"Common Arianna, eat you food"Her mum Beatrice said and Arianna swallowed hard.
She stared at her mum and then to her father who stared back at her.
"eat Arianna, your food will get cold "Her father said. She swallowed hard again and stared at the cutlery in front of her.
"Arianna " Her mum called again and that was when she picked up the cutlery with shaking hands.
She looked around the numerous maids and guards watching her.
Yeah! Don't be surprised..... The Walton family has its record of being the wealthiest family in Italy.....
They got the money, the influence but not as powerful as the Mafia "ANGELO BANDINI "
Arianna dipped her cutlery into the food but her hands kept shaking....cold sweat ran from her hair down to her face.
Tear rolled down her eyes.
"was this how she's gonna disgrace herself in front of everyone ...again? "she thought as her hands continued shaking.
She knows all eyes were on her and that made her nervous the more... She hands continued shaking, she couldn't dipped the cutlery into the food and raised in into her mouth.
She just couldn't do it. Her hands hit her plate and the broken plate fell to the ground,
It broke to pieces making everyone gasped.
More tears flow from her eyes as she stared at the broken pieces.
"Arianna!! "Her father sneered in anger.
She shrieked more in fright....
"Not again " she thought.
"how long are you gonna bring my reputation to ruin..... How long are you gonna disgrace me. You embarrassed me in front of everyone at the conference meeting. The other day at the party you acted differently and brought my name to shame....You seem not like the child I've raised up from years... Not like the child I sent out of the country for school..... You came back and after what happened four years back, you changed completely. My Arianna Is also sharp..... Do things in a modern way.... Only her appearance could give someone the impression that she's indeed from a classic home, she was my favorite but after the accident, everything changed ..... Tell me are you truly my Arianna" he yelled out.
His eyes were bloody and could scare anyone at that moment.
"calm down honey... Pls don't say that.... She's Arianna, she's our daughter, she's your favourite... even when she did something bad and ran away from house for good ten months you never stopped seaarching for her....you love her, so why the anger???... Calm down honey. She only needs some time.... The four past years of her life wasn't easy..... she's gonna come around..... Please give her space.... I beg of you"Arianna could hear her mum breaking voice and was all her fault.
"common honey, four years it's enough time for her to brace up.... Four good years is enough for her to come over the incident... "Her father yelled.
More and more tears flow from her eyes
"I'm sorry mum.... I'm sorry dad"She said. She stood up and ran upstairs
"you're making it hard for her"Mrs Beatrice said and stood up too
"clear the mess"She said to the maid and walked upstairs too
Arianna got to her room.... She shut the door and lean behind it as she started crying profusely
"this is not me.... Who am i"She asked no one in particular. She covered her face with her palm and cried into it
She took some steps and walked towards the portray of herself on the wall
She looks so innocent and beautiful....
This was her face four years ago before the accident. But after the accident which damaged her face, she had to undergo a facial surgery for a new face
"are you really me?? "She asked the picture on the wall
The door opened and she quickly wiped her tears. She knew it was her mum and she didn't want her to see her in that condition
"my angel "Her mum called and hearing her voice brought more tears from her eyes
"mum "She called and sobbed more
"it's fine.... everything is gonna be fine "her mum said and hugged her
"it never will.... Why do I feel this is not me. Who am I mum?? "She asked in between tears
"your Arianna Walton..... My only daughter.... The heir to the Walton empire. That's who you're "Her mum replied
"But..... "
"Don't say anything..... all will be fine my angel "She said and hugged her tightly
Arianna hugged her back and cried on her shoulders..... She broke the hug and stared into her eyes
"I love you mum"She said
"I love you angel "She replied
She stared at the picture on the wall. She was wearing a silver necklace
She touched the necklace slowly
"it's beautiful and must have cost alot"She whispered
"yes Arianna..... It was given to me by my mother and when you where born I handed it over to you. It was your favorite jewelry.... You wear it everywhere you go but after the incident you lost it"Her mum said sadly
"I'm sorry"She pouted her mouth
The door opened and a maid walked in with food
"you didn't eat your breakfast.... Eat now and go for lectures "Her mum said and she nodded taking the tray of food from the maid
She placed it on her bed. She opened it and stared at her mum
"go on.... You can used your hands "Her mum said
"thank you mum "She said and rushed to the bathroom. She watched her both hands and ran back
She opened her food and started feasting on it with her bare hands
"this is so delicious "She said inbetween the food
A tears escaped Mrs Beatrice eyes. The Arianna she knew wouldn't think of using her bare hands to eat..... She was very good in cutlery and talking while eating is what she hate most.
Arianna kept packing the food into her mouth even when her mouth was feed up
"easy Arianna.... You're gonna choke yourself "Her mum said
"I'm sorry mum"She replied inbetween the meal
More and more tears escaped Mrs Beatrice eyes
"she really changed..... How long was she gonna continue with this?? "She thought as she watched her daughter eat
Arianna climbed down the stairs.... She was done eating and was her way to lectures
She saw her dad and her heart skipped
"was he going to yell at me again "She thought and gulped down
"Arianna!! "Her dad called and her heart skipped
He walked towards her and held her hand
"I'm sorry.... I shouldn't have yell at you"He apologize and she nodded slowly
"all you need is time and daddy is gonna give you that time. You know I love you right?? "he said and she nodded
"I love you more daddy "She said shyly
"come here"Her dad said and kissed her forehead
"lemme drop you at school before heading to the office "He said
"alright dad....i should wait for you at the call pack"She said and walked out
The big limousine entered the school compound and big screams could be heard from the students. Three other car accompied them and no doubt, everyone already knew who it was
It was the famous Arianna....The daughter of the wealthiest man in italy
"I swear.... I wish my parents will be this rich! " A student shouted
"Gosh!! She's living in wealth " Another student shouted
The car door opened and some guards came out. They walked towards the limousine and opened the door
"Gosh!!! She's coming out.... I must take this shot"A student said and brought out her phone
Arianna came out and breathe in
One thing is sure..... She isn't gonna disgrace herself in public but instead she's gonna act like the rich girl she was
"I love her outfit.... They look so expensive "
"swear.... It can buy my parents house "
"I love her hairband"
"Arianna!!! Can I take a shot with you!! "They scream out but she gave them a scoff
"guards!! "She called and her guard came and immediately cleared the road for her
"just let me touch your feet please "She heard another voice
"student of Georgia college are crazy "Bluey said and Draco chuckled
"it's not a big deal that one is rich..... So why worshipping her like a God?? "She asked Draco
"I can't tell Bluey "He replied
"let's go.... I don't wanna miss mister Thompson class"She said and pulled Draco
She turned but only bumped into Arianna
"watch it.... Poor thing!! "Arianna backed out
"I wasn't looking.... Sorry" Bluey replied
"you have eyes.... I don't wanna believe you can't use them "Arianna replied and Bluey scoffed
"I already said sorry.... No needs for the insult" she replied
"so rude..... I know your type. You're trying to get my attention right but I guessed you fail.... You should try harder cause I'm not gonna associate myself with a poor thing like you.... Your clothes, your bag and your shoes can't even buy my hair band.... So stop trying "She said and everyone burst out laughing
"stop yelling like a school bell.... It's annoying "Bluey replied and everyone gasped
"Yeah you got everything but you didn't include your expensive plastic face which you got from you your surgery. Your face and skinny body can't amount to my beautiful face and curvy body. You can take a good look at me if you haven't noticed "Bluey said and turned around for Arianna to get a better view of her shapes and curves
She swallowed hard.... No doubt, Bluey was blessed not only that, she was so beautiful
"wow.... That was a blow. She indeed got guts"Arianna heard some murmuring and gritted her teeth
"Guards!! Take me outta here!! "She screamed
"yes Miss Arianna!! "The guards said in unison and made way for her. She glanced at Bluey one more time and ran out
"I love you bestie " Draco said.
Bluey scoffed and punched his face
"shut up!!" she growled and he immediately held his lip
"of course my boss..... I wouldn't want to get punch again " Draco giggled end Bluey rolled her eyes before pulling him along
The sound of their beating heart could be heard as they all lined up
Who would have thought they would die so soon.... It's not even up the week given to them but now he wants them dead
Sofia smirked...theres no way he was gonna kill her
He loves her p*ssy .....she was sure of it
Angelo faced the wall, backing those to be killed
"kill them all!! "Her ordered and that was when Sofia heart skipped
She smirked... Maybe he was mistaking something
"Everyone except me! "She said in a tune of audacity as she came out
The guards gasped and same with everyone
Angelo clenched his jaw and turned slowly
"who dare question his authority!! "He thought. He turned completely and then he saw her
The p*ssy girl
"I'm scared.... She's gonna be the first to die"one of her minions whispered
Angelo got no expression on his face as he stared at her
Sofia smile widely staring directly into his eyes which anyone had never did including his men
"you can't kill me.... You love my pssy for you to kill me. I believe you can't find any other pssy has sweater like this..... Mine..... "She was cut off as Angelo blow off her head with a gun shout
"Argghhh!! "Everyone screamed in horror
"throw her off the cliff.... Kill the rest and come into that city and get me more people " He ordered and walked out
As he walked he could hear the gun shot. He felt nothing like remorse.... Instead he wasn't satisfied..... All he felt was anger
He got to his room and changed his coat. He stared out of the window and sighed
"it was time to visit him"He thought and picking some few stuff, he left
8pm, Rome, Italy
Angelo walked into the convent..... The think cardigan was covering his face
He bowed his head as he entered..... It was late at night, so no one was gonna see his face
He met the elderly woman immediately he steps in
"where's him"His cold voice asked
"follow me" That came the woman's response
He said nothing and followed behind
Yeah! this was were he always comes at night
But no one could identify his as the Mafia boss even if they sees his face.... not even the elderly woman
The Mafia boss hasn't been seen by anyone except his men and the people he killed
So know one can tell how exactly he looks like
The door opened. His eyes moved around the room and then it landed on his
"leave " he said icily to the woman
She nodded and left. The door shut behind on its own as he walked towards him
"where is she? Have you find her?? "The voice asked
The second voice that can calm his heart apart for her
"not yet but soon"He said calmly
"find her! Find her!! Find her!! "The voice screamed out
"I will find her.... I promise you! "He whispered in shaking voice. Almost at the edge of crying
He wipe his face with the back of his hand and lifted up his head
"I'm gonna find her.... Anything for you I'm gonna do in"She said, holding himself from bursting into tears
"No, he wasn't going to do that.... Not in his present "He thought
"I got to go"He said and quickly rushed out
He left the abandoned Convent and walked into the empty road
And that was when he released all the tears he was holding
More and more tears ran down his face
"I'm gonna find her.... I'm gonna find her"He said and cried more
Bluey was also walking down the same road..... She was set by her father to get some cigarettes at the outcast side of the city in the late hour of the night
She was so in a rush to get home that she didn't noticed the man who was coming
They both collide with each other and when she was about falling, his mighy arms wrapped around her waist.