Read with BonusRead with Bonus


Under the sun, in a sweet wind, we ran to our car. I opened the door for my wife and got in on the other side.

I drove aimlessly along the road, following my heart's desire. We went to the cemetery, I wanted to introduce my wife to my parents.

To tell them I was well, to apologize and to tell them about my life.

Andreia held my hand while I expressed the terrible pain that was building up in my chest. But because my grandfather was controlling and manipulative, I challenged him.

I used to do whatever I wanted without fear of the consequences, it's time to awaken my old self.

I've already won Andreia's forgiveness, we overthrew my uncle, and I have to protect our daughter. I swore on their graves that I would be strong, but not to cause pain to innocent people.

Holding my hands, Andreia turned pale, her illness struck with pain. I rushed her to the hospital. There were hours of tests and unfriendly expressions. The doctor looking for ways to talk to me, the nurses with pity in their eyes.

" Don't give up. " I begged the doctor, kneeling on the floor in supplication.

He mercilessly helped me up.

" Please, sir. Don't do this."

"She still has a chance, she's too strong, I know she's going to get better, so don't give up."

"There is a new treatment for cancer in the United States, the only problem is that our government is in conflict with it. If we can get your wife to the hospital in Boston... " Shut up. " I'm sorry our resources aren't sufficient."

He tapped me on the shoulder and walked away.

I walked to the edge of the bed and held Andreia's hands.

"Where will we spend our honeymoon?"

"Where would you like to go?"

" I want to visit Japan, see the Chinese Wall, walk the streets of Seoul, Korea."

"Are there any other places you'd like to go? We can go anywhere you want."

" I really can."

"Wherever you want. " I'll kiss your hand.

" Like Rome, Paris, Brazil."

"Anywhere you want."

I lay by her side and listened to the places she wanted to go until she fell asleep. As soon as she's asleep, I sneak out and call several cancer hospitals around the world.

I contacted foreign politicians, none of whom would help for fear of getting involved in politics. They were sorry, but insisted it was out of their hands.

However, with the geopolitical union of the developing powers, everything has changed. Coming together to create a trading currency opened a back door of hope.

This small opening allowed me to contact a Chinese cancer doctor, the best in his field. I made arrangements with the hospital to treat my wife.

My grandfather's promise was kept by going ahead with the custody petition. His lawyer presented evidence that he was an ex-convict and also presented Andreia's illness to prove our inability to take care of the little girl.

Everything they presented was also challenged by my lawyer, who proved my innocence and that Andreia needs her daughter as much as the girl needs her.

In addition, my grandmother was strong enough to win the case when she testified against her husband.

He left the hearing angry, unable to accept that he had lost. I increased security around the house and at the hospital, and the look on my grandfather's face was definitely that of someone who won't stop.

I managed to create a market with Andreia's companies, new investments began to appear, and the crisis that had devastated the country came to an end.

Some politicians from Africa have contacted me, offering me a partnership to exploit their land, the price is reasonable and they have plenty of workers.

I take advantage as much as I can, balancing the same strength as my old man. My old man is impatiently doing the same as my uncle.

The same tricks to destroy me, the same tricks he used, copies of leaked documents, denouncing workers, bribes and assassinations.

It's pathetic to use a weapon I'm familiar with, so when they surprised the company for the inspection, everything went well. They didn't find anything illegal, they took computers and searched the house, but to no avail.

They tried to use public opinion to embarrass the employees, but they'd managed to win everyone's sympathy with programs and donations printed on the covers of magazines.

From Prison to Salvation- magazine cover.

Every day it was news in the magazines, they learned about Andreia's condition and were even more moved by my struggle. I won a plot of land from the city council to build a cancer hospital and investment partners.

My grandfather had no chance to topple my pillar.

Anabela tried to create some scenes that gave her the image of a vulgar woman chasing a married man.

She had to accept the defeat that was shoved down her throat, and the empire I left grew at lightning speed.

Little by little, with the new treatment, Andreia is recovering, her face is not damaged and is beginning to regain color. The chemotherapy has ended to our victory, and in one of the tests the disease is finally receding.

The news was celebrated with a big party and I was able to take my wife home. With various medical recommendations, medication, referral to a psychologist and physiotherapy, I return every three months.

A significant victory.

Having my wife at home has been my biggest wish since we started treatment. When I'm not at the hospital taking care of her, I spend my days in the office, often having to take my laptop with me and work in the hospital.

Sleepless nights, going to work early the next morning. Waking up at the crack of dawn to make sure she's breathing, covering her to keep her warm.

There were intense moments when she vomited blood and had to be intubated, induced into a coma. In those moments, if I didn't have my mother-in-law and my beloved daughter by my side, I would have taken my own life.

I searched for strength where it didn't exist and kept my head full of hope to keep from going crazy. I suffered every day, praying to all the gods of the religions for Andreia's life.

When I got the news, I was on my knees, crying, thanking the doctor and the nurses with tears. I was afraid of hearing the worst when they called me to talk. How many times... I don't know how many times they called me to prepare me for the worst.

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