Chapter Six: Meeting Maya
Bang bang!
Jude woke up with a knock on the door.
Bang bang bang "Open up" a voice shouted.
Jude yawned rubbing his face, that's Maya's voice, he got up to open the door.
Maya wanted to enter as usual but Jude pull her aside. Maya scoffed feeling insulted "Oh great, because of that thing in there" She said pointing to the door.
Jude pulled Maya far away from his room "Baby" He smiled hugging her, but Maya pushed him.
"Who is your baby? Baby, after cheating on me?"
"dear, don't talk like that, you know I love you"
"Love?" Maya smiled "You are married! you got married to another lady!" She yelled at him.
"So what?"
"So what? Huh, so what? Another woman owns you, this wasn't our plan, you said you love me yet you got married to another woman"
Jude pulled her to himself "You know I love you, it was my mum's decision, I can't go against my mum"
"Are you a kid? must your mum decide everything for you including your life partner, aren't you tired of bringing your mum's puppet?" Maya asked hitting his chest. She break down in tears "If you love me, you would have fought for us"
"You know I can't, I'm helpless, do you think I loved her? I only marry her because of my mum, I love you, Maya, I do, just be patient, hold on for us, please" He look deep into her eyes, it break his heart seeing Maya crying, He tried kissing her but Maya dodge it.
"What about your wife? What's your plan or are you going to stay still following your mum's order until she gives you an heir?"
He sighed.
"That woman? I already told you, I don't love her, I'm working on something, don't worry...." He said but Maya interrupted him.
"What are you working on?, tell me, baby," She said kissing him.
"I want to own the Sebastian empire, I'm working on a contract and I have already contacted most of the biggest shareholders in the Sebastian empire, I plan to convince them to join hands with me to take my mum's position from her,"Jude said with no emotions written on his face.
"What?" Maya screamed, She covered her mouth immediately, she whispers to Jude "Are you crazy?, your mum made you who you are, she owns the entire Sebastian empire and made you CEO, how will you collect ownership of the empire, have you forgotten she is a greedy and cautious businessman?"
He chuckled "Relax baby, I will just wait and see and when I own everything, I will divorce that woman I got married to"
Maya was happy about Jude divorcing his wife but she suddenly became worried.
"What's wrong?"Jude asked seeing how her face dropped.
"What if she gets you a child before then, what if she gives birth to a son? She and her son will inherit everything we both worked for."
He thought about what Maya said, he knew she is right but he has to assure her things won't go that way.
Maya placed her head on His chest "Mmm dear, don't forget us, I don't want some woman stealing your heart"
"No one will, you own it"Jude Patted her back.
The door suddenly opened revealing Liya. Jude quickly pushed Maya out of his way seeing his wife.
"What are you doing?"Liya asked yawning.
"Speaking to my secretary," Jude answered pointing to Maya.
Maya felt so embarrassed Jude had to treat her like that because of another woman, she felt like strangling Liya but there is nothing she can do. Liya could feel this strange cold feeling, she thought she saw Maya rolling her eyes at her, she stretch her hand for a handshake "I'm Liya, Jude's wife"
The word Jude's wife struck Maya like she had been stabbed, what an effrontery, who is she trying to take my man?
Maya could only smile to cover up, "I'm Maya please to meet you".
"Great, dear what are we having for breakfast?" Liya asked wrapping herself under Jude's arm.
"Dear?"Jude asked scratching his head.
"Yes, aren't you my husband? don't you like the name?"
"I do but limit it," He said looking at Maya.
"Limit calling you dear? don't be ridiculous" Liya smacked Jude playfully. Jude wondered why Liya is like this, yesterday, she didn't want him near her but now she is calling him dear, hitting him. He turn over to Maya "You are excused".
Maya bowed and left cursing Liya under her breath.
Jude took Liya to the dining room, a breakfast of fresh vegetables and fruits, Madelyn joined them at the table, she kissed her son on his cheek.
"Hope you sleep well, honey?" She asked as she sits. Jude nodded his head as his mouth is full with avocadoes and papaya.
The breakfast was going smoothly, the trio talking about the wedding, Madelyn was briefing Liya on her roles as a wife, while Jude just want to leave but his mum hook him down with a threatening look.
Things were going well not until Maya suddenly join carrying her plate.
Liya was surprise seeing Maya eating with them, she thought Maya would be in the office working, but Madelyn wasn't surprised, she rolled her eyes, hissing.
Maya sat silently and took some slices of fruit and vegs Into her plate eating.
"Shouldn't you be at work, aren't you my husband's secretary?" Liya asked staring at her.
Madelyn smiled pleased with Liya's question.
"I live here"Maya replied putting salt on her veg, she looks unbothered.
"you stay here? Why? you are Jude's secretary, don't you have a house of your own?"
"I wondered, what is she doing here?" Madelyn said pretending to be shocked, she held Liya's hands "Sweetie, that's why Jude needs a wife, you need to put an end to all this, imagine!" She spat out.
Maya took a deep breath, oh now it's two women against her, well, she is prepared for both.
She continued eating ignoring both Liya and Madelyn which infuriates Madelyn more.
"Are you hard of hearing? didn't you hear what she said? What are you doing here?, why are you staying in the same house with your boss?" Madelyn yelled.
Jude have had enough, he hit the table with his cup. "Mum, Liya, that's enough, she was chased out by her landlord and she has no where to go, please be considerate, she has no where to go" Jude explained looking at his mum to stop.
"As if "his mum scoffed.
"She is homeless?"Liya asked.
"Why don't you give her an advance payment so she could get a house?"
Jude sighed "Enough with the questions, I am a man, I do what I want , She is staying here and that's final!" Jude said sternly and left.
Is he angry? Audrey thought, I was only asking a question.
Liya filled her plates with more watermelons, she have only eat half way when Madelyn told her to stop eating and follow her.
Liya has to hurrily chew the last piece in her mouth. Madelyn took her to a big room with photo frames hang on the wall, there are photos of billionaire men, doctor, business woman and lastly Madelyn and her son.
On the wall are also artworks, paintings and written words.
"Wow" Liya said admiring the painting.
"These are my relatives, those billionaire you are seeing there are my brothers, that doctor is my wealthy uncle, that's me and Jude and lastly those paintings are our ancestors"
"Oh"Liya said nodding.
"As you know we are the wealthy and powerful Sebastian, don't dare play with us, we are known across the continents, as our new wife, I want you to always represent Sebastian everywhere you go, in everything you do, in fact in the way you speak, ars you getting me?"
"Yes ma"
"Don't call me ma, you aren't a maid, I said you talk with confidence, talk with commandment, talk with authority, talk like a Sebastian!" Madelyn paused looking at Liya, she smiled knowing she will be able to used Liya for her gain as Liya is a naive and gentle woman.
"Liya" She call out softly.
"Yes ma, no, yes mother-in-law"
"Good"Madelyn cleared her throat, move closer to Liya and whispered to her ears.
"You need to hold your man tight, or some desperate chick will take what's yours, do everything you can to grip your man" she said.
Liya didn't understand what Madelyn meant, she could only nod.
"Especially that useless secretary, you need to act sharp or you lose"
"Okay, but why? I'm married to Jude, beside I don't have the strength for fight, my peace of mind is important to me than quarrels" Liya said to Madelyn.
"Nonsense!" Madelyn spat out.
"you do as I say, I direct everything in this house including you, if I ask you to fight for your husband you should, is that clear?" She yelled. Liya was a little bit shaken but she stood her ground "That secretary is just a vulnerable homeless woman, I see no harm in her"
Madelyn laughed.
"Wait till you see" She said leaving Liya to herself.
Liya stood still pondering about what Madelyn just said, she shrugged it off, finding her way in this big mansion.
Liya was given strict ridiculous rules, she has to take permission before doing anything, including choosing a dress.
Madelyn has to chose the dress for her to wear, she has to approve what she eats, when and where she is going to, type of movies to watch and so on.
To worst it, Jude is mostly on business travels, he hardly stay at home, so Liya is lonely in this big mansion. Whenever Jude is home, He fights a lot with Liya. Liya demands Jude treat her like his wife but Jude told her she is a pauper who is unworthy of being called his wife.
Liya regretted the marriage, she is a prisoner here, her husband has little to no respect for her, he doesn't give her attention, show her love, he doesn't even touch her on bed.
He is always with his secretary and Liya finds that suspicious. She phoned her parents telling them what she is facing in her marriage, she wants to go back home but her parents scold her, calling her an immature lady.
"Do you think marriage is a merry go around?, is like a bed of roses everyday, huh?" Her mum asked.
"Marriage is as rough as it is, that's why as a woman, you have to fight for your marriage, you don't sit waiting for your husband to show you love and attention, Liya, you are married, we signed an agreement, you have to endure whatever you are passing through." Her mum said hanging up.
Liya couldn't believe her ears, she had to sneak out to see Ryan, her ex-fiance who listened to her and tells her to be patient and strong.
It feels great to have someone who understands you, Liya got carried away by Ryan comfort that she spent more time than she expected. She hurriedly rushed home, praying Madelyn doesn't catch her but she was wrong, Madelyn was already at the gate waiting for her.
Liya heart stopped, she stood where she was scared.
Madelyn walked up to her, hit her across the face"You filthy b*tch, you're cheating on my son right?" Madelyn yelled.
"No, I wasn't" Liya said.
"Oh really, what do you have to say about this then" Madelyn showed Liya a picture of herself in Ryan arms.
She couldn't believe it, how did Madelyn got those pictures, was she stalking her?