Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 24

Chapter Twenty-Four:

Molly's POV:

Drew and I had gone out to have fun like we do every night except that this night was different. Drew had just gotten his driver's license and had called us to celebrate. All of us had decided and agreed to that except Tristan who had said he had " something important to do"

We had rounds and rounds of drinks until we were too tipsy to be able to go home. We had advised Drew to not drive home and we all had agreed to take an Uber home. I do not know what made Drew drive, maybe too much excitement over the driver's license or he got too tipsy to think straight.

I went home and got straight to bed and did not bother to check to see who was calling me that late. I had woken up to numerous missed calls from Drew and I was immediately cleared of whatever alcohol I had left in my system.

I went through the text messages he had sent:

"Please call me"

"Why are you not picking?"

"I need you to come to get me"

"The cops have me"

"I was taken in for DUI"

I did not know what to do, I called Tristan immediately. I did not like getting into trouble here as this was not our world where you could easily do away with stuff like that except we did not drive there. We had to be very careful here as we do not fully understand how some things work around here.

I only hoped this was a minor issue as I have seen videos online of cops beating some offenders to their death. The thought of it sent shivers to my bone marrow.

Gold's POV:

I certainly was not joking when I made that promise to myself and Kira that I would protect her. She doesn't have to know, it was already a promise made and I was a man who liked to keep his word.

I had forgotten the mall plan I was supposed to have with Amber and Kira as I was so obsessed with finding out what this stranger was up to. I have been following him for about an hour now and he seemed to have stopped.

He had stopped at no other person's house than Kira. This just made me more suspicious, he was spying on her for reasons I could not possibly think of. Do I have to warn Kira? No, not yet not until I have found a reason to do so.

"Kira, the guy from the concert has been spying and following you around"

Nah, that sounded stupid and silly.

I decided to bring out my phone and took photos of him hiding in his position. I saw him jerk up immediately and I thought my position was compromised or exposed until I saw that he had seen Kira leave the house and had stood up to follow.

I too followed, from a distance. I watched as she went and how excited he was when she hurriedly left the children when they began to fight for the ball.

This guy was intrigued by Kira, he liked her, and I could see much.

He had this worried look on his face when the strange guy approached Kira from out of nowhere.

I had seen his hands become fisted and I decided to come in before he took all the credit. Maybe this was my chance to prove myself to her, that I could do anything to her.

When I called out "Hey!" I was confused as to what to say next, I just opened my mouth and let the words flow.

I did not know if there were any cops around or not, I just did what I had to without thinking of the consequences. "What if he checked to see if the cops were there like I said?" I asked myself.

Thankfully, he had just gone in the other direction to avoid coming face-to-face to my face. I turned to look at our concert guy and I enjoyed the face he had, it was one of defeat and I had on me, a big smile of triumph

"You are not beating me today. Uh-huh, not today"

Mrs. Johnson's POV:

"What kind of dream was that?" I had woken up to a very bad nightmare and it had kept me up till the morning. Something did not feel right and I could not place what it was.

I was not the type to go to bed early but I am nearly bird. I decided to use the time to do some house chores and cleaning before it was morning.

I have lived a very simple life from the onset, never wanted anything too complicated or toxic, just private. But when I think of it, I seem to have failed at everything I laid my hands on even though the store was merely pulling through.

It was hard to get by at first, but I had gotten used to it. It no longer bore me out like it usually did. Being with Mary made it even more worth doing. I could not have come this far without her, she has proved to be very helpful.

But I have found myself being scared lately like something was about to go wrong for we had been in good times for so long.

I finished my chores and general cleaning of the house and decided to wake Mary up. That girl loved to sleep, I have not failed to tell her times without numbers and how sleep would be her downfall if she did not work on it. She never took it seriously, I saw it as a weakness, a very bad one especially if your enemy finds out.

"Mary, breakfast is ready" I shouted through the door when I got tired of knocking. I would have opened the door had she not told me on several occasions how she loved the privacy and needed to be in her own space sometimes. I decided to wait for her in the dining.

I waited for 30 more minutes and decided I had had enough of her tantrum. "Mary, get down here this minute" I shouted expecting her to come running down. "Was she sick or something?" I wondered.

When she did not show up, I decided I was going to break that privacy right just once this time. I opened the door and the room was empty, with the bed looking as if no one had laid on it. I rushed out and checked every other room and there was no sign of her.

"She must be at the store" It was more of a prayer than thought when I said that. I rushed out to the store only to find it locked. I looked around, from corner to corner. I went as far as knocking on each of our neighbor's doors to ask if she might be there but she was nowhere in sight.

"Is she missing? I have to go to the cops"

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