Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Andreia Perspective: Forgiveness is not easy.

My confused feelings drive me crazy. I have no hatred to fuel my anger, Boris made his position clear and we slowly approached.

It was strange to visit him in prison, to see another side of the coward. At the same time, it seems so wrong, the change of feelings that tortured my mind with the past and the uncertain future.

In that life, I had everything from him, money, respect, control, things that were taken from me by force. Hearing that he knew everything hurt my chest, but somehow I managed to understand that in the past I was just a tool to punish him.

He hated me for the simple fact that I was the woman chosen by his grandfather and refused to accept that he was wrong.

I wanted to leave him, to make him suffer more than he made me suffer. But I'm too confused...

The first thing I thought of when I found out I was pregnant was to get an abortion. To tell him and hurt him even more, but when I visit him, his eyes shine with an unsettling happiness. It was only with the discovery of the pregnancy that I discovered my impure feelings for Boris.

My hatred had been replaced by love, I felt pathetic for falling in love with someone who had hurt me so much, I denied it and went away.

The days passed, but my chest insisted on beating for a bad man. I deliberately hid our daughter, but when I heard that he had been released, I almost ran to find him. I begged Sebastian to let me see him, but of course he wouldn't.

We hurt each other too much.

Benedicto was the one who convinced me to let Boris decide what to do. When I brought him to meet our daughter, I was nervous, anxious to receive her smile, but instead I received a desolate look and a darkness in her eyes of guilt and shame.

I tried to keep my dignity by hiding my fear, every day we lived as parents of our little daughter. No move was made to have a relationship, I tried everything to seduce him, the distance he put between us was clear.

This rejection made me angry, worse than before. Revenge? No!

I wanted his love, his affection, and to repair our marriage so that we were both mature enough to start again. Boris didn't seem to want that, so I came up with the idea of committing to another man.

The frustration only increases with how passive he is about the situation. I don't even know what I really want from Boris.




What do I see in him that makes me glaze over and go crazy, to the point of screaming, because I'm so desperate to feel this distance. I wanted to live forever in this prison of hate so that all my stupid actions would be justified.

Boris refuses to continue this game of love and hate, I can't stop him. We fight again, shouting at each other to the point of frightening our daughter.

"Do you think I want our daughter to see her parents fighting and hating each other?"

"Do you really have to complicate things?"

" I'm sorry, Andreia. I can't live with this guilt any longer. Live well, I wish you happiness."

Boris has left home, but nothing has really changed. Every morning he comes and makes breakfast for our daughter. He even leaves a portion for me and my so-called fiancé.

I always try to avoid seeing him in the morning so as not to get into an argument, and one of these mornings his grandfather is waiting for me in the office.

I hate that old man with all my heart.

" Andreia..."

"Go away."

"Can't you understand that an old man is dying?"

"Let him die far away from me."

" I just want to meet my great-granddaughter! I have the right to meet the heir..."

" To ruin your mind like you did with Boris and me? " I lose control again and start screaming. " THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! OUR PAIN AND OUR MISUNDERSTANDING..."

" No matter what you say! You'll never get rid of the blood that runs through my great-granddaughter's veins. I've tried to be understanding, but you make everything difficult, don't blame me for filing for custody!"


" She's my great-granddaughter and I can give her a better life than with someone who's lost his mind."

I start laughing and call security to throw him out of the room.

" See you in court!"

My head hurts and I take a pill from my desk drawer. I need to see a doctor because of the constant pain.

I've avoided going because I'm always busy with work and other worries. This old scrotum has made me sicker than usual, forcing me to leave the office early.

When I get home, I notice fights between the "fiancé" and Boris. I try to understand what they're saying, but I feel my nose running, and when I put my hand up to wipe it, I realize it's blood.

Boris rushes over and holds me in his lap as I remember how few times I've been allowed to touch myself. I was happy about it and smiled at his astonishment.

" Keep your head up."

" I'm fine."

He pulled me to my feet and gently laid my head back on a pillow.

"He says I'm fine."

Successfully ignored, Boris speaks into the phone, calling for the doctor urgently. This bad habit remains the same, acting as if everyone should go to the "majesty".

My so-called fiancé left us alone when he realized that his presence wasn't necessary. Boris didn't let go of my hand and stayed with me, pale as a corpse.

" If he likes me so much, shouldn't he fight for my love?"

He was a little shocked by my words and let go of my hand, putting that barrier between us again.

" I'll get you some water."

" I'm sorry."

He looked puzzled and shocked.

"What are you apologizing for?"

" I wanted to keep you with me, even though it was painful for you."

His cold hands came back and touched my hands.

" I'm the one who must ask your forgiveness. Andreia, don't marry this idiot, if you want to have an idiot at your side, choose me. Please choose me."

His desperate face made me laugh as if the sun was between us, illuminating our path. My answer is only one...

"I've brought the doctor! " Benedicto came in with the doctor.

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