Chapter 7
I lost count of how many drinks I had around number seven. Seeing as seven is my lucky number, I can’t go wrong. Stepping onto that stage tonight seems like a pretty good idea from where I’m standing, which is on top of my chair.
“If you don’t stop shaking your ass like that,” Brody chides, “you’re gonna bust an ankle.”
I glance down at my heeled blue suede boots and shake my head. It spins in response, which sends all of my senses into a tailspin. I throw my hands out to steady the walls, feeling like I might throw up. “These shoes would never hurt me,” I slur, knowing I’m right because Elvis would never steer me wrong.
Shaking his head, Brody returns his attention to the stage where a female duo is wrapping up their version of Wind Beneath My Wings.
It’s at that moment that the chair slides out from under me.
I screech as I begin falling, but before anyone at the table has time to react, a pair of strong arms catch me just in the nick of time. I’m so happy I didn’t break my ass that I cling to my savior like a bur.
Until I realize who is holding me.
Black-as-midnight eyes glare back at me, as though I’ve done something to personally offend him, and I shove out of Professor Scott’s arms, rolling awkwardly to my feet. He’s such a gentleman, though, that he refuses to relinquish his hold on my arm until he’s certain I won’t make a repeat performance.
“What are you still doing here?” I brush any dirt I may have picked up from my clothes.
“I think the question is what are you still doing here? How many drinks have you had tonight? Because I counted seven.”
Well, what’s the point in asking if he’s just going to answer for me? I lift my chin a little higher. “I know my limit.”
He leans closer, placing his lips against my ear. “Yeah? Then why are you swaying on your feet right now?” As if to prove his point, the room tilts and I pitch sideways. Grasping my arms, Professor Scott holds me upright. Which is good, because I am pretty sure my legs have turned to rubber.
Maybe he has a point.
“Come on, you’ve had enough for tonight. I’ll drive you home.”
“I’m not ready to go home yet. I have a performance and I can’t miss it.”
“The only performance in your future is climbing into bed and sleeping it off.” Focusing on something over my head, Professor Scott says, “We’re heading out.”
Baffled, I turn to see who he is speaking to and see Brody nod in agreement. “Cool. I’ll have someone follow me over in the morning to drop off her car.”
“Wait, you two know each other?” I ask, fighting through the alcohol-induced fog.
“Who, Ransom?” Brody asks as he abandons his chair to join us at the end of the table. “He’s the art teacher.” He says this as if everyone knows this, which maybe they do. The man is gorgeous. You’d have to be dead not to notice him.
Ransom. So that’s his name. It’s… hot. Dangerous, just like I know him to be. I wonder just how much Ransom has told Brody about us. But the fact that Brody isn’t beating his face in right now suggests not a lot.
“He’s gonna take you home, okay, kid?” Brody’s massive hand lands on top of my head and gives it a little shake. Hair falls in my eyes, and I shake him free in annoyance. “I’m gonna need your keys before you go.”
“My keys? What if I say no?”
Brody gives me his trademark crooked smile that says he finds me funny. “You’re wasted, and I already made the arrangements. Do me a favor and cooperate for once. I’ll make sure your car is waiting for you when you wake up tomorrow.”
I’m not sure how I feel about him going behind my back, but the alcohol is starting to get to me and I don’t think to question it further. My chest constricts at how nice Brody is to me. He’s such a good guy. It literally brings a tear to my eye. I sniff and wipe it away as I hand over the keys. “Don’t hurt her.”
“Not unless she asks me to.” Smirking, Brody pulls me into a quick hug and then hands me back to Ransom. “I don’t care if she asks you to, don’t hurt her. Got it?”
“You have my word.”
I don’t live far, and Ransom has no problem following my directions. Surprising considering I can’t quite remember how to get home right now. With a hand on my arm to help steady me, he walks me to my door and uses my keys to let me inside.
“Thanks for seeing me home safely,” I say as I step inside and feel around for the light switch.
“Do you need any help with anything before I go?”
Looking back at him, the slight frown Ransom wears confuses me. I’m not sure if he was hoping I’d tell him no so he can leave, or if he wants me to ask him inside. “I’ll be fine,” I assure him. It’s probably best that he leave anyway. There is nothing cute about being drunk, and I am pretty sure I’m going to be worshiping the porcelain god soon.
Bending to take off my shoes, I have a difficult time maintaining my balance. Using the wall for support, I succeed, though barely. The sound of the door closing behind me is startling, and my head jerks up. “I thought you left.”
Ransom shakes his head. “You can barely stand. I’d be angry at myself if I didn’t at least stick around long enough to make sure you made it to your bed.”
I don’t know how I feel about him being in my personal, private space. With a relationship like ours, this kind of thing isn’t supposed to happen. He isn’t supposed to know my name, who I spend my time with, or where I live. In a week’s time, that careful balance has been shattered.
The kindness in his dark eyes is surprising, though. There’s something different about him tonight, but I can’t quite put my finger on it. The man I know never had a look that I would call “kind.” Predatory is more like it. Is this the man he really is outside the bedroom? Not that I am complaining. What girl doesn’t like being taken care of?
Placing a hand on my lower back, he urges me on. “Come on, let’s get you tucked in.”
Following my lead, we walk together through the hallway that connects my minute living and dining rooms with the even smaller kitchen, bathroom, and single bedroom. It is such a tiny space that it only takes a few steps before we are standing outside the door. Staring at my queen-sized bed, I can’t decide what my next move will be.
On the one hand, I really want sleep. On the other, I really need the bathroom. As drained as I am, I know I have to take care of one before I can do the other. “I need to…” I point to the bathroom behind us, my cheeks feeling flushed.
Taking a step back, Ransom gives me enough space to get by. “While you do that, I’ll go get you a glass of water.”
I nod, thankful that he is giving me distance, and close the door. After spending a solid five minutes hanging over the toilet bowl and realizing that I haven’t quite reached the point of no return, I relieve myself and take a minute to scrub my face clean of makeup and pull my hair back. When I run out of things to do, I return to the bedroom to find Ransom sitting on the edge of the mattress.
The sight of him there makes my blood simmer. Screw personal space. I like the idea of having him in my bed, of his rich cologne permeating my sheets.
He stands as I walk in. “I found a bucket under the sink, in case you need it later. Water is on the table. Do you need me to bring you anything from the bathroom, aspirin or Tylenol?”
How incredibly…sweet. I study his offerings, unable to keep the smile off my face. “This is perfect,” I tell him. I’m used to taking care of myself, so this is a treat. “That was very thoughtful of you. Thank you.”
His eyes widen a fraction and I step closer. Placing my hands on his chest, I reach up on my toes to show him my gratitude. My lips graze his, and the fleeting contact is electric.
“What are you doing, Josephine?” Grasping my wrists, he draws his head back and forces me away from him. The stern look in his eyes is confusing. He’s denying me?
“I was thanking you.” I try to step into him again, but his firm hold ensures I keep my distance.
“You’re drunk,” he says, dismissing me entirely. What. The. Hell.
“Ransom, I’m not that drunk,” I protest.
“Well, then, I’m going to pretend that you are.” Dropping my wrists, Ransom turns his back on me and begins walking away.
“Ransom! Wait, don’t go!” Even though the voice inside my head suggests that I leave well enough alone, that this is the way it’s supposed to be, I can’t keep myself from running after him.
Once he reaches the front door, Ransom rounds on me. “What did you think was going to happen here tonight, Miss Hart?”
My jaw drops at the formality, and I flounder for words. “I—I don’t know. You’d stay the night maybe?”
His head drops to his chest and he shakes it in disbelief. “I’m your teacher. You’re my student.”
He was really going to pull this card on me? I understand the confusion. I feel it, too. But there is no sense in pretending that nothing has happened between us. He had his mouth on my nipples just days ago, and I know the taste of his cock well. Pretending none of it ever happened doesn’t mean it will just go away. I know. I tried. And look where it’s gotten me.
“Then why bring me home? Why come inside?” I challenge.
Scraping his hands through his hair, he lifts his gaze and I can see the war being waged inside him. “You’re a nice girl, Josephine. I knew you’d had too much to drink tonight, and when your friend asked me to do him a favor and take you home, I said yes. I was just trying to help.”
Sure he was. Or maybe he got closer than he intended and is running away. Where has my confident, take-charge mystery man gone? I much prefer him over the one standing in front of me. If only I could turn back the clock and choose a different path.
Instead of being the complacent little mouse I have always been for him, I get angry. “Thanks for all your help, but I’ve got it from here.” Crossing my arms, I glare at him. I just want him out of my apartment. I haven’t completely forgiven him for bringing that woman to me, and I am furious that he would come all this way just to walk out. I feel like a fool, running after him when he clearly doesn’t want to be chased.
Well, I’m done.
Sighing, Ransom opens the door. His hand freezes on the knob as he looks back at me. “I’m sorry I upset you. You’re an attractive girl, and you seem really nice, but I just can’t go there. When you wake up in the morning, you’ll see that, too.”
Although his words ring true, I don’t care to hear them.
“And Miss Hart?” Regret shines in his dark eyes. “From now on, I think it would be best if we stick to formalities.”
For some reason, that really stings, almost as much as knowing he’s slept with another woman. As he closes the door behind him, I scoop up one of my black pumps and lob it at the door. Then I flip the lock so he can’t come back.
From here on out, Ransom Scott is dead to me.