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All heads in the room swiveled around to stare at her. Her parents sat on their thrones, the seven members of her father's council sitting at a table facing them. Skylar swallowed nervously, suddenly feeling like a small child again, but regained her composure. She lifted her chin and continued into the room, keeping her eye on her parents. They looked tired, simply exhausted, especially her father. The lines in his face were deeper than she remembered and guilt washed over her. She knew that his current state was her fault.

Everyone in the room remained silent until her mother rose from her seat. Her purple gown fell around her elegantly, her golden crown shining in her dark auburn hair. Her mother's hazel eyes were wide in awe and glistened with tears.

"Skylar?" she whispered. Skylar paused, trying to swallow the lump in her throat. She'd been worried her parents wouldn't be happy to see her, that they hadn't missed her, but seeing the relief in her mother's gaze eased all of that fear.

"Mother," she answered, walking forward with a slight skip in her step. Then she broke into a run and launched into her mother's waiting arms.

Violet hugged Skylar tightly, kissing her temple and laughing in relief. "Oh, darling, you're home."

Skylar nodded, looking over her mother's shoulder at the king. He was still staring in shock, his blue eyes wide and his mouth slightly open. Her mother leaned away and turned toward her father. The king cleared his throat before opening his arms.

"Come here," he demanded and Skylar stepped into his embrace, feeling the comfort she'd always found with him, her father. He'd always been there for her, even if he'd hated her dragon, he'd been there for her, whenever she needed him. He pushed her back to an arm's length away to look her up and down. "What are you wearing?"

Skylar looked down at her brown leather pants and red shirt. The hunting boots didn't help her situation. In comparison to the fine clothes her present company wore, she felt incredibly underdressed. She turned to look at Orion who was dressed much the same and regretted it immediately because she drew her father's attention to him.

"Who the hell are you?" Hal demanded. "Are you the one who took her? Guards-"

Orion clenched his fists and opened his mouth to respond, but Skylar came to his defense. "Father, he's the one who saved me. I-- I owe him my life."

Hal narrowed his eyes as Orion spoke. "Orion Nogard, at your service, Your Grace." He inclined his head slightly but did not bow fully. This surprised everyone in the room; the only people who did not bow to a king were other kings. Of course, in Orion's mind, he saw himself as a future king. Skylar agreed, but no one else in the room knew that about the future Alpha.

Hal kept his hand on Skylar's shoulder as he turned to fully face her companion. His eyes did not leave Orion's as he spoke to his council.

"You are all dismissed. Let me know if any news arrives from Jonathan."

At the sound of his name, Skylar's stomach flipped. Jonathan, her first kiss and the man she'd once thought she could fall in love with. She didn't want him to meet Orion, didn't want them anywhere near one another. Her dragon certainly didn't want Skylar anywhere near the other male, as much as she'd once tolerated him. They had Orion now, what did they need from another male?

"Hal, I insist we remain here to ask the princess about her whereabouts these past weeks," her Uncle Henry said, standing. He glanced from Skylar to Orion, suspicion for the latter heavy in his gaze.

"Henry," Hal snapped at his brother. "I said you are dismissed. Leave us."

Henry set his jaw in irritation at his king but led the other men from the room. They left quietly, but as soon as they were gone, Hal advanced on Orion. They stood toe to toe, but Orion was a few inches taller than the king.

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