4- Confronting James
I walk out on her heels and opens the passenger door, Jade looks radiant, like a super magazine model.
Omg, are you going to get marry? You look like a million dollars
Thanks sweetie – Says Jade smiling - Actually I want the same reaction from Cameron´s eyes
Don´t worry he will be crazy about you - I tell her, She smiles.
Hell, I forgot my ID, I left it in my wallet. I don't want to go into my place again – Explains Jade, she drives and talks to me - dad said he's getting a female guest tonight. I don't want to see his new girlfriend.
My mom is dating someone too and I'm dying to know who it is. I understand better now how do you feel - I explain to my friend. We drive straight a head and I see the light´s on from the houses among the residence where I live.
Well, we are opposites in that. I don´t care anything about my dad´s love life – Says Jade. - I definitly don´t care about meeting her.
Vick, Can you come into my room to look for my ID and wallet? – She Asks while She is driving in the neighborhood of her place In that moment we parkedd in front of Jade´s house.
Okay, wait here for me – I get out of the car.
I enters Jade´s luxurious house and go upstairs, enters my best friend's room and take her purse, there is her ID and license. I´m going down the stairs when I hear moans coming from the next room, I cannot let pass the curiosity when I listen more close, I see thouht the open door and find a naked woman, kissing Jade´s father, my mother.
I left the Jade´s house speechless and get into the car.
Ready? - Says Jess
Yes - I replied, speechless.
-Jade kisses Cameron, throughout the night they can't keep their hands off each other, in the restaurant the atmosphere is warm and the music cozy, but I can't stop thinking about James and my mom having sex. What do I dislike about Jade's dad being my mom's boyfriend, or that Jade's dad actually has a girlfriend? I didn´t say a word to Jade about what I have seen.
- Jade bothers you if I go away? Can we see each other early tomorrow if you want?
Jade looks at me in surprise, then turns her face around Cameron, smiling slightly.
It's okay, you can go in my car, and Cameron will take me home.
No need, I can call a taxi.
No, take my car - Jade insists and gives me the keys
-Okay, I'll see you tomorrow- I say, kissing her on the cheek and saying goodbye to Cameron with a slight smile.
But as soon I get into the car I don´t drive to my place, I need to confront the situation.
Upon arriving home, my mom is noit in Jae´s place anymore, but the father of my friends understand exactly what I am doing there.
James ask me that please do not tell anything to Jade.
No worries, I won’t say a word – I replied to him, acting hateful.
I came here to look for my mom but I can see She is not here anymore – I say, I open the door and left the house.
Vicki, come on, we need to talk – James follows me thought the garden.
It is not my business. It doesn´t matter – I said.
I leave Jesss house but I take her car again, I cannot wait for a taxi being next to him, and I cannot understand why I feel so mad at him. I drive to the lagoon and he drives and follows me.
Vicki, please, let me talk with you – Says James fallowing me as soon I leave the car, walking in direction to the lagoon.
I don´t want to talk with you, I don’t care about what you make with my mother
You are wrong, Vicki, are you jealous of your mother? – He says and I freeze, my heart beats fast and I cannot think well, but He takes my hand and turns my shoulders to make me see him
Why are you so upset? It is because she Is your mom? Or it is because she is not you?
What are you trying to tell me? – I wonder, confused
I´m with her, only because She remembers me of you. Because she is the most similar of your beauty that I can have – Confess James, touching my lips. He touches me, on the brink of passion. I close my eyes and feel finally the object of my desires
When I kiss him I just feel how my heart beats fast like I always been wanted to kiss him since the moment I met, I only realize it until this moment, and his skin is so masculine, his touch, the taste of his mouth, I just lost myself in his lips and He can feel the way I desire to him because he continues to touching my weist and kissing me with fury and passion like if we share the same desire of being together, thus burning desire that I just can not believe and totally deny the posibility of him being with other woman than me, even if that woman is my mother, I want him for me.
"I want you" He says like he could read my mind "I always wanted you, only you, my Vicki"
"Better you do, because now you are goin to leave my mother if you want to be with me" I said to him.