Gold, do not give me that look, I am not one of your many admirers”, at this point I was looking for a diversion, on to do the magic.

No matter how I tried, I could not forget the dream about Penny's Penny and the wound on my foot. Whatever I did, it came to mind. My mom, I was sure knew something but was not ready to tell me about it just yet, I wonder why.

I believe I am of age to at least have some explanation for things like this. In her defense, I think she’s just scared that I am too young to worry about such matters. Truth is, I have managed myself well with the nightmares and I am very sure I can handle whatever it was she kept from me. She was not the one having to deal with all the dreams I am being burdened with.

“Don’t tell me it’s about that big “muscled” guy we saw out there” Amber added

“What!? No, I do not even know the guy. But, he looks great…”

“Un-huh girl, see you like him already” Amber interjected again

“Looks like Kira is about to get a boyfriend,” Gold said giving me the wink, that dirty wink

“No one is getting a boyfriend today, we are only here to enjoy this and go home. You two seem to always collaborate against me like you don’t like me. Not another word from both of you” I warned seeing Amber was about to say something.

Just when I thought I could watch the show in peace, some guy sat beside me. Turning to see who it was, I met a pair of beautiful eyes. I said beautiful because he had the type of eyes that would make a strong lady go weak in the knees. His eyes was like, if Rihanna and Brad Pitt decided to have a son and Angelina Jolie was his grandma.

He seemed to take notice of the stare and looked like he enjoyed it. It was the guy from outside, that same guy!

“Are you lost?” He asked giving me a flirtatious look, God he looked more handsome when he did that. Not like I was interested anyways.

The question had brought me back to reality, how very prideful of him to ask me that. I did not like guys like this, who thought they were the prize and could get any lady they wanted how him

“Excuse you…” I had opened my mouth to explode when the concert started. He was a very lucky guy for was about the monsters in my mouth.

I was an angel but a monster when provoked. Something struck me, I had never been this provoked, I had looked at my hands inky to see them fisted and he saw it too.

“An angry one too” I decided to ignore him for the rest of the show and just concentrate but it was hard to. Anytime I turned to glance at him, I would meet his bold stare and immediately pretend I did not just try to look at him. This continued until the show ended.

“What did you think of the show?” Amber asked

“I did not think you saw it but our friend here was too distracted to even watch. I am sure she has no answer for you” Gold had answered smiling evilly and looking at the direction of the strange guy.

This guy would not take his eyes off me and looked like he could eat me any minute. His stare affected me so much I feared he might want to harm me.

I decided to stay in my thoughts and ignore Amber and Gold for I did not have the strength to argue about little things as this. Besides, I had to hurry home before mom becomes worried.

She always told me to never stay home late and Gold and Amber had to help me convince her to let me go.

“You did not tell me your name, butterfly” you know who it is, no one other than the guy from the show

“Seems you already got one for me, dumbo. How about we just stick to it?” I don’t know why but he is aggravating and vexing me.

I wish I could just hit him in the belly or something to show my utmost distaste for him

“You could just hit me you know,” he said again this time leaving me speechless. Was this guy some kind of magician? Does he reads or hears thoughts? How could he know what I so much wanted to do to him

“How did you know that?” I asked still angry and curious as well

“Psychology, butterfly. I have studied women for years” he added with a grin.

There he goes again, with that face and the pride. Now, she wanted to hit him and he is it with so much joy like he enjoyed vexing her.

“Do not ever call me that again and…”

“Babe, it is time to go on”. That was my savior, Gold. It was kind of a defense mechanism we had developed over the years for myself and Amber.

Whenever we were in a difficult situation, he would come in and wrap his arms around our waist to pretend to be lovers. As much as I hated the idea in the first place, situations like this made me love the idea and thank God for Gold.

I had gotten home to find my mom in the sitting room pacing up and down and looking worried


“Christ Kira! I have told you to always keep your phone close when you are not home. I was about going to the venue myself to see if anything had happened to you”

I went over and held her in a tight hug saying

“I am so sorry, I did not know when you called. Must have been from all the noise on the ride back home but I am here now”.

Only then did I feel her heart beat returning to normal. My mom was always like this, hypersensitive when I do not pick my calls or when she can not reach me.

She feared something might have gone wrong, attitudes like this makes me even more sure that there was something she was not telling me.

I had dinner quietly with my mom sitting in a corner watching me, I knew she was lost in thoughts else she would have said something by now.

I did not have the appetite to eat but I had to force myself. My mom will only get more worried if I had refused to eat.

“I am going to bed mom. See you tomorrow” I said lightly to get her off the mood she was in

“Alright honey, be sure to light your candles and do not forget to put on your pendant. You know I will check to see that you do it” and she was not joking when she said that.

My mom would check the candles and make sure I had the pendant every night before I went to bed.

I had gotten used to it and it feels more like a ritual than something you have an obsession with.

At first, I thought my mom was obsessed with candles and the pendant. But as time went in, I have seen the way she shivers and heard the fear in her voice when she comes to my room and finds out I do not have the pendant on, I knew it was more than just obsession.

Mrs. Brown's pov

Kira was a regular customer at the shop. I felt she was a good girl and let her mingle with my daughter Mary. But as time went on, I began to hear rumors. I did not take it seriously because I was not one to be moved by what people said but I would rather mind my about my business.

Then came the dreams. I know you may think dreams are just products of our imaginations but this is what makes mine special. For one, I do not imagine or fantasize in the day I mean, I am not a 20 or 25 year old.

Second, I do not dream dreams. What I mean is that, I was not the type to dream. In fact, I rarely dreams. I could tell you the number of dreams I had in a year.

It all started when Kira came to our house the other day, I always pray and surround my house with anointing oil day and night and prayed against any evil that would step foot in my house.

Kira had come over to check if anyone was at home as the store was locked. She had complained she felt like it was hot, in her own words,

“the weather seems different in here. It was cold outside and the moment I stepped in here it got hot, I think I will wait outside at the store”. I had not taken it seriously until I realized that it was my prayer point daily for God to arrest evil and make my house “too got for the devil or his angels to be in”.

From then forward, I began to dream almost everyday and each dream involved Kira. She seemed to have a green hair color as opposed to what we saw with our eyes.

Each time I dreamt, she seemed to be associated with a dragon or some creature.

Just last night, I had dreamt she set our store on fire and destroyed everything I have worked for all these years. I had decided to be very cautious with her only for her to come by the store today and ask after Mary.

I had gone on to tell Mary to stay away from Kira, not that she was her friend or anything but I just wanted my daughter to be safe.

But Mary seemed to disagree with me. “Mom, Kira is a nice girl, you worry too much” she had told me in defense of a girl she barely knew.

Amber's pov

I found it difficult to go to sleep. My mom had checked in on me and gone to bed, I doubt she sleeps at all.

Every 3 hours or so, she comes into my room to check if the candles are still lighted and the pendant in place.

I geared to go to sleep every night as I did not want to have a nightmare. It has become something usual, like a routine.

Every night, it was one thing or the other, me in my natural hair color, in some place, with some power and people blowing to me and referring to me as “her majesty”. Things like this would have excited me but it became worrisome as it continued.

The dreams feel so real like I am another person in a different world. I only wished my mom would open up and just give a clue at least and not some worrisome face or scary look.

I was still trying to understand the mystery behind the large wound I had found on my toe-foot this morning. The greatest mystery is being unable to feel the pain. Sooner or later, I will found out.

I remembered the guy from the show and smiled. I was angry at myself, “why did I smile” I had asked myself.

That stranger had guys, more guys than anyone I had ever known. He most likely just ruined the entire evening for me and here I was thinking about him. I could not forget how he looked at him, that stare was entrapping as well as enchanting. I could swear he would have taken me anywhere at that moment and I would not care.

“Did you see his eyes? My God, those are the most beautiful eyes I might have seen in my lifetime” I was already sounding like a girl in love. He well-builtuilt and to me, he was perfect. The build, the body, the face, everything was just right. Only one thing, he was not mine.

“Why was I having such silly thoughts?” I asked myself again unable to get him off my mind. This was the first time in a long while I have felt an attraction for a male. I had feared I was hard to please or allergic to attraction, but this changed everything. No guy has been able to keep my attention this long. He already had my heart without even asking first. The way he winked and flirted with me, I must admit I enjoyed myself and only vexed me because no one did that to me without permission.

“He called me butterfly”, I remembered,” how sweet”. I had to stop thinking of this stranger, maybe I should have told him my name and not played “unimpressed”.

For a moment there, I was excited and had forgotten my ordeal. Try as I might, I was at a point going to fall asleep and continue with those nightmares I dreaded.

“I don’t want that life, you hear me? I do not want it. I am just some ordinary girl, perhaps even a ‘nobody' to some people. Just let me sleep, huh? For once!” I said like whoever it was that controlled dreams would hear and help me just tonight. I only wanted to sleep, nothing more, was it too much to ask? I do not think so.

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