Chapter 7

By Ruthlessness, I Rule 7


Neither Of us said a word to one another as Sava? returned to driving to the party.

I mean… I don't know what to say. This was so fucking missed up, the whole idea of me and this man in one place is one thing but him taking ownership of me as if I was some kind of object is a whole other thing.

And the whole him being my father's enemy's son didn't leave my mind as well because it made me feel like everyone knew everything about my life but my own self and worse is that they refuse to tell me anything.?

Why are they doing this to me? Do I really look too weak in their eyes to the point where they think I couldn't handle a single truth and if only I was asking for too much, all I'm asking for is my life… the one that I forgot.

It's not like I chose to forget everything.

"You're not going to tell me anything about my past are you? If you know about it." I whispered and for a moment I would think he didn't hear it but the silence in the car was begging to be filled with any sound so he must've heard it.

I noticed his hand clench on the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white and his shoulders tensed but he still answered me. "Güzel, don't ask for answers that you can't handle hearing." As much as he tries to sound playful I still heard the edge his voice had, was I triggering something without knowing? It doesn't matter.

I snapped "So that's it, huh? You all think I'm too damn weak to know the truth about me! About my life!" I was heaving by the time I stopped talking and I have to admit that I never felt the need to find out something like I want to know this. I'm done being lied to.

Suddenly Sava?'s expressions changed from angry and out of patience to sinful and mischievous as his million dollars smirk reappeared on his face and I could never ignore how the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I should be scared but am I really?

Who knows?

"Alright you're right, I do know but we'll do this by my rules…" My Rules. Those two words should scare the fuck out of me because it might as well mean that I'm already at his mercy. So was what I wanted to know, worth putting myself at Sava? Ewald's mercy??

"What are your rules exactly?" I surely didn't know what to expect from someone like him but could it really be that bad? Absolutely. Could I handle it? Still not confirmed.?

"Is that a yes?" Sava? asked with that same goddamn smirk.

"No, it's up for debate." I fired back immediately and he only chuckled at me and continued driving, not saying anything for a while.

"We will go and party and once the clock strikes midnight, I'll send you a message to meet me so that you'll know my rules. Got it?"?

I sighed, clearly frustrated but still I nodded. "But just so you know, if you're relying on me being drunk then that's too bad because–" for what seemed to be the millionth time tonight, he cut me off mid sentence.

"Because you're not allowed to drink, I know." He once again left me speechless due to how much he knew about my life… was he stalking me or something? I mean, he sure does give stalker vibes.

"And besides…" He trailed off as he parked the car in front of what looked like a Palace, not just a mansion and I felt as if I had seen this place before, but where?

"There is only one thing you are going to be drunk on with me, it's pleasure." Pleasure? What kind of pleasure exactly? I was about to ask him but he got out of the car and came to open my door and offered me his but I got out on my own and started walking towards that freaking palace when I heard his throaty chuckle behind me.

Seconds before I pushed the door, Sava? was beside me and I didn’t have time to react when he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him as he pushed the door open and entered the palace.

I almost wanted to cover my ears from how loud the music was but that's a party after all so it was kind of the way it works.

My eyes started scanning the crowd in hopes to find Talia but I couldn't see her and didn't have the chance to do so when Sava? pulled me with him to god knows where.

"Jesper, give us a no alcohol drink." Sava? yelled over the music when we reached the bar but I didn't see anyone behind the bar, much less Jesper so why did…

"Excuse you?" I heard Jesper's voice before he suddenly came from beneath the bar and I had to make a double check later if there was a secret passage under it or something.?

Jesper was about to say more when he noticed me, his eyes became more playful than they already were before he extended his hand so I would take it and I did just to spite the son of a bitch beside me.

"My, my, my Cressida…" he brought me hand closer to his face before pressing a kiss to the back of it but he didn’t let it go afterwards.

"If I knew that my party would shine up like that because you're in it I would've invited you a long time ago." He was rubbing his finger back and forth on my hand and I would've felt uncomfortable if it was someone else but everyone, myself included, knew about Jesper's flirty nature, it's just the way he was.

"Well, first time for everything right?" I never thought that I'd be at ease and even smile with any of the horsemen but then again they weren't the ones who bullied me, it was the bastard standing beside me.

"Indeed…" For a second his eyes travelled to Sava? and suddenly he let go of my hand and asked nervously as if he was scared or maybe… he was.?

"So you want a no alcohol drink, why?" Jesper asked while looking for anything that doesn't have alcohol for me, if such a thing existed in a party for the horsemen because I figured this was Jesper's house which I knew because I kinda made a research on the horsemen from day one so that I would know my enemy.?

I opened my mouth to answer him when Sava? beat me to it and said aggressively. "It's non of your fucking business, give her the drink and walk away." To my surprise, Jesper only laughed before handing me a drink that had raspberry flavour, kissed my hand again then ran away.

"Thanks, Jesper." I yelled in hopes he would hear me and he did because he looked at me with a wink before disappearing into the crowd.

?"Why are you thanking him?" Sava? asked me with the same aggressiveness he talked to Jesper by but I didn't give two shits if I'm being honest.?

"Because I have manners, ever heard of them, Ewald?" I giggled a little at him as if I was tipsy but I'm not, I'm simply having fun testing his patience.

"We'll see if you would be laughing at midnight, Güzel." That's all he said before walking away from me and I was tempted to follow him and ask what were these riddles of his but I didn't have time to do anything when Talia magically appeared and pulled me to dance with her.

And for now I decided that I should enjoy myself until midnight anyway…

"It was one hell of a day honestly." Jesper laughed more to himself than us but it wasn't as if not everyone who were surrounding the bar wasn't laughing at his stories, it was the highlight of the party.

It took me sometime to stop laughing at him before I asked "Let me get this straight, you broke into a candy shop just to eat different kinds of cotton candy in the middle of the night and had the audacity to leave an apology note but didn't leave money!"?

He placed his hand over his heart dramatically as he looked at me. "Amor, how could you think that?" He came from behind the bar to place an arm over my shoulder and the other went on Talia's.

"I left about five dollars… the service was bad you know." And just like that everyone started laughing at him again but I stopped when my phone vibrated in my purse so I had to pull away from Jesper to take it out and found a message from…

From: Sava? Ewald.

Last room on the third floor and don't keep me waiting, Güzel… unless you don't want to know the truth?

My eyes widened. Was it midnight already and the party was still pretty much still alive so I had to pull Talia with me for a second.?

"I have to go do something, so don't you dare pass out from drinking, got it?" She only nodded her head before drinking another shot.?

I only sighed before I went up the stairs, reaching the third floor and opened the door room slowly, it was dark, the only light was the one coming from the room and I was about to call out for Sava? when I felt a not breath beside my ear and suddenly I was frozen in place.

The fight or flight mode would've come back to me but I felt deep in my guts that it was him, I just knew.

"My rules are the following…" He brushed my hair to the side as his lips hovered over my ear and kept going back and forth between it and the side of my neck.

"For every kiss we have, I'll tell you one word that has something to do with your past." My eyes widened and my heart picked up a new pace… did he just say kiss?

I was going to object when his hand came on my mouth as he shushed me in a low voice.

"I'll say what I have and after that you can object, got it?" I nodded my head hesitantly but surprisingly he still removed his hand away from my mouth but only to place on my lower stomach.?

He took a deep breath then continued talking. "And for every orgasm I wrench out of this pretty little body, I'll tell you a sentence." My breath turned shallow at his words and tingles travelled through my body, going straight to my core and I got that feeling as if someone was twisting my guts. Was that what it felt like to be… turned on by someone?

"And for every time those lips get wrapped around my cock, you'll get three sentences." He brought his other hand to my neck as he stepped closer to me, making me feel him against my back and I could function anything by now. It felt as if I was blinded, my brain filled with clouds and it was a raging storm at the same time.?

"Lastly, for every time I fuck you, you'll get a short story." I had to pull away from him right now before I do something I'll regret or at least something that my brain was going to regret, not my body.

So I rammed my elbow into his side forcing him to pull away from me and I turned around so I'm looking at him directly or what appeared from him in the dark room.

"You are fucking sick psychopath!" I screamed at him but he only laughed humorlessly before raising his hand in defeat, looking at me with a dark smirk.

"And so are you, Güzel but me being a good person, I'll give you time to think about your decision because it's your life you want to know about remember?" He simply said before he got out of the room, leaving me alone to my thoughts.

Is my previous life really worth that much trouble? Is it really that valuable so that I would basically put my body and maybe my mind, under the mercy of Sava???

What the hell should I do?

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