Meet and greet


East Harlem at night is no different from East Harlem by day, it’s teeming with life, minus the young kids running around and littering everywhere----- and the sunlight. Many adults, from all walks of life, prefer to work when the sun is out. Before I even reached the main door, Leo, who lives three doors away from us noticed me. As I said, everyone knows of everyone’s business in our neighborhood.

No matter how I tried to be discreet, Leo, caught me sneaking late at night as if I was trying to evade someone. My jacket’s hoodie was hiding half of my face but there’s one thing that I forgot about Leo----he used to ask me countless times for a date with no positive outcome. I was caught red-handed.

“Meredith? Is that you?” Leo cocked his head in my direction.


“Leo. Hi.” I faked my smile and enthusiasm because I was not in the mood to rub elbows with anyone. Also, as odd as it might seem, I could sense that I am being followed. “I did not see you there!”

Leo, who looked like he came from his shift in the nearby hospital approached me. He is a nurse and Dixon likes him. My brother can be an ahole at times but it was no secret why he was pushing me to be with Leo. He is nice and a lot of women have a crush on him, because he has a job and he is easy on the eyes. And according to Dixon, I could get used to seeing another man in my life so my attention isn't always in laser mode.

He chuckled. “With that hoodie blocking half your face, can’t say I blame you. Where are you going? It’s late.”

“I..I..need to get some meds.” Ugh, I am bad at making up stories. Moreover, I hate lying. We were raised to exercise honesty at all times and up until this day, Dixon and I live by that household rule but this time, I need to be cautious, the warning was hanging at the back of my mind. “Dixon’s stomach is upset.”

“Is that so? You could have knocked. I have meds. It’s late, Meri.”

Meri. That was my nickname. Leo still calls me that. He and I go way back. Like way, way, back. We grew up together in East Hampton and back in the day, Central Park was a safe haven for kids like us. There were no creeps, unlike these days.

“I have to go, Leo. It was nice seeing you!” I raced to the main door, leaving Leo’s mouth open and bewildered.

“Hey, we can get coffee if you're not busy, Meri!”

“That’s really nice, Leo. Some other time? Got to go!”

“Alright, take care! Call me!” He yelled at me, scratching his head.

I don’t want him asking any more questions. Seeing Leo reminded me of the many things that I’ve placed on hold for Dixon.

That was a long time ago, Leo pursued me. He wooed me and we were still in high school back then. I liked him too. The truth was, I was crushing on him really hard but I was hesitant to tell him because he is Mr. Popular and I was a nobody. The day that Mom and Dad died in the accident, Leo and I were together in the park along with our other peers. It was also the day that he asked me to be his girlfriend.

Leo did not get any answers from me as I rushed to the hospital when I heard about it, but I think he get the idea. With Dixon under my care, relationships don’t have a spot in my life. Half true. Because, after all these years, I still don’t. I don’t have the time and I don’t want it. My life is planned.

While Leo? I’ve seen him escort a woman out of his apartment early morning or late at night. There was no issue there, he’s single and good-looking. I’d be a hypocrite if I don’t admit that at some point in my life, I imagined being with him. To be the woman he kisses goodbye to before he heads off for work.

I shake that thought off.

“Meredith Grace Gomez, get your act together! Your brother is missing and you are doing the exact opposite of what was instructed to you!” I scolded myself as I joined the increasing number of people in the cold street of East Harlem. “Okay, focus. If you are Dixon, where would you be?”

Of course, his part-time job! How stupid can I be? Maybe his boss asked him to work extra hours. But…he should have called, right? And one more thing, I don’t even know where this deli store is. In East Harlem alone, there are at least half a dozen. So, where do I start?

Dixon did not disclose the exact information about this deli shop, but without hesitation, I am willing to scour the entire East Harlem even if it means that I had to ask every deli shop owner and shopkeeper if they knew my brother.

About fifty meters away from our building when my ‘spidey senses’ sensed that I was being followed, I gradually picked up the pace. My running shoes squeaked on the smooth pavement. The footsteps behind me were picking up their pace too. My heart was beating wildly in my chest. The night was cold, but I was getting warmer.

Ahead was an alley, I know East Harlem like the back of my hand. The alley not far from me will cross the entire block and if I take it, it would lead me back to the apartment. Sometimes, my impulsive self gains on my logical self and it often puts me in awkward situations. The downside here is that the situation is not awkward, it’s scary as shit but what choice do I have?

In moments like this, I wished that eyes could grow at the back of our heads. I brace myself for the run of my life. I don’t care what was in that alley, I’d make a run for it.

Before I could sprint, a hand came out of nowhere and landed in my face. I struggled to move but my knees felt like they were made of jello. I heard a man mutter under his breath.

“...told you we were watching. Now, we’ll have to move the meet and greet with the boss. Let's go, boys.”

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